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Health and Lifestyle

Uterine tumor: Symptoms and Remedies

Uterine tumor: Symptoms and Remedies

Health, Health and Lifestyle
The uterus has different layers. One is the myometrium. A type of benign tumor arising from the myometrium is called a fibroid or uterine tumor. There can be various reasons for this. It can also be caused by an excess of estrogen hormone or trauma to the uterus. Fibroids are most common in women of reproductive age. Tumors can occur inside and outside of the uterus, apart from the uterus. Many people think that tumors in the uterus are only for older and married people. This disease can also happen to young people. Heredity, certain growth factors and genetic factors are attributed to the disease in unmarried women.   Diagnosis for Uterine Tumor For uterine tumors, the first thing to do is consult a doctor. It is usually diagnosed by ultrasonography. Tumors are caused by ...
Hair damage in hair dryer? Know the tips of hair dryer

Hair damage in hair dryer? Know the tips of hair dryer

Health and Lifestyle, Lifestyle Tips
Many people use a hair dryer to dry their hair after showering on cold days. Regular use of a hair dryer makes the hair very rough and brittle. Hair dryer damage can be minimized by taking some precautions. The hot air from the hair dryer absorbs the hair moisturizer. Massage hot oil into your hair before taking a shower and shampooing. Then using a dryer will reduce hair damage a bit. Heat-protected hair serums are available in the market. Applying serum to wet hair after a shower can reduce hair loss by 80%. For regular use, set the dryer to cold air. If in a hurry, cook on medium heat for a few minutes first. Set the cold air when the wetness of the hair decreases. Make sure that one part of the head does not get hot air for too long. Blow the hair dryer through all th...
How Should Diabetic Patients Exercise?

How Should Diabetic Patients Exercise?

Health, Health and Lifestyle
Exercise is more beneficial than medication for diabetic patients. It keeps the glucose level under control very well. Exercise expends energy, which leads to weight loss. It increases the production of insulin from the beta cells of the pancreas. Exercise also increases the effectiveness of insulin. As a result, the little insulin produced in the body keeps glucose under control. Exercise increases blood circulation in the body. Exercise increases good cholesterol (HDL) and lowers bad cholesterol (LDL). Reduces high blood pressure. Exercise keeps the mind fresh and cheerful by removing anxiety. Sleep is also good. It strengthens bones and the heart. Keeps bone joints active and boosts immunity. Exercise for diabetics Aerobic Exercise: Walking, running, jogging, cycling...
Why does arthritis pain occur? What to do with arthritis pain?

Why does arthritis pain occur? What to do with arthritis pain?

Health, Health and Lifestyle
Winter is a time of dread for pain sufferers. The neck, waist, and muscle pain increases during winter, along with rheumatic pain. However, it is possible to reduce pain by making changes in lifestyle and diet. Blood circulation to hands and feet decreases in winter. As a result, the inflammation of the joints increases, and various problems occur, including pain and gradual stiffness of the joints and muscles. Apart from this, due to cold, laziness occurs in movement. As a result, the circulation of bones and muscles is not proper. This is also a reason for increasing pain. Many people spend less time in the sun due to shorter days in winter. As a result, vitamin D deficiency may occur too.   What to do with arthritis pain? Try to stay as warm as possible in winter...
মুক্তার গহনার যত্ন : মুক্তা অনেকদিন ভালো রাখার উপায়

মুক্তার গহনার যত্ন : মুক্তা অনেকদিন ভালো রাখার উপায়

Health and Lifestyle, Lifestyle Tips
প্রাকৃতিক মুক্তা সূর্যের আলোতে ধরলে রঙের বৈচিত্র্য দেখা যায়। চাষ করা মুক্তায় এমন দ্যুতি পাবেন না। মুক্তা কেনার সময় সূর্যের আলোতে পরখ করে কিনুন। মুক্তার গহনা ব্যবহারের পর ভালো করে মুছে নরম সুতি কাপড়ে পেঁচিয়ে রাখুন। দীর্ঘদিন দ্যুতি ঠিক থাকবে। খাঁটি মুক্তা ব্যবহারে ভালো থাকে। আর পানিতে কোনো ক্ষতি হয় না। তবে সাবান বা পারফিউমের মতো কেমিক্যাল থেকে দূরে রাখুন। প্রাকৃতিক মুক্তা সাধারণত মসৃণ হয় না। মুক্তার গহনা পরিষ্কারের প্রয়োজন হলে কুসুম গরম পানিতে শ্যাম্পু গুলিয়ে হালকাভাবে ঘষে ধুয়ে নিন। ...
Stretching for a healthy body: Stretching Tips

Stretching for a healthy body: Stretching Tips

Health, Health and Lifestyle
Exercise is very useful. It makes the body light. Muscles are toned and strengthened. Again, the body and the mind are calm in stretching. However, if you suddenly start stretching without knowing, there is a risk of injury.   Do some warm-up movements before stretching. You can also take 5 minutes of walking, jogging or dancing to the beat of the music. A hot shower can cure it. It will reduce muscle stiffness. In stretching exercises, apply as much pressure as you can without feeling any pain. If you feel pain in any step, skip it immediately. Emphasize normal posture while stretching. That is, standing, sitting or walking should be normal and comfortable. Stretching in this condition will increase flexibility and reduce the risk of injury. Focus on the muscle you are te...
How to detect asthma? Here are the symptoms and remedies

How to detect asthma? Here are the symptoms and remedies

Health, Health and Lifestyle
Allergies to various substances and inflammation of the lungs cause airway obstruction. As a result, it is difficult to breathe normally. Asthma attacks slow down the breathing rate and make breathing difficult. A few main triggers have been identified for asthma—including dust, pollen, insects, exercise or physical exertion, certain medications—aspirin, strong emotions (may be due to sadness, fear, or joy), smoking, pets, cold, and Viruses and animal dander etc. Asthma symptoms Long-term shortness of breath. Increased shortness of breath during seasonal changes, especially in winter. A feeling of pressure in the chest and suffocation. A dry cough. Wheezing in the chest during breathing. If the dust goes with the breath, the breathing problem increases.   ...
Why Glycerin is important in winter

Why Glycerin is important in winter

Health, Health and Lifestyle
Glycerin can clean the skin very well. You can use it instead of cleansing milk to remove the accumulated oil and dirt on the face. Glycerin can retain water in skin cells. It has the right humidity. So in the coming winter, regularly massage glycerin on the skin. In winter, mix glycerine with rose water and do toning at night before going to bed. The skin will not crack. Will be soft and bright. If you have cracked ankles, clean your ankles at night and apply glycerin well. The legs will not crack. Glycerin has no side effects. Instead, glycerin is useful to reduce skin rash or irritation.
Holding urine is a dangerous habit for women

Holding urine is a dangerous habit for women

Health, Health and Lifestyle
Many women hold urine for a long period. This habit can lead to serious physical problems. The infection may appear simple at first, but may later develop into a chronic form. A healthy person drinks two to three liters of water a day. It should pass urine at least six to seven times throughout the day. But if he urinates less than four times a day, it should be assumed that he is holding it. Holding urine for a long time causes certain problems in women more than in men. These include— Urinary Tract Infection (UTI): Women are more prone to urinary tract infections due to various reasons. If you have the habit of holding urine for a long time, it increases the risk of urinary tract infection. Let's say a woman has a few bacteria in her urine, But the number or effectiveness...
Dry Eye Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Remedies

Dry Eye Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Remedies

Health, Health and Lifestyle
Dry eye problems were usually seen after reaching the age of 50. But now this problem is increasing significantly among younger people. Experts think that this is happening due to a long time of looking at the screen, use of lenses, staying in air-conditioned rooms, and smoking. What is Dry Eye? If the eye produces less water than it needs, problems such as burning, stinging or itching of the eyes occur. These are the primary symptoms of dry eye. If not treated at the right time, there is a risk of various types of infections including inflammatory problems in the eyes. At the same time, this problem can occur in both eyes or in one eye.   Symptoms of Dry Eye Its common symptoms are - dry eyes, inability to cry, scratchy or dry feeling in the eyes, and itching and redness o...
Know about Diabetes before it’s too late

Know about Diabetes before it’s too late

Health, Health and Lifestyle
Diabetic patients have almost doubled compared to the last decade. Obesity, blindness, heart disease, and kidney disease are increasing. Around 463 million people in the world are suffering from diabetes. Of these, 79 percent live in low- and middle-income countries. About 100,000 people die of this disease every year. On the other hand, according to the International Diabetes Federation (IDF), 8.4 million people in Bangladesh are now suffering from diabetes. Millions of people die every year from diabetes-related complications. 2022’s theme has given special importance to diabetes in women. According to doctors, the number of gestational diabetic patients is also increasing due to urbanization and changing lifestyles. Various studies have shown that more than half of women with gest...
Spleen enlargement is dangerous: Why does the spleen grow?

Spleen enlargement is dangerous: Why does the spleen grow?

Health, Health and Lifestyle
The spleen is located on the left side of the stomach in our abdomen. Veins and arteries enter the spleen through the stomach and pancreas. The spleen helps boost the body's immune system. Various complications arise when the spleen is enlarged due to various reasons. Spleen has to be removed by operation.   The spleen works like a filter in our body. It filters germs from the blood. The spleen can be called the blood bank of the human body. Some blood accumulates here. If the body bleeds due to any reason, the spleen supplies the stored blood to meet the deficiency. The spleen produces all types of blood cells in the fetal state from four months of age until shortly after birth. Later this work is done through the bone marrow.   Why does the spleen grow? One of the ca...
Tonsillitis: Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Home remedies

Tonsillitis: Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Home remedies

Health, Health and Lifestyle
Tonsillitis: Symptoms, Diagnosis, Home remedies, and Advice: Symptoms of tonsillitis Common symptoms of tonsillitis include sore throat and difficulty swallowing, hoarseness, fever, earache, and swollen tonsils. Also, weakness, bad breath, abdominal pain, neck pain, and headache may occur. A common tonsillitis problem gets better within two to three days. If tonsillitis symptoms persist after two to three days, a doctor must be consulted. Treatment of tonsillitis At the onset of tonsillitis, if you take regular medicines as per the doctor's advice and follow the rules, you will be completely cured within one to two weeks. But if the problem returns, again and again, it is called chronic or chronic tonsillitis. In this case, the patient needs special treatment and care. If the infec...
Symptoms, risks and diagnosis of pneumonia

Symptoms, risks and diagnosis of pneumonia

Health, Health and Lifestyle
Symptoms, risks, and diagnosis of pneumonia: During the winter, the prevalence of pneumonia increases. It is a type of lung infection. This causes the air sacs inside the lungs to become inflamed. Lung alveoli (air sacs) fill with fluid or pus, causing cough, fever, chills, and shortness of breath. According to the World Health Organization, pneumonia is the leading cause of child death worldwide. Who is at greater risk? Children and elderly people are mainly affected. Apart from this, if the immune system is low, smokers can be affected at any age. Pneumonia can occur in people taking steroids and cancer drugs. If you suffer from heart disease, AIDS, diabetes, and lung disease for a long time, there is a risk of pneumonia. Experts said that after recovering from covid or pox, pa...

চল্লিশোর্ধ্ব জনগোষ্ঠীর সাড়ে ১২% ভুগছেন সিওপিডিতে

Health, Health and Lifestyle
বাংলাদেশে মোট মৃত্যুর ৬৭ শতাংশ হয়ে থাকে অসংক্রামক রোগে। সংখ্যার হিসাবে বছরে ৫ লাখ ৭২ হাজার ৬০০। এর মধ্যে হৃদরোগে মৃত্যুর হার ৩০ শতাংশ, ক্যান্সারে ১২ শতাংশ, শ্বাসতন্ত্রের রোগে ১০ শতাংশ, ডায়াবেটিসে ৩ শতাংশ এবং অন্য অসংক্রামক রোগে ১২ শতাংশ। অসংক্রামক রোগের মৃত্যুর মধ্যে তৃতীয় অবস্থানে শ্বাসতন্ত্রের রোগ। প্রথম ও দ্বিতীয় অবস্থানে রয়েছে কার্ডিওভাস্কুলার ডিজিজ ও ক্যান্সার। দেশে দিন দিন বেড়ে চলেছে শ্বাসতন্ত্রের ক্রনিক অবস্ট্রাক্টিভ পালমোনারি ডিজিজে (সিওপিডি) আক্রান্তের সংখ্যা। জরিপ বলছে, দেশের চল্লিশোর্ধ্ব জনগোষ্ঠীর ১২ দশমিক ৫০ শতাংশ শ্বাসতন্ত্রের জটিল এ রোগে ভুগছেন। আর বিশ্বের মোট জনগোষ্ঠীর ১৫ শতাংশ ধূমপায়ী এ রোগে আক্রান্ত। শুধু তাই নয়, দেশে অসংক্রামক রোগে মৃত্যুর মধ্যে তৃতীয় অবস্থানে রয়েছে সিওপিডি। সেইসঙ্গে বিশ্বব্যাপী মৃত্যুর ১০ প্রধান রোগের মধ্যেও এর অবস্থান ৩-এ। আজ বুধবার বিশ্...

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