Saturday, July 27

The kingdom of traditional jewelry : Bhakurta

traditional jewelry Women and jewelry are an inseparable bond. The word ornament is a little heavier and the word that sounds more on everyone’s face is “jewelry”. For thousands of years, these traditional jewelry and women seem to have complemented each other. There is no end to the metaphors in the poems and songs about the form of women. And to enhance the beauty of women, there is no pair of jewelry. Today I have brought such a jewel village Bhakurta for you.


How to go

I will tell you in advance how to go, because as much as I think about this journey. Those who have their own car have no idea. But for those who have to come on public transport, it is important to know the travel conditions. There is not much trouble in traveling. By car or bus, as soon as you cross Aminbazar from Gabtali in Dhaka, Bangladesh, cross an old bridge on the left hand side and walk in front, then Bhakurta – ‘ traditional jewelry village’. As soon as you reach here, the sound of hammer will be heard and then you will understand that you have reached your destination. On the front porch of most of the houses, sparks of fire are peeking out, the work of making ornaments is going on.


History in brief

The story of village Bhakurta is quite old. The artisans here have been making traditional jewelry for about 300 years. Towards the end of the Nawabi period and at the beginning of the British rule, many artisans migrated from Calcutta to various places to save their lives. Then a lot of time passed. Shortly after the emergence of Bangladesh after the end of the British rule, artisans started making traditional jewelry permanently in the weaving market in the 1960s. But as the demand for gold fell in the 1990s, they had to bear losses. However, they did not stop making silver jewelry. But, as if something bad had happened to them, the silver market also fell. At that time in 2010, you have to leave silver and start making traditional jewelry with copper. Although the price of gold or silver is high, copper is always cheaper. As a result, people can always buy copper jewelry. Besides, the work is completed only after bringing small raw materials from Bangur base, Tantibazar and Babubazar from Bhakurta village and making the design as per the customer’s wishes and rolling it in gold or silver color. So maybe there are many types of jewelry found in the shops of Bhakurta.


Bhakurta village : Kingdom of traditional jewelry

Kids, elders, mother-daughter-wife are all busy making necklaces, bangles, earrings, earrings, chains, anklets and anklets. Along the road, traditional jewelry factories and shops have sprung up in the markets. The rate of education in this village is very low and everyone’s job is to make jewelry. Everyone here is engaged in the profession of jewelry making. Many people have brought prosperity back to their families from this profession. Jewelry is made in 12 of the 27 villages of this union. The villages for making traditional jewelry are Bhakurta, Kandivakurta, Hindubhakurta, Mograkanda, Mushurikhola, Domrakanda, Baherchar, Jhauchar, Luter Char, Chunar Char, Chapra and Chaira. About 10,000 people from these villages are involved in making traditional jewelry. The people here are decorating their lives by making this jewelry just as they are helping others to decorate it. On an average, about two and a half crore taka worth of jeweler is made in this village.

At one time, jewelry was made by blowing thin pipes in the traditional way. But now that method has also become extinct. The gas cylinder is gone. The number of jewelry including earrings, theft, Manipuri bracelets and necklaces in the shops is calculated. If you want, you can also design jewelry of your choice.

The destination of the traditional jewelry is New Market, Chandni Chowk, Gauchia and almost all the markets of the capital. Besides, Gazipur, Narayanganj, Narsingdi, Munshiganj, Chittagong, Faridpur, Khulna, Bogra and other northern jewelery markets. Wholesalers come and buy jewelry.



Prices depend on the design and size. Such as necklaces for 100 to 1000 rupees, bangles for 200 to 300 rupees, Sitahars for 800 to 1100 rupees, anklets for 300 to 400 rupees, head bangs for 150 to 250 rupees, hand mantas for 200 to 300 rupees, skull thorns for 300 to 400 rupees, tires for 300 rupees. From 400 rupees, garland 250 to 500 rupees, nose flower 20 to 35 rupees, tikli 80 to 100 rupees. When wholesalers buy and sell in the market, the price is one and a half to two times, in some cases up to three times.


A silent revolution has taken place, the people of the village have woken up there. Not one, not two villages, so many small men and women of the village, boys and girls are now busy making ornaments. Examples to the people around that village. Bhakurta, a village of jewels, has become a dream come true beyond the boundaries of a very ordinary village.


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