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Here you will get Health related tips and Doctors’ advice.

8 reasons to eat dates every day

8 reasons to eat dates every day

Health, Health and Lifestyle
The benefits of dates are enormous. On the one hand, dates are good for health as well as for skin and hair. In addition to important antioxidants, dates also contain vitamins A, B, potassium, manganese, sulfur, protein, fiber, and iron. Dates help to lose weight: Surprising but true is that dates play an important role in weight loss. You can have dates with a cup of black coffee in the morning or with milk tea or green tea in the evening. Dates help to keep the stomach full. As a result, interest in fast food is greatly reduced. Strengthens bones: Dates protect us from cold weather because they are rich in nutrients and protein. Dates help keep our weak bones healthy. In addition, the magnesium in dates helps keep bones healthy. Reduces craving for sugar: The sugar in d...
Control blood sugar without medication

Control blood sugar without medication

Cover Story, Health, Health and Lifestyle
In winter, besides vegetables, the market is full of various fruits. This is a good time to eat. However, those who are suffering from diabetes, they have to be a little careful. Because the temperature drops during the winter, blood sugar levels often rise. So at this time, you have to pay attention to your diet to control blood sugar. Keep in mind that there are many fruits in winter that act as a medicine to keep your sugar levels right. As well as weight, it also keeps you healthy by maintaining cholesterol levels. So add certain fruits to your food list in winter. Kiwi: This fruit is rich in antioxidants, vitamin C, fiber and potassium. This fruit is very effective and beneficial for those who are suffering from diabetes. It is more or less available in almost every season of th...
Excessive dry skin? Find out what to do

Excessive dry skin? Find out what to do

Glamour, Health, Health and Lifestyle
Dry skin becomes more rough and lifeless in winter. Especially those whose skin is extra dry type, their danger is more. In winter, such skin needs a little extra care. Do not use excessive alkaline facewash or soap. Try using mild soap and facewash. Be sure to use a moisturizer every time you clean your skin. Use hydrating serum twice a day. Apply it on the skin before using the moisturizer. Use a skin scrubber at least once a week. This will remove the dead skin on the skin. Use a heavy cream or moisturizer before going to bed at night. If the ankle is broken, apply glycerin and wear socks before going to bed at night. Do not take frequent baths with hot water.
শীতে রোগ প্রতিরোধ ক্ষমতা বাড়ায় যেসব ফল

শীতে রোগ প্রতিরোধ ক্ষমতা বাড়ায় যেসব ফল

করোনার কারণে এ বছর সবাই স্বাস্থ্য নিয়ে উদ্বিগ্ন হয়ে পড়েছেন। স্বাস্থ্য বিশেষজ্ঞরা বলছেন, শীতকালে ফ্লু বা সংক্রমণ আবারও বাড়তে পারে। এজন্য শীতে রোগ প্রতিরোধ বাড়ানো খুবই জরুরি। শীতের সময় এমন বেশ কিছু ফল পাওয়া যায় যা শরীরের রোগ প্রতিরোধ ক্ষমতা বাড়ায়। যেমন- পেয়ারা : আজকাল সারাবছরই পেয়ারা পাওয়া যায়। এতে ভিটামিন সি এবং অ্যান্টিঅক্সিডেন্টস থাকায় এটি সংক্রমণের বিরুদ্ধে লড়াই করে এবং কোষকে যে কোনও ধরনের ক্ষয়ক্ষতি থেকে রক্ষা করে। এছাড়াও পেয়ারাতে প্রচুর পরিমাণে ফাইবার থাকায় এটি হৎপিণ্ডকে সুস্থ রাখে। সেই সঙ্গে রক্তে শর্করার পরিমাণ নিয়ন্ত্রণ করে। নাশপাতি: শীতের ফলের মধ্যে অন্যতম হচ্ছে নাশপাতি। খেতে সুস্বাদু এ ফলটি গুণেও অনন্য। এটি অন্ত্রের জন্য খুব ভালো। নাশপাতিতে ভিটামিন ই, সি এর মতো অ্যান্টিঅক্সিডেন্ট এবং অ্যান্টি-ইনফ্ল্যামেটরি বৈশিষ্ট্য থাকায় এটি শরীরের নানা উপকার করে। কমলা : কমলা ভি...
Follow these rules after 30

Follow these rules after 30

Glamour, Health, Health and Lifestyle, Lifestyle Tips
Many things have to be adjusted with age. Besides taking care of one's health, one should also pay attention to beauty after 30. We have to make some changes in our lifestyle. At this age you must adhere to certain things. Because 30 years have passed. After 25 years, the performance of the numerous cells scattered throughout our body gradually begins to decline. And at 35, the degeneration process seems to be at its peak. As the body begins to show signs of age, the skin loses its beauty. At the same time the body's resistance to disease also decreases. As a result, various complex and difficult diseases take up residence in the body. With age the body becomes weaker, performance decreases. However, if you follow some rules in life, you can stay healthy and beautiful for a lon...
Shahrukh Khan’s favorite food

Shahrukh Khan’s favorite food

Entertainment, Health, Health and Lifestyle
Today is the 55th birthday of Bollywood king Shahrukh Khan. There is nothing new to say about this skyscraper popular actor. He has turned his name into an adjective in popularity. Conquering his age, he is still working as one of the best actors in Bollywood. Shahrukh is still romancing with his half-aged actresses. Yet he is the best choice hero of the female audience. King Khan has kept himself fit not only mentally but also physically. And his daily diet has a great role to play. In a recent interview, the king of Bollywood spoke of his hard work. There he talks about his daily food list. Shahrukh khan said that if he wakes up early, his day starts with the white part of the egg, a glass of orange juice and some vitamin tablets. However, if you wake up late, you usually do not...
Understand the symptoms of breast cancer

Understand the symptoms of breast cancer

Health, Health and Lifestyle
Breast cancer is a very well known disease. Many women die of the disease every year. All the causes of breast cancer are still unknown. However, it has been possible to know several 'risk factors'. Obesity is one of them. Early diagnosis of breast cancer is possible with a little awareness. That reduces the problem a lot. The patient's outcome is also good. Different Symptoms of Breast Cancer - 1. Changes in the size or shape of the breast. 2. Lumps in the breast 3. Changes in the skin of the breast 4. Discharge of fluid from the nipple 5. Going inside the nipple or nipple. 6. Nipple changes One of the causes of breast cancer is cancer. The difference with other wheels is that it is not easy to move, the surface is uneven and usually painless. How do you unde...
7 ways to stay healthy with arthritis

7 ways to stay healthy with arthritis

Cover Story, Health, Health and Lifestyle
We are all more or less familiar with the term arthritis. Arthritis is inflammation of the bones or joints. Why arthritis occurs One of the reasons is aging. As we age, the amount of water in the cartilage increases and the amount of protein decreases. For that, the cartilage also starts to decay. If the bodyweight is high, the disease can be due to excessive pressure on different joints. Some people may have this disease at birth. Symptoms of this disease The symptoms of this disease are unbearable pain in the neck, shoulders, back, waist or scalp. It can be very difficult to turn the neck, bend the body and walk. In addition, mild fever, loss of appetite and weight loss are the symptoms of this disease. Who is more likely to get this disease Usually after 30 years. People who work ...

Drinks that will control high blood pressure

Health, Health and Lifestyle, Recipe
Many people are suffering from high blood pressure. High blood pressure is not only seen in the elderly but also in the young. This disease can be controlled by following a healthy lifestyle and following certain daily rules. Junk food and unhealthy habits should be given up. Tomatoes and carrots can be combined to make great juices, which help control hypertension. Let's find out how to make- Materials Tomato (medium size, chopped), one, carrot (chopped), one, mint leaves six-seven, ginger (chopped), half a teaspoon, lemon (juicy) half. How to make Blend all the ingredients in a blender. You can use the required amount of water. Serve when the juice is done.

What causes back pain and what to do

Health, Health and Lifestyle
Many people are suffering from back pain at present. Back pain can be caused by various reasons including lying down continuously, working at the computer, working hard, fractures, infections, tumors. However, back pain is not fatal or serious. However, there are some causes of back pain. Let's find out the causes of back pain- 1. Hard work can cause back pain in many people. Lifting heavy objects, pulling on the back or twisting can also cause back pain. In these cases, it is usually okay to take a little rest. In addition, light exercise can be done. 2. Depending on your age, straight or round discs, which fit into each vertebra, can cause back pain when one backbone rubs against the other as they lose cushioning ability. 3. An abnormal curve in the spine often develops in chi...
What to do if you have tonsillitis

What to do if you have tonsillitis

Health, Health and Lifestyle
Tonsillitis can affect people of all ages. The disease is especially prevalent in winter and rainy days. Frequent sore throat, fever, reluctance to eat are some of the symptoms of tonsillitis. Many patients stop eating at this time because they cannot swallow food properly. This results in dehydration and lack of calories. What are tonsils? Tonsils are a part of our body's immune system and they are located in four groups inside our mouth. Their names are lingual, palatine, tubal, and adenoid. Inflammation of any one of these tonsils is called tonsillitis. How tonsil works Its main function is to create immunity before birth. If there is a problem with tonsillitis, the patient suffers from frequent colds and the tonsils and adenoids become enlarged. Healthy people who do not have fr...
What to do if the baby’s skin rashes

What to do if the baby’s skin rashes

Health, Health and Lifestyle
Many mothers use diapers when they take their babies out. Prolonged diaper use is harmful to the baby. As is often seen, diapers do not change after getting wet, which is fatally harmful to the baby. Many times the baby's skin is rash. Prolonged use of dirty diapers and food allergies, sensitive skin can cause rashes on the baby. Let's find out what to do to get rid of baby rash- 1. If the diaper gets wet, it should be changed immediately. Prolonged use of dirty diapers and food allergies, sensitive skin can cause rashes on the baby. 2. The baby's skin should be cleaned with a clean cloth before putting on new diapers. 3. You can use coconut oil to get rid of rash. It contains antifungal and moisturizing ingredients that protect the skin from bacterial attack. Use oil on ...

Diabetes patient’s foot care

Health, Health and Lifestyle
The number of diabetic patients is constantly increasing in the country. These patients need to take special care in their lifestyle. Regular exercise, walking, and a balanced diet, as well as foot care, should be taken properly. This is because diabetic patients often suffer from leg cramps. They have a much higher risk of infection and decay and amputation than others. The complication that occurs in the legs due to diabetes is called diabetes feet as a whole. Reasons why the risk is higher than others 1. Diabetes lowers the body's immune system. The result is an easy bacterial infection. Pa-o is no exception. 2. When blood sugar is uncontrolled, the medium and small blood vessels in the body change, narrow, and blood flow is disrupted. As a result, blood flow to the legs ...
How much do you walk every day to lose weight?

How much do you walk every day to lose weight?

Health, Health and Lifestyle
Everyone should walk every day to get rid of excess fat from the body. However, many of us do not know how much walking is important for weight loss. Those who have just started walking to lose weight should walk at least five miles a day. Holy Family Hospital cardiology and medicine specialist. Uttam Kumar Das told Jugantar that a person needs to walk 40 to 45 minutes every day to stay healthy. Walk in such a way that the body sweats. ‘Also the amount of walking to lose weight depends on age and performance. Weight loss will be followed by fatigue and constant tiredness. Meanwhile, a report published on a health website on the subject, citing a 2016 study in the Brazilian Journal of Physical Therapy, found that if an obese person walked 10,000 steps (about 5 miles) a day, he w...

The benefits of eating oily fish

Health, Health and Lifestyle
There is a lot of oil in all types of marine fish including hilsa. Oily fish contains omega-three fatty acids. In addition to the various marine fish will get oil. Fish oil is very beneficial for the body. Fish oil does not contain any harmful ingredients. There are plenty of omega-three fatty acids, which prevent blood clots and keep blood circulation normal. So fish oil reduces the risk of heart disease. Playing it regularly therefore reduces the risk of a premature heart attack. Let's find out the benefits of fish oil- 1. Fish oil lowers bad cholesterol in the blood and increases the level of cholesterol which is beneficial for the body. 2. Strengthens bones. Omega-three fatty acids help keep the brain healthy. 3. Fish oil reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes. 4. Helps ...

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