Saturday, March 15

Treatments of migraine and severe headache

treatments of migraineThere are many types of headaches. Migraine is one of them. About 15 percent of the world’s population suffers from migraine headaches. Migraine is one of the reasons for absenteeism or lack of performance in educational institutions and at work. Various aspects of migraine pain were learned in the second episode of SKF dedicated special program ‘Headache with Migraine’ organized on the occasion of Migraine and Headache Awareness Week.

There are two types of headaches. Primary and secondary headaches. No such specific cause of primary headache is found. Tension-to-headache and migraine include primary headaches. Migraine patients tend to be sensitive to a variety of stimuli. Some people find that headaches increase when they are exposed to the sun or when they are under stress. Primary headache is a neurovascular problem. That is, migraines pain begins because of the sensitivity of the nerves and blood vessels in the brain. The pain starts from one side of the head. This condition is called hemicrenia. Part of the head throbs and hurts. The pain may suddenly stop and start again with a break of a few days. Migraine pain can last from four hours to 72 hours in some cases.

Migraine patients tend to be sensitive to a variety of stimuli. Some people find that headaches increase when they are exposed to the sun or when they are under stress. Primary headache is a neurovascular problem. That is, migraine pain begins because of the sensitivity of the nerves and blood vessels in the brain. The pain starts from one side of the head. This condition is called hemicrenia. Part of the head throbs and hurts. The pain may suddenly stop and start again with a break of a few days. Migraine pain can last from four hours to 72 hours in some cases.

During the treatments of migraine, one must know the patient’s information and history of the disease. At what age does the pain start, do you have any other symptoms, what do you do to increase the pain, what do you do to reduce the pain, do any other family members suffer from this pain, do you take any medicine to reduce the pain?

There are two types for treatments of migraine. One is immediate treatment and the other is preventive treatment. Immediate treatment is followed by medication to reduce the pain. And preventive treatment measures are taken to prevent pain. In this case, if the triggers of migraine, that is, the causes that cause the pain, can be found and avoided, then it is possible to get rid of the pain of migraine completely. This may require a change in lifestyle a lot of the time.

Pain treatments of migraine

Painkillers, such as paracetamol or anesthesia, anti-emetics, such as naproxen, may be taken for seven days or less to reduce the immediate pain. There is no set time limit for preventive treatments of migraine. Some continue treatment for three to six months or some for a year. At this time some medicines have to be taken. Knowing the patient’s age, gender, occupation, any other disease, such as: pressure, diabetes, heart problems, whether there are side effects in any medicine, the doctors prescribe the appropriate medicine for the patient. The dose of this drug is started in small amounts and gradually increased. From this, the doctors can understand which dose of the medicine reduces the pain of the patient. There are some new methods for treatments of migraine. Among the FDA approved procedures are some treatments such as transcutaneous nerve stimulation, Botox injections, and relaxation therapy. If long-term treatment does not cure migraine pain, such treatment can be taken.

If someone has migraines problem during corona, health care can be taken through telemedicine. And at this time everyone should try to get out of anxiety, worry, fatigue and stay happy. Because, even for all these, migraine pain can increase. Again, one of the symptoms of corona is headache. Migraine headaches have nothing to do with coronary headaches.

There are other headaches besides migraine pain, for which you must go to the doctor. Sometimes it is seen that someone has a sudden severe headache and vomiting starts with it. If someone has an intercerebral hemorrhage in the brain, a headache occurs. Again with headaches the posture or posture of the body changes or the pain increases when it is moved or sometimes it is seen to change with time. In these cases, doctors perform tests on an emergency basis. In addition to routine investigation, CT scan or MRI should be done. If a disease, such as a tumor in the brain or a problem with a blood vessel is caught, then the disease must be treated immediately.


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