Saturday, May 4

Tag: kids health

Foods that should not be fed to babies in the first year

Foods that should not be fed to babies in the first year

Health, Health and Lifestyle
Newborns need to be cared for by parents and other family members. Especially we have to pay attention to his food. There are some foods that cannot be fed to a baby in the first year of life. Let's not know the foods that should not be eaten in the first year of life- 1. Do not feed honey to the baby in the first year of life. Honey contains a molecule called Clostridium botulinum. If the child consumes, the immunity becomes weak. It can also cause constipation and bacterial infections. 2. Cow's milk has the opposite effect on the health of the baby. Cow's milk is low in iron. Calcium and casein in cow's milk also stop the absorption of dietary non-frozen iron. 3. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends not giving fruit juices to first-year infants. Fruit juice provides ...

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