Saturday, March 15

Covid-19 situation : Want to be an entrepreneur?

entrepreneurMany workers have lost their jobs due to the corona on the one hand, on the other hand, a large part of the population has been affected by various economic disasters including salary cuts. Many are turning to online businesses to deal with the economic risks posed by the situation. However, if you want to be an entrepreneur, there are some things to keep in mind. Otherwise, in addition to falling prematurely, you may have to incur large losses.

‘Why do you have to be an entrepreneur to have so many jobs? Why not choose another profession? It is very important to ask yourself this question. I have to be an entrepreneur, thinking that the beginning of the venture is basically wrong, ”said Habiba Akhter Survi, proprietor of fashion house Sharadindu and a young entrepreneur. Although it started online, the activities of this entrepreneur have now expanded to offline as well.

Decide what you want to work with
How to choose a new entrepreneur is the subject of his initiative? Survi thinks that before starting any venture, one has to know and understand oneself well. It is very important to have a clear knowledge about one’s qualifications, skills and abilities. ‘Find out what you are good at or what you can do better than ten others. If you think this best aspect of you is related to a product or service, then you can take the initiative to sell this product or service commercially. Success will come when you work at your best, ”said the entrepreneur.

Find out about the market
Before starting a business you need to review the movements of competitors or those in the market who are doing well with the same product. Find out their weaknesses. Think about why they can’t satisfy buyers, or what more buyers want in this same product. At the same time, it is important to have proper knowledge about profit and loss. “You spend all day on the product, but the profit from it doesn’t even cover the cost of your afternoon snack,” he said. Hobby and business – learn to think separately, then start a new venture.

Find out about initiatives
If you want to work with food; However, do research on food packaging, how to deliver, etc. If you decide to work with handmade jewelry or clothing, find out where you can buy their raw materials at a lower price. All in all, start the initiative with the preparation so that you can complete all kinds of activities smoothly, from the preparation of the product to the delivery to the buyer.

Be prepared for the obstacles that may come
What are the barriers to online business? Survi said that page hacking, group hacking, blackmail, design theft, image theft and many other types of obstacles can come to the fore. In addition, the arrival of a new competitor must be prepared.

There is no substitute for hard work
One of the conditions to be an entrepreneur is that you have to be diligent. You have to be patient as well. You should not give up after facing various obstacles. Rather, success will come only if we can move forward with patience.

Think about what to do if you fail
Entrepreneur means but not success. Read the stories of successful entrepreneurs and don’t think before you start that you will be just as successful. Success can be elusive even after giving your best. If for some reason the initiative is not successful, plan ahead for the next task.

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