Friday, March 14

Benefits of Okra for Diabetes Patient

benefits of okra for Diabetes patientOkra or Ladies finger has been considered one of the super food for the Type-1 and Type-2 diabetes patient. There are millions of patients who regularly drinks ‘okra-water’ at the morning at empty stomach. So, benefits of okra for Diabetes patient is not a myth after all.

The capability of lowering blood sugar of okra / ladies finger is not vastly proved yet. But this is not a myth anymore. There are thousands of positive review regarding the benefits of okra for diabetes patient.

Okra contains high dietary fiber and some most essentials minerals and vitamins. Okra contains potassium, vitamin B, vitamin C, folic Acid and calcium. All of those are essential for staying fit and have positive impact on the health of diabetic person.

Benefits of Okra for Diabetes Patient

Okra helps manage blood sugar in cases of type 1, type 2, and gestational diabetes.

Okra is fiber rich food. 8 okra pods contain around 3 grams fiber. So, one can consult with his/her dietitian and fill-up the needs for fiber through okra.

Okra has stress-releasing ingredients. Stress is a risk-factor for diabetes.

In laboratory, it has been observed that, okra can successfully reduce the cholesterol level of mice. Thus it must have some positive effect on human cholesterol also.


Diabetes patient can consume Okra in several forms. Okra Water is one of the favorite. You have to soak a handful of okra overnight and drink the water in the morning

Okra can also be consumed through stir fry or boiled.

There are also some delicious and spicy Indian recipe for Okra.

But if you are taking the prescribed medicine metformin, you are advised to consult with expert first, Because study shows that, okra can also block the absorption of metformin in our body. Thus, okra and metformin are not a suitable combination.




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