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What is gene-edited food?

Gene-edited food is a type of genetically modified organism (GMO) that has been created using the CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing technology. This technology allows scientists to make precise modifications to the DNA of an organism by cutting out or inserting specific genes.

In the case of gene-edited food, this technology is used to make desirable changes to the DNA of crops, such as making them more resistant to pests or more tolerant to drought or extreme temperatures. This can potentially lead to crops that are more productive, nutritious, and sustainable.

Unlike traditional GMOs, which typically involve the insertion of foreign genes from different organisms, gene-edited food does not involve the introduction of foreign genes, but rather the modification of existing genes within the organism. This has led some experts to suggest that gene-edited food may be less controversial than traditional GMOs.

However, the use of gene editing in food has also raised concerns about the potential unintended consequences of modifying the genetic makeup of organisms, as well as the potential for misuse or unintended effects on the environment. As a result, gene-edited foods are subject to regulation by government agencies in many countries.

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