Monday, March 17

Wonderful Tea Tree Oil : Extraordinary benefits of tea tree oil

benefits of tea tree oilMany people think tea-tree oil is extracted from the original tea tree. Not really. However, thanks to Mr. James Cook, the name has remained. But whatever the name, the Benefits of tea tree oil is amazing.

Tea tree oil is a very popular ingredient in today’s beauty treatments. Over the years, it has become very popular among the beauty-conscious people of Bangladesh. But the funny thing is, many people here don’t really know the source of this oil. Most people think of it as oil collected from tea plants. Tea tree oil literally means ‘tea tree oil’ but it has nothing to do with tea at all.

Another name for this oil is Melaluka Oil. Because it is produced from the leaves of Melaleuca alternifolia tree. The plant originates in the northeast coast of Queensland and New South Wales, Australia. Indigenous peoples of Australia have been using the oil of this tree as medicine. According to local folklore, the oil was given to them by a god of heaven. The famous explorer Captain James Cook named the tree Tea Tree. Because he saw the Aboriginals soaking the leaves of this tree in hot water like tea.

Tea Tree Oil is an essential oil. It is rich in antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory ingredients. A variety of antiseptic medicines and beauty products are being made using these qualities. Commercial production of the oil began in the 20s of the last century when Australian chemists were able to scientifically prove its effectiveness. And in the seventies and eighties, the cultivation of tea trees began on a large scale. In our country also Tea Tree Essential Oil and skincare products made with it are available at very affordable prices.

But the myth of the gift of the god of heaven has been introduced because of the amazing qualities of tea tree oil. So if it is said that it can solve various skin and hair problems in the blink of an eye, then it is not a mistake.

Benefits of tea tree oil

Dry skin and eczema
You can use tea tree oil to remove the roughness and dullness of dry skin. Dry skin is more prone to eczema. In that case, the oil works like magic. Tea tree oil is much more effective than zinc oxide and clobetasone butrate in curing eczema, according to a medical report. It should be mixed with moisturizer cream or carrier oil (olive, coconut, almond) which is beneficial for the skin and applied on the face or affected area. Remember to mix only 2 to 3 drops of tea tree oil for every 10 to 12 drops of carrier oil.

Benefits of tea tree oil

Oily skin and acne
Tea tree oil can remove excess oiliness of the skin due to its antiseptic properties. There is no comparison to eradicate acne. For this reason, its use as the main ingredient in various acne products is quite visible. A small study conducted in 2016 found that those who used tea tree oil mixed with sunscreen had significantly reduced the oiliness of their skin. This oil can be mixed with toner, moisturizer, carrier oil and even face wash to reduce oiliness and acne. Not too much. Just two or three drops are enough.

Benefits of tea tree oil

To reduce sunburn and blemishes
Tea Tree Oil is especially useful in solving two problems. For this, mix two tablespoons of aloe vera gel or two drops of tea tree oil with tomato juice and apply it on the face. And if the stain is quite old and hard, then mix one teaspoon of honey with these two mixtures.

Benefits of tea tree oil

Problems with lice
You can use this oil as a medicine for serious problems like hair lice. Two days a week, mix two tablespoons of coconut oil with four to five drops of tea tree oil and massage it on the scalp. Before washing the hair with shampoo, soak the towel in lukewarm water and wrap it around the head for a while. You can get rid of lice by adopting this method two days a week.

Benefits of tea tree oil

To get rid of dandruff
If you have dandruff on the scalp, before shampooing, mix two drops of tea tree oil with it and massage it well into the hair follicles. And you can make dandruff hair mist if you want. It needs to be made with 500 ml of water with two tablespoons of lemon juice and four drops of tea tree oil. Spray this mixture on the scalp where there is dandruff and leave it on for 45 minutes. This will get rid of dandruff very quickly.

Benefits of tea tree oil.

Benefits of tea tree oil

Benefits of tea tree oil

Benefits of tea tree oil

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