Wednesday, April 24

Tag: lifestyle tips

Unlocking the Powerful Benefits of Sesame Oil

Unlocking the Powerful Benefits of Sesame Oil

Health, Health and Lifestyle, ভেষজ
Sesame oil has many benefits. This oil can solve premature graying of hair. Sesame oil contains vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants; it has many benefits for the body as well as hair and skin care. Make sesame oil a daily companion, especially in winter makeup. Here are some powerful benefits of sesame oil. Sesame seeds are used as an ingredient in various dishes of the Indian subcontinent. There is a trend of using sesame oil in different cooking. These seeds are often used to garnish food. It is mainly used in fast food, bread. These seeds are also the best in terms of nutrition. sesame oil has numerous health benefits What is in sesame oil? Sesame oil contains sugars, dietary fiber, lipids, proteins, tryptophan, threonine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, cysteine,...
Galito’s – becoming top food place in Dhaka

Galito’s – becoming top food place in Dhaka

Health and Lifestyle, Lifestyle Tips
Located on 175/A, Road: 61, Gulshan North Avenue, Gulshan 2, in the center of Dhaka, Galito's is well known for its flame-grilled chicken that is marinated with only natural ingredients and available in a variety of flavors, including mild, hot, and premium reserve. When we visited them during Ramadan, we were completely astounded by the crowd and how their talented management, employees, and members maintained the entire environment with love and delicious cuisine! Truthfully, the most important thing is delicious meals in the end. Galito's also took the assertion seriously. You can judge for yourself by sampling their amazing meals and spotless service. Extra credit for the employees. Even beyond the iftar time, they could still be observed providing full service. Many food plat...
সেহরি কিংবা ইফতারে ভিন্নতা -পর্ব ১

সেহরি কিংবা ইফতারে ভিন্নতা -পর্ব ১

Health and Lifestyle, Lifestyle Tips
দেখতে দেখতে রহমতের অর্ধেকেরও বেশি  সময় আমরা পার করে এসেছি। রহমতের এই মাসে ইফতার  ও সেহরিতে ভিন্নতা আনতেই আমাদের এই আয়োজন। ধারাবাহিক এ আয়োজনের আজ থাকছে আমাদের প্রথম পর্ব। লিখেছেন নিলুফার দিশা ইফতার কিংবা সেহরিতে খাবারের ভিন্নতা আনতে আজকাল অনেকেই আমরা ঘরের খাবারের পাশাপাশি বাইরের খাবারেও আস্থাশীল। আর এক্ষেত্রে রেস্তোরাঁর পাশাপাশি শহরের ব্যুফেগুলো ও ভিন্ন মাত্রা যোগ করছে। আজ কথা বলছি সময়উপযোগি এক ব্যুফে নিয়ে,  দ্যা লবি ব্যুফে  তাদের যাত্রা শুরু হয় ২০২৩ এর ফেব্রুয়ারি ১২ থেকে। খুব অল্প সময়ের মাঝেও তাদের ভিন্নতা ও গুণগত মানসম্পন্ন খাদ্যের কারণে তারা শহরের বুফে লাভারদের মাঝে জায়গা করে নিয়েছে। কথা বলে জানা যায় চারজন মিলে গড়ে তুলেছেন দ্যা লবি ব্যুফে। The-lobby-buffet রেস্টুরেন্ট কর্তৃপক্ষের পক্ষ থেকে ম্যানেজার মারুফ হোসেন জানান, “আমরা গত ফেব্রুয়ারী থেকে আম...
5 Healthy Summer Diet Tips

5 Healthy Summer Diet Tips

Health, Health and Lifestyle
Summer is a time to enjoy the outdoors, but it's also important to take care of our health. In this video, we'll be sharing some tips for eating healthy during the summer months. by Faisal Abdullah Tip 1: Stay hydrated One of the most important things to do during the summer is to stay hydrated. It's important to drink plenty of water throughout the day to avoid dehydration. In addition to water, you can also drink coconut water, fresh fruit juice, or herbal teas. Avoid sugary drinks and soda as they can dehydrate you and lead to weight gain. Tip 2: Incorporate more fruits and vegetables The summer season is the perfect time to enjoy a wide variety of fresh fruits and vegetables. Eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables can provide your body with essential vitam...
How to preserve salt, biscuits, garlic and lemon

How to preserve salt, biscuits, garlic and lemon

Health and Lifestyle, Lifestyle Tips
There are different food preservation methods. If you know the right method, any food can be preserved for a long time. If salt is not stored properly, it will melt. Then the salt cannot be used. To avoid this problem, take some rice in a cotton cloth and seal it. Then keep it in the salt container. As rice absorbs moisture, the salt will stay fresh for a long time. Biscuits, puffed rice and some other cookies need to be stored for a long time. However, these foods become soft quickly. So in the jar in which you store these, sprinkle a little sugar or some clean paper (like in a biscuit tin). These paper will absorb the moisture and keep the food crispy. Garlic rots if left open for too long. If you make some holes in a packet and fill it with garlic and seal the bag, the garlic...
কম টাকায় সংসার চালানোর উপায় কী

কম টাকায় সংসার চালানোর উপায় কী

Health and Lifestyle, Lifestyle Tips
মুদি দোকানদার আর মুদিপণ্যের ব্যবসায়ীমহল ছাড়া বাকি সবার এক কথা, এই বাজারে চলবো কী করে। সংসারের খরচ কী করে কমাবো ? কম টাকায় সংসার চালানোর উপায় কী ? কম খরচে কী করে সংসার চালাবেন উত্তর কেউ দিতে পারবে না। কারণ বাজার নিয়ে মোটামুটি বলতে গেলে ব্যবসায়ী ছাড়া আর কারওরই ধারণা নেই। দোকানদার বিশেষ করে মুদি দোকানদারদের অত চিন্তা নেই। পাইকারিতে চিনি ২০০ টাকা হলে তারা বেচবেন ২৩০ টাকা। সমস্যা তো নাই। যা যাবে ক্রেতার উপর দিয়ে যাবে। কম টাকায় চলার উপায় নিয়ে তাদের অত না ভাবলেও চলবে। যাদের কম টাকায় চলার চিন্তা আছে মূলত এই লেখা ও বুদ্ধিগুলো তাদের জন্য। বড় বড় ব্যবসায়ী, আমদানিকারক ও পণ্য নির্মাতা যারা আছেন, তাদেরও চিন্তা নেই। ডলারের দাম হিসাব করে তার সঙ্গে উপরি কিছু লাভ টাভ যোগ করে জিনিসপত্রের দাম ঠিক করে দিলেই হলো। যারা কেনার তারা তো কিনবেই। এখানেই হলো ফাঁক। তারা দেখেছেন যে আপনারা ১৪০ টাকাতেও চিনি কিনছেন, আবা...
10 tips on open relationships: How to avoid conflicts

10 tips on open relationships: How to avoid conflicts

Health and Lifestyle, Lifestyle Tips
10 tips on open relationships: How to avoid conflicts Here are ten tips on open relationships:   Communicate: Open and honest communication is key in any relationship, but it's especially important in an open relationship. Be upfront about your wants and needs and encourage your partner to do the same. Establish boundaries: Discuss and agree on the boundaries of your open relationship. These might include things like whether or not you can date someone you already know, whether you can have sex with other people, and what level of emotional involvement is allowed. Don't compare: Avoid comparing your other partners to your primary partner. Each relationship is unique and should be valued for its own qualities. Practice safe sex: Make sure to use protection and get teste...
7 Super Health Benefits of Chia Seeds

7 Super Health Benefits of Chia Seeds

Health, Health and Lifestyle, ভেষজ
Chia seeds are a type of seed that is considered a superfood due to its numerous health benefits. Here are some of the benefits of consuming chia seeds: Rich in nutrients: Chia seeds are a good source of essential nutrients, including fiber, protein, omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and several vitamins and minerals. Supports weight management: Chia seeds are high in fiber, which can help you feel full and satisfied, making it easier to stick to a healthy diet. Promotes heart health: Chia seeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which have been shown to support heart health by reducing inflammation and improving cholesterol levels. Improves digestion: Chia seeds are high in fiber, which can help promote regular bowel movements and improve digestive health. Boosts energ...
How to attract girls tips and mistakes to avoid

How to attract girls tips and mistakes to avoid

Health and Lifestyle, Relationship
Whether you're looking for a relationship or just want to make new friends, attracting girls can be a tricky business. It can be intimidating to approach someone you find attractive, especially if you don't know them already. However, by understanding the basics of female psychology and following a few simple tips, you can increase your chances of success in the dating game. Here are some how-to-attract girls tips for you. First, it's important to understand that girls are attracted to confidence. Women are naturally drawn to men who can project a sense of security and assurance. If you want to attract girls, you'll need to exude confidence in your body language, conversation, and overall demeanor. Display your best features and be prepared to answer questions about yourself. Don't ...
5 Winter Hair Care Tips Easy to Follow

5 Winter Hair Care Tips Easy to Follow

Health and Lifestyle, Lifestyle Tips
Winter can be a difficult time for hair care, as the cold temperatures and dry air can strip strands of their moisture, leading to dull, brittle, and lifeless locks. To help you protect your hair during the winter months, here are some tips for keeping your tresses looking healthy and vibrant. Start with a good haircut. Trimming ends regularly is important for removing split ends and keeping hair healthy, but it’s especially important in the winter when the air is naturally dry. A good trim can help prevent further damage.   Use a deep conditioning treatment. Deep conditioning treatments are great for restoring moisture to hair and keeping it looking shiny and healthy. Look for a product that contains natural oils like coconut, argan, and avocado, as these will help n...

10 household tips you might not know

Lifestyle Tips
10 household tips 1. Use a damp cloth to remove pet hair from furniture. 2. Use a squeegee to wipe down shower walls after each use and reduce the need for scrubbing. 3. Wash and reuse plastic grocery bags for small trash cans. 4. Store extra plastic bags in a tissue box for easy access. 5. Place a sheet of wax paper underneath furniture legs to protect hardwood floors from scratches. 6. Use a lint roller to quickly clean up pet hair. 7. Place a dryer sheet in your vacuum cleaner to help remove pet hair. 8. Use a vinegar and baking soda mixture to clean bathroom fixtures and tiles. 9. Use a damp cloth to clean smudges and fingerprints off of walls and appliances. 10. Use an old sock to dust furniture and other hard-to-reach places.
10 Supersecret House Cleaning Tips

10 Supersecret House Cleaning Tips

Lifestyle Tips
Here are some secret House Cleaning Tips 1. Clean silver with aluminum foil, baking soda, and hot water. 2. Use a lint roller to remove pet hair from furniture. 3. Use white vinegar to clean and deodorize a smelly garbage disposal. 4. Use baking soda and vinegar to clean a microwave. 5. Use a lemon to remove hard water stains from glass shower doors. 6. Use a few drops of essential oil in a spray bottle full of water to make a natural air freshener. 7. Soak stained clothes in a solution of baking soda and water before washing. 8. Clean the inside of your refrigerator with baking soda and warm water. 9. Clean the inside of your oven with a paste of baking soda and water. 10. To clean stainless steel surfaces, use a soft cloth and a mixture of vinegar and wate...
রূপচর্চা টিপস : রূপচর্চায় দুর্বা ঘাস ও লজ্জাবতীর ব্যবহার

রূপচর্চা টিপস : রূপচর্চায় দুর্বা ঘাস ও লজ্জাবতীর ব্যবহার

Health and Lifestyle, ভেষজ
দুর্বা একটি লতানো ঘাস জাতীয় উদ্ভিদ। প্রত্যেক গিট থেকে শিকড় বের হয়। পাতা ৫ ইঞ্চি/ ১ ইঞ্চি লম্বা হয় দেখতে চিকন। অগ্রভাগ সরু । সমগ্র ঘাস ব্যবহার করা হয়। রূপচর্চায় দুর্বাঘাসের মতো লজ্জাবতীরও আছে ব্যবহার। আর আমাদের গ্রামবাংলার মেঠোপথ থেকে শহরের পথের ধারেও এ দুটি ভেষজ অনেক পরিমাণে দেখা যায়। রূপচর্চায় দুর্বার মতো লজ্জাবতীরও আছে বেশ কিছু ব্যবহার। চলুন জেনে নেওয়া যাক দুর্বা ও লজ্জাবতীর কিছু ভেষজ গুণ । রূপচর্চায় দুর্বা ঘাসের ব্যবহার যে কেনো ধরনের এলার্জি (severe allargic) তে দুর্বা পাতার চূর্ণ মধুসহ লেহন/ বেটে খেলে এলার্জি কমে যায়। এ ক্ষেত্রে পাতার রস সেবন করলেও ফল পাওয়া যায়। অকালে ও অকারণে চুল ঝরায় দুর্বার রস (চারভাগের এক ভাগ) তিল তেল জ্বাল দিয়ে মাথায় মাখলে চুল গজবে ও চুল পড়া বন্ধ হবে। পাইরিয়া রোগে শুকনো দুর্বার গুড়া ও নিম পাতার গুড়া এক সাথে মিশিয়ে প্রতিদিন সকালে এবং রা...
Natural shampoos for clean and robust hair

Natural shampoos for clean and robust hair

Health and Lifestyle, ভেষজ
Dust and sand are scattered in the winter wind. If you don't shampoo every day, it won't work. Meanwhile, excessive shampoo hair damage! Use chemical shampoo two-three days a week instead of daily. Apply natural shampoo for the rest of the day. Shampoos made with natural ingredients are just as effective as store-bought shampoos. In addition, along with cleaning the hair, various hair problems will also be removed. Soapberry Even before soap or shampoo was made, ancient women cleaned their hair with soapberry. It is also very easy to use. All you need is rice and water. Soak a few soapberries in a cup of warm water before going to bed at night. In the morning, apply the soaked water thoroughly from the roots to the ends of the hair. Rinse with plenty of water. The hair will ...
Quench your thirst at Ramadan with these extraordinary halal drinks

Quench your thirst at Ramadan with these extraordinary halal drinks

Health and Lifestyle, Recipe
When Ramadan arrives in the summer, load up on replenishing drinks after breaking the fast   This year the holy month of Ramadan falls in the summer, making fasting a tough task for Muslims across the world who abstain from food and drink until sunset. As the body loses liquids, people need to drink more after Iftar in order to avoid dehydration. All of the following are traditional Ramadan drinks that can keep you hydrated.   Dates and Milk Dates and Milk are traditionally eaten right after the sunset call to prayer. Muslims begin their Iftar by consuming the dried dates, which are put in milk overnight, in adherence to the teachings of the Prophet Mohammed, who also broke his fast this way. While plain dates and a simple glass of milk are certainly traditional, y...

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