Tuesday, February 25

Class 5 English Model Question -01

Class 5 English Model Question 01 


Time : 2 hours 30 minutes                                                                                     Full Marks: 100 : Class 5 English Model Question

Read the passage and answer the questions 1, 2, 3 and 4.

Sima and Tamal are in the Town Hall Language Club. They come to the club to practise speaking English. They listen to CDs and watch DVDs in English, or speak English with friends. Today there is a new person in the club. He is a young man. He is reading a book about Bangladesh.

Sima    :     Look, Tamal! Who’s that gentleman? Do you know him?

Tamal :     Yes. That’s Andy Smith. He’s working with an NGO here. I met him yesterday at the bookshop.

Sima    :     Maybe we can practise our English with him.

Tamal  :     Good idea. I’ll introduce you to him. Come with me.                                            [Unit1; Lessons 4-5]

  1. Write only the answer on the answer paper :                                       1´10 = 10

(a)  Where are Sima and Tamal?

(i) Town Hall                                                          (ii) Town Hall Club

(iii) Town Hall Language Club                              (iv) Town Hall Library

(b)  They come to the club to — speaking English.

(i) learn                         (ii) practise                        (iii) teach                        (iv) organise

(c)  What do they listen to?

(i) CDs                          (ii) music                           (iii) speech                      (iv) recitation

(d)  They watch DVDs in —.

(i) Bengali                     (ii) Hindi                           (iii) Latin                        (iv) English

(e)  Today there is a new — in the club.

(i) man                          (ii) person                          (iii) foreigner                  (iv) teacher

(f)  How is the new person?

(i) adult                         (ii) old                                (iii) young                      (iv) teenager

(g)  He is reading a book — Bangladesh.

(i) about                        (ii) on                                 (iii) in                             (iv) for

(h)  The name of the gentleman is —.

(i) Andy Roberts           (ii) Andy Carlos                (iii) Andy Clark              (iv) Andy Smith

(i)   The word NGO stands for —.

(i) National Government Organisation                 (ii) Non-Government Organisation

(iii) Non-Government Officer                                 (iv) Non-Government Official

(j)   I’ll introduce you — him.

(i) with                          (ii) about                           (iii) to                              (iv) by

Extra Questions : Class 5 English Model Question

(k)  What is the name of the club?

(i) Sylhet Language club                                       (ii) Town Hall Language club

(iii) Modern Language club                                   (iv) Children’s Language club

(l)   Sima and Tamal go to the club to practise¾

(i) reciting                     (ii) singing                        (iii) chatting                   (iv) speaking English

(m) Sima and Tamal watch —.

(i) CDs                          (ii) dramas                        (iii) films                         (iv) DVDs

(n)  They speak English with —.

(i) teachers                   (ii) students                      (iii) cousins                    (iv) friends

(o)  The new person is a/an —.

(i) young man               (ii) old man                        (iii) small boy                 (iv) small girl

(p)  The new person is reading a book about —.

(i) France                      (ii) Russia                         (iii) Bangladesh             (iv) Japan

(q) ‘Club’ is the synonym of —.

(i) bar                            (ii) room                             (iii) association               (iv) company

(r)  The new person works with a/an —.

(i) tourist group            (ii) NGO                            (iii) football club             (iv) theatre

  1. (i) Match the words of column A with their meaning that is mentioned in the text in the column B (there are two extra meanings in column B)                                        1 ´ 5 = 5
Column A Column B
(a) Club (i) the system of communication in speech and writing used by people
(b) Language (ii) not old
(c) Listen (iii) to tell two or more people who have not met before
(d) Introduce (iv) having lived for only a short time and not fully developed
(e) Young (v) to meet people
  (vi) a group of people who meet together regularly for a particular activity
  (vii) to pay attention to somebody or something that one can hear

(ii)  Extra Question : Class 5 English Model Question -01 

Column A Column B
(a) Watch (i) it is larger than a village but smaller than a city
(b) Hall (ii) a man who has excellent manners and always behaves well
(c) Town (iii) a space or passage inside the entrance or front door of a building
(d) Gentleman (iv) a man who belongs to a higher class
(e) Practise (v) to look at somebody or something for a time paying attention to what happens
  (vi) words that show approval of or admiration for somebody or something
  (vii) to do an activity regularly so that you can improve your skill

Or,  (i) Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the text.

(a)  Sima and Tamal — in the Town Hall Language Club.

(b)  They speak English with —.

(c)  Andy Smith is —with an NGO here.

(d)  I met him yesterday at the —.

(e)  We can practice our English — him.

(ii)  Extra Question :

(a)  Sima and Tamal — English with Andy.

(b)  Andy was a —.

(c)  Tamal will — Sima with Andy.

(d)  Tamal met Andy —.

(e)  — there is a new person.

  1. Answer the following questions.                                        2 ´ 5 = 10

(a)  Why do Sima and Tamal come to the Town Hall Language Club?

(b)  What do they do there?

(c)  What is the young man doing?

(d)  What is Andy Smith?

(e)  Where did Tamal meet him and when?

Extra Questions: Class 5 English Model Question -01 

(f)  Which language club do Sima and Tamal go to?

(g)  What is the reason of their going to the club?

(h) What do they listen to?

(i)   Who is the young person?

(j)   What does he work with?

  1. Write a short composition on “Town Hall Language Club” by answering the following questions.Town Hall Language Club                                                                                  10

(a)  Who go to the language club?

(b)  Why do they go there?

(c)  What do they listen and watch?

(d)  What is the new person?

(e)  What do Sima and Tamal want to do with the new person?

Class 5 English Model Question -1

Read the text and answer the questions 5, 6, 7 and 8. 

On a hot summerday a man was passing through a village. He sold caps to the villagers. He walked for miles and felt very tired. He sat under a big tree to take rest. He put his basket of caps beside him. He then fell asleep.There were monkeys in the tree. The monkeys saw the caps in the basket. They became curious.The monkeys came down from the tree and took away the caps. After some time, the man woke up.He found that there was no cap in the basket. He was surprised. He looked for the caps.

Then he heard some sound above his head. He looked up. He could not believe his eyes! The monkeys were wearing the caps!The cap-seller became very worried. He did not know what to do. Suddenly he remembered that monkeys like to imitate. So he took off his own cap and threw it on the ground. The monkeys saw it. They also threw their caps on the ground. The cap seller did not miss the chance. He at once collected the caps from the ground. Then he quickly left the place.

  1. Write only the answer on the answer paper : 1´10=10

(a)  It was a —.

(i) cool winter day         (ii) hot summer day          (iii) moist rainy day       (iv) nice spring day

(b)  The man was passing through a —.

(i) town                         (ii) city                               (iii) village                      (iv) forest

(c)  What did he sell?

(i) books                        (ii) pens                             (iii) cups                         (iv) caps

(d)  After walking for miles, he felt very —.

(i) tired                          (ii) happy                          (iii) sad                           (iv) angry

(e)  What were there in the tree?

(i) birds                         (ii) insects                         (iii) monkeys                  (iv) snakes

(f)  The monkeys became —.

(i) happy                       (ii) angry                           (iii) curious                     (iv) sorry

(g)  The caps were kept in a —.

(i) box                           (ii) basket                          (iii) bag                           (iv) hanger

(h)  What did the man feel when he found no cap in the basket?

(i) sad                           (ii) happy                          (iii) shocked                    (iv) surprised

(i)   The monkeys were — the caps.

(i) throwing                  (ii) tearing                         (iii) wearing                   (iv) washing

(j)   Monkeys like to —.

(i) create                       (ii) imitate                         (iii) destroy                     (iv) remake

Extra Questions : Class 5 English Model Question -01 

(k)  Who bought the caps?

(i) Shopkeeper              (ii) Monkey                        (iii) Cap-sellers              (iv) Villagers

(l)   What is the monkey’s habit?

(i) Imitation                  (ii) Playing                        (iii) Working                   (iv) Eating

(m) What was the occupation of the man?

(i) Weaver                     (ii) Teacher                        (iii) Hawker                    (iv) Doctor

(n)  What did the man find in the basket?

(i) A cap                        (ii) Some caps                    (iii) A monkey                (iv) Nothing

(o)  The man sat under a tree to ¾ .

(i) see the monkey        (ii) take rest                      (iii) sleep                        (iv) sell the caps

(p)  How did the monkeys feel when they saw the caps?

(i) Happy                      (ii) Unhappy                     (iii) Surprised                 (iv) Curious

(q)  The day was ¾ .

(i) rainy                        (ii) windy                           (iii) sunny                      (iv) cold

(r)  What was the season?

(i) Autumn                    (ii) Winter                         (iii) Summer                   (iv) Spring

(s)  The monkeys took the caps ¾ .

(i) to make fun              (ii) to wear                         (iii) to play                      (iv) to sell

(t)  The man was ¾.

(i) poor                          (ii) rich                              (iii) merchant                 (iv) millionaire

  1. Write one of the words that completes each sentence. There are three extra words which you do not need to use.                                                                                        1 ´ 5 = 5
tree sky sound ground song villagers caps townsmen

(a)   The man sold caps to the —.

(b)   There were monkeys in the —.

(c)    The monkeys took away the —.

(d)   The man heard some — above his head.

(e)   The monkeys threw the caps on the —.

Extra Question : Class 5 English Model Question -01 

surprised field curious caps ground fruits monkeys

(a)   The monkeys threw the caps on the ¾ .¾

(b)   His basket was full of ¾ .¾

(c)    The cap-seller became very ¾ .¾

(d)   The monkeys were ¾ .¾

(e)   There were ¾ in the trees.¾

  1. Answer the following questions :-2´5=10

(a)   Where did the man sit and why?

(b)   Why did the monkeys become curious?

(c)    What did the man hear and where?

(d)    What did he remember?

(e)   What did the man do to get his caps back?

Extra Questions : Class 5 English Model Question -1

(f)    What do the monkeys like to do?

(g)   Where did the cap-seller sit to take rest?

(h)   What did the cap-seller remember?

(i)    When did the cap-seller wake up?

(j)    Why did the cap-seller sit under a big tree?

(k)   What did the cap-seller see when he woke up?

(l)    How did the cap-seller collect his caps?

  1. Suppose, you are Shanta of Barguna. Your friend Kanta, from Jessore, has sent you a letter requesting to write the story of the cap-seller and monkeys. Now, write a simple personal letter to him narrating the story.)                                                                  10
  2. Make five Wh questions with the underlined word(s) from the given statements. 2 ´ 5 = 10

(a)   Kusum lives in Dhaka.

(b)   She went to visit her grandmother last month.

(c)    Kusum’s grandfather died about 10 years ago.

(d)   Kusum’s favourite fish is chapila.

(e)   Kusum’s grandmother told them stories.

  1. Read the instructions about speaking the truth and then answer the following questions : 1 + 2 + 3 = 6
How to practice truthfulness

1.     Always speak the truth.

2.     Don’t tell a lie.

3.     Remember that everybody hates a liar.

4.     If you speak the truth, everybody will praise you.

5.     If you tell a lie, nobody will believe you.


Class 5 English Model Question


Questions : Class 5 English Model Question -01 

(a)   What is truthfulness? (Knowledge)

(b)   Why should we speak the truth?  (Understanding)

(c)    How can we be good men? (Application)

  1. Write 5 sentences on a scout jamboree you made considering the following points: 5

[Write the time in numbers and date sequence in ordinal numbers in your writing ]

–      Where did you go?

–      When did you start your jamboree?

–      How many days did you stay there?

–      When did you start your return journey?

Or, Fill in the gaps by writing the time so that the story makes sense.

Saikat is a student of class V. He lives with his parents. He usually sits for his studies at (a) —. He watches cartoons on TV from 8.00 pm to (b) —. He takes his dinner at (c) —. He reads storybooks at (d) —. Then he goes to bed at (e) —.

Or, Here is a routine of school exams. Write five sentences using days of the week when you’ll appear at the exams. Sunday is the starting day. And the examination will cover the whole week.

Routine of exams : 

Day Subject
1st day Bangla
2nd day English
3rd day Mathematics
4th day Science
5th day Social Studies
  1. Rearrange words in the correct order to make meaningful sentences.

(a)   hospital/ you/ how/ do/ to/ know/ the/ to/ get?

(b)   College/ on/ go/ Road/ straight/ turn/ and/ then/ left.

(c)    there/ hospital/ on/ the/ is/ corner/ the.

(d)   looks/ bird/ nice/ how/ the!

(e)   happy/ you/ may/ be.

  1. Suppose you want to take part in a Drawing Competition. For that, you have to register yourself. Fill out the following form with necessary information. 4


Drawing Competition

Mirpur, Dhaka

Name                                    :

Father’s name                      :

Mother’s name                     :

Date of Birth                        :

Class                                    :

School name                         :

Home address                      :

Phone number                     :

Hobbies                                :

        _________________        _________________

        Applicant’s Signature  Authorized Signature

Class 5 English Model Question 01 

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