Wednesday, May 15

The ultimate motivational speech you don’t need to hear at all

Funny motivational speechSo finally you think it through, you really don’t want to hear any of those Cowdung I mean motivational speech and yet you are watching this video because you really want to know why you should not listen to any of those… beep.

I did not say anything improper word there, cause I know I have to put a beep sound later while I am editing this video. So, I put it manually. That will save a lot of time..

That’s my point, life should not be easy or simple like video editing. Life is Complex and complex is fun, my dear.


Now I will tell you why you should not hear any motivational speech at all.

First .. you don’t want to create a celebrity who is earning hundreds of thousands of dollars just by talking and talking and talking… It is completely inappropriate my friend. You are not somebody’s money-making, stop listening to motivational speeches. Instead, go for some comedy show or entertainment or rubish talking like this.


Second reason.. You believe that Nothing should govern your life, am I right.. Of course, I am right. Your life is unique as Mr. Putin. You do not like either Nato or Plato to tell you, do this or dont do this.


Third, I know you want to ignore those speeches which start with doing this or don’t do this. You might think like that, Who are you to tell me what I have to do and don’t have to do. You are not the president of North Korea or Taliban or.. whatever government you are.  Whenever I listened to those speeches that start with doing this or don’t do this, I feel like a very ordinary person who is very obedient to his government. You don’t need any extra government to tell you what to do in your life.


Number Four,

So if you are still watching this video that means you really are enjoying my beep beep worthless talking. and you are not expecting any advice or life-changing quotes in this video. because you don’t want to change your life.

Number four is, You dont want to hear any motivational speech, because your life is already ok. Your life may be suckingly disgusting for some moment but it is still ok.

Maybe you need more money, it is still ok. Maybe you want a new car, a new oven, a brand new toilet seat which you currently can’t afford, but still ok. or again you may want more money to buy an iPhone, probably which you are not going to manage in this life, but it still ok. you are alive my dear audience.. and that is more than enough.. you just live for yourself… and also for your government.



Now, what you should do and should not do? honestly, I dont know.. no motivational speaker in this world dont knows, what you should do right now.

because they dont know what kind of ssshit trouble.. you are in right now. They dont give a beep about your life. They only give a beep about their beep talking.. manipulating.. and talking again. They just.. beep beep .. and beeeeep

So, no more motivation.. say no to motivation.. say with.. me.. yes.. yes.. say it.. yes.. no to movitation.. we dont need any motivation.. we need money.. we need more money.. we need money again. So make something.. sell something… and make money..


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