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Tag: health tips

Wonderful Tea Tree Oil : Extraordinary benefits of tea tree oil

Wonderful Tea Tree Oil : Extraordinary benefits of tea tree oil

Cover Story, Glamour, Health, Health and Lifestyle
Many people think tea-tree oil is extracted from the original tea tree. Not really. However, thanks to Mr. James Cook, the name has remained. But whatever the name, the Benefits of tea tree oil is amazing. Tea tree oil is a very popular ingredient in today's beauty treatments. Over the years, it has become very popular among the beauty-conscious people of Bangladesh. But the funny thing is, many people here don't really know the source of this oil. Most people think of it as oil collected from tea plants. Tea tree oil literally means 'tea tree oil' but it has nothing to do with tea at all. Another name for this oil is Melaluka Oil. Because it is produced from the leaves of Melaleuca alternifolia tree. The plant originates in the northeast coast of Queensland and New South Wales, Aust...
Cycling can cure these diseases

Cycling can cure these diseases

Cover Story, Health, Health and Lifestyle
Everyone has a good idea about the health benefits of regular cycling. Cycling can cure many difficult diseases. Cycling every day will save you money; Just like that, the body will be healthy. According to experts, cycling is a great workout, which keeps you active. It helps to lead a healthy life and stay fit both physically and mentally. Cycling can cure There is no substitute for cycling to reduce excess body weight. In addition, it has some special benefits. Such cycling increases your metabolism and builds muscle. Even when you rest the body will be busy burning calories. Also, learn how to keep your body healthy while cycling. Cycling also increases the strength of the legs. This strengthens your leg muscles. Practice weightlifting such as squats, leg presses and lung...
Why smoking while drinking tea is dangerous?

Why smoking while drinking tea is dangerous?

Cover Story, Health, Health and Lifestyle
Many people have the habit of smoking while drinking tea. There is no benefit in this, but it is bringing danger to one's own, experts said a lot, smoking is bad for your health. On top of that, smoking with tea again doubles the damage. Maybe you are unknowingly calling for the destruction of your body. Most people carry a cup of hot tea in their hand and a burning cigarette on their lips. Research shows that this type of habit can increase the risk of cancer. Various studies have shown that people who drink at least one glass of alcohol a day, as well as extra hot tea a day; they have the highest risk of esophageal cancer. Smoking while drinking tea In addition, in the case of smokers, drinking extra hot tea every day greatly increases the risk of cancer. In a recent report pu...

Don’t eat these while going to sleep

Cover Story, Health, Health and Lifestyle
Many people go to bed after dinner. However, you should be careful about eating before going to bed. This is because eating certain foods before going to bed can bring serious health risks. Know what not to eat before going to bed. Dont eat while going to sleep (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Chocolate Chocolate should not be eaten before going to bed. The high levels of caffeine in chocolate do not cause uninterrupted sleep. As a result, you may suffer from depression after waking up. Ice cream Ice cream has a lot of sugar. And everyone knows that excess sugar is harmful for our body. However, sugar also has a negative effect on our sleep. Eating ice cream before going to bed at night increases cortisol levels and produces stress hormones, which...
What to do to enhance metabolism

What to do to enhance metabolism

Cover Story, Health, Health and Lifestyle
In medical terms, what is called metabolism, we easily understand it as digestion. And a large part of it depends on this metabolism whether the body will be all right. If there is a disturbance in misery, the day is over. Follow some rules to get the matter under control permanently. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Protein at all times Try to eat some protein or meat at all times. In the language of medicine, meat is called thermal food. It increases the speed of metabolism by 15-30 percent. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Look at the muscles When you start exercising for muscle building, the body burns more calories. It is also seen that the speed of digestion is increasing while resting. Don't be thirst...
Lychee beauty : a fruit full of beauty potential

Lychee beauty : a fruit full of beauty potential

Cover Story, Glamour, Health, Health and Lifestyle
Lychee as a beauty product will work as an wonder. This summer fruit is full of juices and other minerals. It is also good for health. 1) Lychee contains phytochemicals that act as antioxidants. These phytochemicals help prevent cataracts in the eyes. 2) Lychee contains an ingredient called oligonol which does not allow the virus to grow in the body. Increases the body's resistance to disease. 3) Lychee has a nominal amount of fat and calories. So there is no fear of gaining weight. 4) Lychee juice is very effective to remove dark spots on the skin! Put 5-6 Lychee chutney on your face and leave it for 15 minutes and wash it off. If you can do this at least 2 days a week, the dark spots on the skin of the face will be easily removed. 5) Lychee juice is very effective to remov...
Can diabetics follow the Keto diet?

Can diabetics follow the Keto diet?

Health, Health and Lifestyle
Diet is important for diabetics. However, the Quito diet can have dire consequences for them. In this regard, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University Professor of Cardiology. SM Mostafa Zaman said that diet is a very important issue for diabetics. Many of us think that if we have diabetes, we will not be able to eat much. But this is a misconception. We have to eat more and more without eating too much together. However, you should refrain from eating sweet or soft drinks. Because soft drinks raise blood sugar levels. Professor Dr. SM Mostafa Zaman said that one should eat food which is low in carbohydrates. Vegetables and raw fruits should be eaten along with protein foods. Again, many people think that rice can not be eaten. Just eat bread. This is also a misconception. You can...
7 ways to reduce hair loss

7 ways to reduce hair loss

Cover Story, Health, Health and Lifestyle, Lifestyle Tips
7 ways to reduce hair loss Almost everyone suffers from hair loss problems. Many people's heads become empty at the age of. Hair can fall out for various reasons. If there is a problem of hair loss of close relatives in the family, this problem may also occur in the next generation. Again, this can happen due to lack of proper hair care. Health experts say it is normal to lose 100 hairs a day. If you have more hair than this, you have to seek the help of a specialist. A number of international health websites regularly report on ways to reduce and stop hair loss. Here are some ways to reduce hair loss in that light: * Due to low blood circulation in the scalp, hair often falls out. There is no substitute for using oil to increase blood circulation. Apply this oil to your scalp...
The life of a child at the age of one and a half years

The life of a child at the age of one and a half years

Cover Story, Health and Lifestyle, Relationship
At the age of one and a half years, symbolic thoughts begin in the mind of the child. As a result, innovation comes in his behavior. At the same time, the various fields of child development became full of outstanding diversity. Notice the change in the baby step by step The rate of physical growth is further reduced than before. Hunger decreases with him. At this time the body fat dries up due to excessive walking. The lower spine is slightly tilted forward. All in all, his stomach can look big. Brain growth continues for the whole 2 years. Most babies learn to walk independently before their first birthday, but some may not achieve it before the age of 15 months. Just as a very agile, fearless child is more likely to be able to walk early, so a less agile, timid child is more li...
seed and nuts for pain relief : home remedy of knee pain

seed and nuts for pain relief : home remedy of knee pain

Cover Story, Health, Health and Lifestyle
Almonds Almonds contain calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc and folate to reduce bone pain. Which is a great source of minerals needed for our bone health. They are also good sources of monounsaturated oleic acid and omega-3 alpha linolenic acid (ALA) which are good for the heart. Almonds are a mixture of healthy fats, proteins and calcium. It is also a good source of vitamin-E. So that it has strong antioxidants, and for its welfare, it works great in preventing skin, hair, nails and diseases. It is better to eat soaked almonds. You can also use almonds in salads or smoothies.   Walnuts Many studies have shown that taking omega-3 fatty acids can improve bone health. The macronutrients in it help increase the amount of calcium in your bones. Which reduces the risk of arthrit...
Aloe vera as highlighter

Aloe vera as highlighter

Cover Story, Health and Lifestyle, Lifestyle Tips
Aloe vera when used as a highlighter For a long time, the first choice of women to enhance the beauty of various cosmetics. The popularity of cosmetics is still the same. It is difficult to calculate how many types of cosmetics are available now. Highlighter is one of the most popular cosmetics for makeup. However, there are many complications in using a highlighter. If it is not used properly, the opposite can happen. Highlighter basically helps to make the facial skin look soft and radiant. However, according to experts, in order to use a highlighter perfectly, one has to practice for several days first. You also need to know your skin color and type. He has to use a highlighter accordingly. For example, if the skin is oily, then a powder highlighter should be used. If the skin is dr...
How to prevent Thalassemia before it could be disastrous

How to prevent Thalassemia before it could be disastrous

Cover Story, Health, Health and Lifestyle
Today  (8th May) is World Thalassemia Day and we have to learn about it more precisely to prevent thalassemia before it could be disastrous. According to the World Health Organization, more than 100 million people worldwide carry different types of thalassemia genes. About one lakh children are born every year with complex thalassemia. According to sources, 6 percent or 12 million people in Bangladesh are carrying different types of thalassemia genes. Six thousand children are born with this disease every year through the intermarriage of these carriers. The number could double in the next 30 years if we don't catch up now. World Thalassemia Day is being celebrated on May 8 this year as every year. This year's theme is Addressing Health Inequalities Across the Global Thalassemia c...

Do you have a habit of wearing a bra for 24 hours?

Health, Health and Lifestyle
Many people think that wearing a bra for 24 hours helps to keep their figure beautiful, while many people say that this habit is the cause of breast cancer! But which is actually true? Or in whose case the rule of wearing a bra applies? Learn about the benefits, disadvantages, and health risks. Why wear this bra all the time? Almost everyone who wears a bra all the time, even when going to bed at night, thinks that this work keeps the shape of their breasts beautiful. Keeps the breasts shapely for a long time and does not allow the shape to be lost. But is that really so? Not having a bra actually has very little to do with losing the shape of the breast, only the field, in particular, can be it. And the main reason for the gradual loss of breast shape in women is age, gravity, child...
ডায়াপার র‌্যাশ, সুরক্ষায় জেনে নিন করণীয়

ডায়াপার র‌্যাশ, সুরক্ষায় জেনে নিন করণীয়

Health, Health and Lifestyle
শিশুর ত্বক থাকে কোমল। সংবেদনশীল এ ত্বক কিছু সময় ধরে অথবা বারবার প্রস্রাব ও পায়খানার সংস্পর্শে এলে আর্দ্রতার কারণে ত্বকের তৈলাক্ত প্রাকৃতিক স্তরের প্রতিরোধ ভেঙে যায়। এতে ত্বকে এক ধরনের লালাভ চাকার মতো হয়ে ফুলে ওঠে বা ফুসকুড়ির মতো দেখা যায়। এ ধরনের সমস্যাকে আমরা র‌্যাশ বলে থাকি। শিশুদের ক্ষেত্রে ডায়াপার ব্যবহারে কেন র‌্যাশ হয় এবং এ সমস্যা রেখে তাদের সুরক্ষা বিষয়ে ডক্টর টিভিকে এক সাক্ষাৎকারে বিস্তারিত বলেছেন ঢাকার স্যার সলিমুল্লাহ মেডিকেল কলেজ মিটফোর্ড হাসপাতালের শিশুরোগ বিশেষজ্ঞ ডা. নাঈমা সুলতানা। তিনি বলেন, ডায়াপার বদলানোর পর স্বীকৃত কিছু আদর্শ করণীয় হচ্ছে, শিশুর তলপেট কোমল সাবানের পানি দিয়ে ধুয়ে দিতে হবে। এভাবে প্রতিটি ডায়াপার বদলে দেওয়ার পর শিশুর ডায়াপার অঞ্চল পানি দিয়ে ভালো করে ধুয়ে দিতে হবে। তবে অনেক মা-বাবাই এখানে কৃত্রিম এমন কিছু ব্যবহার করেন (সুগন্ধি টিস্যু পেপার ও পরিষ...
Three proven methods to fall asleep quickly

Three proven methods to fall asleep quickly

Cover Story, Health, Health and Lifestyle
Try Amazon Prime 30-Day Free Trial Probably the most common piece of advice we hear is - go to bed early. As a rule, if you sleep for 7-8 hours, what are the benefits? But for those who have been bedridden for hours on end, this advice is a pain in the ass. But no worries. Scientists have discovered some sleep mantras fall asleep quickly. Military method The method was developed by experts from the US Navy's pre-flight school. That is why it got such a name. It is important for pilots to fall asleep quickly before flying an airplane or jet. That's why they are given sleep training to fall asleep quickly! How is that? After sleeping, you should first pay attention to the muscles of your face. See if there is any tension. Then slowly relax the muscles. Leave the muscles of the...

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