Friday, March 14

How to make a viral video | Viral video content idea

Nowadays everybody is craving a unique idea. Because an idea literally can make you a millionaire. But it is not sound like a Harvard law degree or becoming a doctor of idealoctomy. It is not actually that sort of ‘hard-earned’ intellect. An Idea is like a spark in the mind, which formulate with some basic (or without) ground. So, here I can give you some hints about the thinking process, how to generate ideas for videos or.. videos.


Viral Video Idea clue 1: Don’t rush

Do not go for the established and popular ideas. You will not be appreciated if you totally copy others’ ideas. So let’s drop all the pre-existing mind-setup about creating something viral. First, create a list of the ideas, which you will not go to follow.


Which makes anything exceptional… or viral?

Look around your daily stuff and activities. If any of these things would be different than they are, then it may be noticed. You are eating breakfast in the morning. What if you are eating the whole morning at the breakfast time? Can you make an omelet with 100 eggs? How about through a challenge of drinking bitter-gourd soup? Will you dare to make over your bed by just two minutes?


Now go and talk.. with others

Talk a lot with other people around you. They may be in your friend’s domain or not. They may be the most boring person on the planet. Try to figure out what makes them laugh. Now, your job is just to exaggerate those laugh elements or create something similar pieces that reflect their emotions. Talking and taking notes is a great approach to create things easier for content makers.


People love stories

People don’t want to see your large toy collection. They love to hear stories behind everything. So, create presentable stories about the so-called known issues. Don’t just through an idea or story, just because you think everybody already knows about this. Instead, try to find a new approach to tell the same old story again.


Ask Others about what could be their own viral video

It is the easiest and reliable method of creating semi-successful content. You just ask random people what they are willing to watch/learn or hear from Facebook or YouTube videos. Is there any need or lacking information about something? Is there any particular boredom regarding the same old standup comedies? Find it and grab it.

But, people can’t tell you what will make them really happy or excite them. People really can’t tell you about what they really don’t know. I mean, there are some or many uncharted areas of interest which you must discover on your own.

Finally, don’t bind yourself with those rules. Make some of your own methods or checklist of generating viral video ideas.

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