Saturday, March 15


50 Fun Facts about Butterfly for Kids

50 Fun Facts about Butterfly for Kids

Facts for Kids, Kidz
Here are 50 fun facts about butterflies that kids might enjoy: Butterflies are insects, and they belong to the same group as moths. There are over 20,000 species of butterflies in the world. Butterflies come in many colors and patterns, and their wings can be quite intricate and beautiful. Some species of butterflies migrate long distances each year. Butterflies are cold-blooded and rely on the warmth of the sun to regulate their body temperature. Butterflies taste with their feet! Most butterflies have a lifespan of just a few weeks or months. The largest butterfly in the world is the Queen Alexandra's birdwing, which has a wingspan of up to 1 foot! The smallest butterfly in the world is the Western Pygmy Blue, which is smaller than a dime. A group of b...
Picnic Story of Nuha and Faiza

Picnic Story of Nuha and Faiza

Kidz, Stories for Kids
Once upon a time, there were two best friends named Nuha and Faiza. They lived in a small village and loved to have fun and go on adventures together. One day, Nuha had an idea. "Let's go on a picnic!" she exclaimed. Faiza was thrilled at the idea and they immediately started planning. They packed a basket with all of their favorite foods and drinks, as well as a blanket to sit on. They set off on their adventure, walking through the countryside, taking in all of the sights and sounds of nature. As they walked, they played games and told each other silly jokes. They felt free and alive, enjoying every moment of their journey. Finally, they arrived at a beautiful meadow. They spread out the blanket and began to enjoy their picnic. They feasted on sandwiches, fruit, and cooki...
Sci-fi story written by AI : Creator and Destroyer

Sci-fi story written by AI : Creator and Destroyer

Kidz, Stories for Kids
Once upon a time, in a faraway galaxy, there lived two entities, both born from the same source, and yet they were so different. One was a being of immense power, the other a being of immense knowledge.   The powerful entity was known as the Destroyer, a being that had the power to destroy anything it touched. The knowledgeable entity was called the Creator, a being that had the power to create anything it touched.   For a long time, the two entities existed in a peaceful balance, using their respective powers to create and destroy in equal measure. But one day, their balance was disrupted when the Destroyer set out to use its power to destroy the Creator.   The Creator knew that it was the only one that could protect itself, and so it created a paradoxical ...
ছোটদের সায়েন্স ফিকশন গল্প : বোতল মামা সিরিজ : আর্টিফিশিয়াল ইন্টেলিজেন্স

ছোটদের সায়েন্স ফিকশন গল্প : বোতল মামা সিরিজ : আর্টিফিশিয়াল ইন্টেলিজেন্স

Kidz, Stories for Kids
ধ্রুব নীলের লেখা ছোটদের সায়েন্স ফিকশন গল্প : বোতল মামা সিরিজ : আর্টিফিশিয়াল ইন্টেলিজেন্স   আর্টিফিশিয়াল ইন্টেলিজেন্স ধ্রুব নীল লাল সোয়েটারের সঙ্গে কালো প্যান্ট। মাথায় ক্যাপ। কোমরে একটা বেল্টও আছে, যদিও ওটা বেশ ঢিলে হয়ে আছে। জুতো জোড়াও একদম চকচকে। সবমিলিয়ে বেশ গোলমেলে লাগছে পায়েলের। বোতল মামার এমন পোশাকের সঙ্গে সে মোটেই পরিচিত নয়। তবে দেখতে খারাপও লাগছে না। চুলগুলো অবশ্য আগের মতোই। আমাজনের গহীন জঙ্গল। পাখি ছেড়ে দিলে ওটা নির্ঘাৎ ওড়ার কথা ভুলে যাবে। সোফায় বেশ আমুদে ভঙ্গিতে বসে আছেন বোতল মামা। পায়েলের দিকে তাকিয়ে বিজয়ীর মতো হাসছেন। - বিশ্বজয় করে এসেছ মনে হচ্ছে। - বিশ্ব! বল মহাবিশ্ব এখন হাতের মুঠোয়। হাহাহা। - ঘটনা খুলে বল। আবার কী বানালে? পায়েল খুব একটা কৌতুহল দেখাচ্ছে না। মামা প্রতিবারই কিছু না কিছু বানায় এবং প্রতিবারই সেটা হয় তার সেরা আবিস্কার। - বুঝলি! আমার জীবনের সেরা...
10 Fun Facts about Metro Rail

10 Fun Facts about Metro Rail

Facts for Kids, Kidz
Here are some 10 Fun Facts about Metro Rail 1. The first ever metro rail system was opened in London in 1863, making it the world's oldest. 2. The world's longest metro system is the Shanghai Metro, which has 617 miles (991 km) of track. 3. The world's busiest metro system is the Tokyo Metro, which carries over 8 million people each day. 4. The world's most expensive metro system is the Singapore MRT, which cost $18 billion to construct. 5. There are currently 189 cities around the world with metro systems. 6. The world's deepest metro station is the Park Pobedy station in Moscow, which is 285 feet (87 m) below ground. 7. London's first underground railway, the Metropolitan Line, was nicknamed the "Murderers' Line" due to the high number of fatalities during its constr...
Solar System for Primary Students

Solar System for Primary Students

Facts for Kids, Kidz, পঞ্চম শ্রেণির বিজ্ঞান, প্রাথমিক
Solar System: An Overview Introduction The Solar System is the Sun and all the objects that orbit it, including planets, moons, asteroids, comets, and meteoroids. It is located in the Milky Way Galaxy and is estimated to be about 4.6 billion years old. The Sun is the largest object in the Solar System, accounting for more than 99 percent of the system’s mass. The four inner planets, Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars, are small and rocky, and their orbits are closer to the Sun. The four outer planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune, are much larger and made mostly of gases. The Solar System is the home of our planet, Earth. It is composed of the Sun and all the objects that orbit it. This includes the eight planets and their moons, dwarf planets, asteroids, comets, dust, and...
10 puzzles with answers for kids

10 puzzles with answers for kids

Kidz, Stories for Kids
10 puzzles with answers for kids 1. What comes down but never goes up? Answer: Rain   2. What starts with E, ends with E and has one letter in it? Answer: Envelope   3. What has an eye but cannot see? Answer: Needle   4. What has a neck but no head? Answer: Bottle   5. What has a tongue but cannot taste? Answer: Shoe   6. What can you catch but not throw? Answer: Cold   7. What has hands but cannot clap? Answer: Clock   8. What goes up but never comes down? Answer: Age   9. What has a mouth but cannot eat? Answer: River   10. What has a ring but no finger? but cannot clap? Answer: Telephone 
20 unknown Facts about Leonel Messi

20 unknown Facts about Leonel Messi

Facts for Kids, Kidz
Here are 20 unknown Facts about Leonel Messi 1. Lionel Messi was born on June 24th, 1987 in Rosario, Argentina. 2. Messi was diagnosed with a growth hormone deficiency as a child. 3. He was offered a chance to join the youth team of FC Barcelona when he was 13. 4. Messi was the first player ever to win four Ballon d’Or awards. 5. He is considered one of the greatest football players of all time. 6. Messi has scored the most goals in UEFA Champions League history. 7. Messi has won 33 trophies with Barcelona, including nine La Liga titles. 8. He is the all-time leading goal scorer for both Barcelona and the Argentina national team. 9. Messi is the only player to have scored in four UEFA Champions League finals. 10. Messi has set multiple records for goals scored...
50 Facts about Icecream for Kids

50 Facts about Icecream for Kids

Facts for Kids, Kidz
1. The first ice cream parlor in America opened in New York City in 1776. 2. The average American consumes 48 pints of ice cream each year. 3. The world’s most expensive ice cream sundae was created in 2007 and cost a whopping $25,000. 4. The world’s largest ice cream sundae was made in Edmonton, Canada in 1988 and weighed over 24,000 pounds. 5. The most popular flavor of ice cream in the United States is vanilla. 6. Chocolate syrup is the most popular ice cream topping in America. 7. The most popular flavor of ice cream in the U.K. is strawberry. 8. The most popular flavor of ice cream in Japan is green tea. 9. The most popular flavor of ice cream in Mexico is coconut. 10. The most popular flavor of ice cream in India is mango. 11. The most popular flavor of ice cream in Austral...
Jack made an aeroplane | Story for Kids

Jack made an aeroplane | Story for Kids

Kidz, Stories for Kids
Once upon a time, in a small town nestled in the rolling hills of the countryside, there lived a young boy named Jack. Jack was an inquisitive and curious boy, always eager to learn and discover new things. One day, Jack was walking home from school when he saw a leaf falling from a tree. As he watched it float gently to the ground, he wondered how it stayed up in the air for so long before finally falling. This curiosity sparked an idea in Jack's mind, and he knew just what he wanted to do for his science project at school. The next day, Jack went to the library to do some research on the science of flight. He learned all about the different forces that help objects stay up in the air, like lift and drag. He also read about the different shapes and sizes of objects that can fly, and...
Jack and Sara’s science project

Jack and Sara’s science project

Kidz, Stories for Kids
Once upon a time, there were two friends, Sarah and Jack. They were both very curious and loved to learn about the world around them. One day, Sarah and Jack decided to do a science project together. They had heard about a new invention that could help the environment and wanted to learn more about it. Sarah and Jack started their research online. They read about the invention and watched videos about it. They worked on their project for weeks and soon had a great idea. They decided to create a mini wind turbine. This would be a small device that could help generate electricity for their town. Sarah and Jack worked hard to build the wind turbine. They worked together and asked questions when they didn't understand something. They used the skills they learned in school to co...
Stove story : 3 Facts about Stove

Stove story : 3 Facts about Stove

Facts for Kids, Kidz
Stove story : 3 Facts about Stove Sir Benjamin Thomson is the father of modern gas stoves, chimneys and furnaces used in factories. He designed these in 1790. He is also the creator of modern fireplace. The first modern commercial gas burner appeared at an exhibition in London in 1851. But it took another 30 years to reach the market. In 1880, the first gas stove came to the market in England. Because at that time, gas pipelines were installed across the country's cities. At the same time, where there was electricity connection, electric stoves also started to be used. This stove became popular in Europe and the United States at the beginning of the twentieth century. The microwave oven was invented and marketed in 1940.
4 Fun Facts about Bicycle

4 Fun Facts about Bicycle

Facts for Kids, Kidz
Here are 4 Fun Facts about Bicycle In 1418, the first man-powered vehicle was invented by the Italian researcher Giovanni Fontana. 20-30 crore bicycles are produced annually in the world. Now there are approximately 100 crore bicycles. Which is twice as much as a mechanical car. The fastest speed record on a bicycle is held by American Olympic cyclist John Howard. He reached 152.2 miles per hour in 1985. 10-30 bicycles can be parked in one car space.
5 fun facts about tooth

5 fun facts about tooth

Facts for Kids, Kidz
Here are 5 fun facts about tooth We spend an average of 1920 hours brushing our teeth in a lifetime. A shark's tooth falls out and rises again. A shark grows a total of 30,000 teeth in its lifetime. At the age of 6, a human child has 52 teeth. But most of it is hidden inside the skull. When one falls, the other begins to rise. Acids released by bacteria mix with tooth enamel and cause tooth decay. The ideal brushing time is two minutes.
5 fun facts about Radish

5 fun facts about Radish

Facts for Kids, Kidz
Here are 5 fun facts about Radish The record for the fastest-growing vegetable is held by the radish. The yield is obtained in 21 days after sowing. Although radish grows under the ground, it is low in calories. A cup of radish contains only 19 calories. Horseradish lowers blood pressure. Because it contains natural nitrates. Every year in December, there is a festival of cutting radishes and making sculptures in Mexico. Americans eat about 200 million kilograms of radishes each year.