Saturday, July 27

Tag: skin

Follow These Simple Steps for Glowing Skin

Follow These Simple Steps for Glowing Skin

Health and Lifestyle, Lifestyle Tips
Many people use expensive cosmetics for glowing skin. However, you can achieve glowing skin by following some simple steps, in addition to using these products. Along with skincare, it is important to eat healthy food and follow certain rules to maintain glowing skin. Try to wash your face at least twice a day if your skin is oily. You can use a homemade besan mask to clean the dirt accumulated on your face. Antioxidants increase collagen, help with pigmentation, and act as anti-aging agents. So, eat foods rich in antioxidants. Drink plenty of water during summer. Water is very beneficial for skin problems. Use moisturizer regularly. Take two vitamin E capsules, 1 spoon of coconut oil, 1 spoon of beeswax, and half a cup of olive oil. Mix the olive oil and coconut oil well,...
Various Uses of Glycerin For Skin

Various Uses of Glycerin For Skin

Health and Lifestyle, Lifestyle Tips
There is never any fear of dry skin when using glycerin. Glycerin is very beneficial for keeping skin healthy, especially during the winter season. Glycerin can be applied directly to the skin or mixed with cosmetic products. Apart from this, glycerin can be used to control skin problems like cold sores and psoriasis. Now, let's learn how to use it. As a moisturizer: Glycerin can be used on the skin as a moisturizer. It works well for dry and dull skin. Apply glycerin directly to the skin using cotton. It will make the skin smooth and soft. For skin cleansing: Glycerin mixed with rose water can be used for skin cleansing. Cleanse the skin with this mixture regularly before going to bed at night. Additionally, you can use it as a toner. In combination with moisturizer: Glyc...
Protect Your Skin from Sunburn with Effective Home Remedies

Protect Your Skin from Sunburn with Effective Home Remedies

Health, Health and Lifestyle
If you want to shield your skin from sunburn, try these home remedies: Aloe Vera: Numerous studies have demonstrated the unparalleled benefits of this natural ingredient in enhancing skin beauty and health. Aloe vera effectively reduces inflammation deep within the skin. Simply apply aloe vera gel to sunburned skin and leave it on for a while. Cucumber: Cucumber is renowned for its ability to reduce skin inflammation and enhance skin beauty, recommended by dermatologists. To prevent sunburn, apply cucumber packs. Create a paste by mixing cucumber with lemon juice and apply it to your face for 15 minutes. Watermelon: With its affordability, watermelon is another excellent option. Collect some watermelon juice and apply it to your face. Additionally, rubbing the peel on your s...
মেছতার দাগ দূর করার উপায় জেনে নিন

মেছতার দাগ দূর করার উপায় জেনে নিন

Health, Health and Lifestyle
নানা কারণে মুখের চামড়া কুঁচকে যায়। মুখে ভাঁজ পড়ে, দাগ পড়ে, ফেটেও যায়। আর এসবের কারণে এক পর্যায়ে মুখে পড়তে পারে মেছতার দাগ । মুখে মেছতার দাগ দূর করার উপায় নিয়ে লিখেছেন ডা. মুহাম্মাদ মাহতাব হোসাইন মাজেদ  মুখে মেছতার দাগ কী? মেছতাকে বলে মেলাজমা অথবা কোলাজমা। এমনটা হলে ত্বকে হালকা বাদামি রঙের ছোপ দাগ পড়ে। মুখ-কপালসহ বুকেও হতে পারে মেছতা। তাই সময় থাকতে মেছতার দাগ দূর করার উপায় জেনে নিন মেছতা কেন হয় জিনগত সমস্যা, অস্বাভাবিক হরমোন ক্ষরণ, পর্যাপ্ত ঘুম না হওয়া, পরিমাণমতো পানি পান না করা, তৈলাক্ত ও অস্বাস্থ্যকর খাবার খাওয়া, মানসিক চাপ ও দুশ্চিন্তা, প্রচুর ঘাম হওয়ার পর পরিচ্ছন্ন না হওয়া, অতিবেগুণী রশ্মির কারণে মুখে মেছতা হয় । আবার হাইপারপিগমেন্টেশনও এর কারণ। ব্রণ, বসন্ত রোগ, একজিমা এবং অ্যালার্জির প্রতিক্রিয়া হিসেবে মেছতার দাগ পড়তে পারে। মেছতা কত প্রকার ত্বকের...
4 herbs for radiant skin

4 herbs for radiant skin

Health, Health and Lifestyle, ভেষজ
Herbs can be relied upon to revive rough and dry skin. Natural ingredients are also very effective in keeping skin cells strong. Here are 5 herbal tips for beautiful, radiant and smooth skin.   Aloe vera, besan and turmeric Aloe vera is incomparable in skin and hair care. The ingredient helps to keep the skin cool. The anti-oxidant in turmeric helps in the production of collagen in the skin. Bason cleanses and brightens the skin. Make a paste by mixing 1 teaspoon besan, 1 teaspoon turmeric powder and 2 tablespoons aloe vera gel. Leave the mixture on the skin for 20 minutes and wash off.   Honey Honey contains antiseptic and anti-bacterial properties. So this ingredient is able to eliminate acne. There is also no sweet pair to keep the skin hydrated. Apply ho...
10 Extraordinary Tips to Keep the Skin Evergreen!

10 Extraordinary Tips to Keep the Skin Evergreen!

Health, Health and Lifestyle, Lifestyle Tips
Today I will share some tips to keep the skin evergreen and youthful. Before the age of 30-35, there are black lines under the eyes. Our food habits, pollution, insomnia, stress are the culprit. If you want to maintain the beauty of the skin for a long time, follow some tips. Use sunscreen to protect skin from ultraviolet rays. Eat carrots, chocolate, and green tea every day. These are rich in lycopene. Which protects the skin from the sun's rays. Massage the skin for a while every day. The skin will remain supple. Exercise daily to keep skin taut. Drink enough water every day. The skin will remain tight. Use a skin scrub once a week. It will remove the dead skin and keep the skin well. Eat green vegetable juice. Do face yoga every day. Clean the makeup well a...
6 vegetables for skincare

6 vegetables for skincare

Health and Lifestyle, Lifestyle Tips, ভেষজ
Excessive use of cosmetics or dust has made the skin rough? You can rely on natural ingredients to restore natural radiance to the skin. Some vegetables at hand can solve various skin problems. Learn how to use any vegetable in skincare. Tomatoes Tomatoes are rich in vitamin C. It brightens the skin. In addition, the acid in tomatoes is able to remove dark spots on the skin. Tomato slices rubbed on the skin removes sunburn spots. Apply tomato paste mixed with honey on the skin. The skin will be radiant.   Lemon There is no alternative of lemon to bleach the skin naturally. Mixing lemon juice with honey and applying it on the skin removes dead skin. Cut the lemon in half and rub a few drops of honey on the skin. The skin will be radiant.   Cucumber Cucu...
To remove the dead cells of the skin

To remove the dead cells of the skin

Glamour, Health, Health and Lifestyle
Dryness of the skin increases in winter. The amount of dead cells in the skin also increases. If these are not removed in the right way, various problems may arise. Our skin changes normally. New cells are born in the skin, old cells die. Growing dead cells or dead skin from the skin is a normal process. The problem is when dead skin is not removed regularly. It causes cracks in the skin, causes acne, closes the pores of the skin, increases hair loss, and causes various skin diseases. Dead cells usually adhere to the skin. White dead cells can be seen from there. Many people suffer from dandruff. These are also dead cells of the scalp. Dead cells of the scalp In winter, the number of dead cells on the scalp increases, which is called dandruff. Massage the oil regularly to remove d...
Get rid of skin problems in ten steps!

Get rid of skin problems in ten steps!

Cover Story, Glamour, Health, Health and Lifestyle
Seeing the perfect skin of Korean girls is bound to dazzle the eyes. The secret to this flawless, pelvic skin is a special 10-step skincare routine. Follow these and say no to skin problems ! Make-up removal: Every day when we go out, we come in contact with sun, dust and smoke. Its net fruit? The skin becomes dirty. So when you come from outside, first you have to wipe your face well with an oil based cleanser. There is no substitute for oil-based cleansers for make-up, and dust removal. You can use essential oils or oil based cleansers like grape seed or jojoba. Water-based cleansers for skin problems : They are good at removing sweat and dirt from the face. You can use green tea based cleanser or rice water. Exfoliation: If the dead cells of the mouth are frozen, the age of the...

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