Friday, March 14

Tag: beauty tips

Niacinamide : New Vitamin C for beauty

Niacinamide : New Vitamin C for beauty

Cover Story, Glamour, Health, Health and Lifestyle
Vitamin C has been highly valued by all beauty conscious people for several years to maintain the radiance and age of the skin. Serum, moisturizer creams, sheet masks, or homemade masks — everything had a clash with vitamin C-containing products. But now it's time for a new ingredient in skin care lane - niacinamide. Every year new ingredients are added to the skin care trend. Some ingredients last for many days. And nothing is lost before it comes. According to expert dermatologists, niacinamide will last for a long time. And it is going to be a great alternative to vitamin C. Many dermatologists have advised everyone to use niacinamide-containing skincare and beauty products.   Niacinamide is a type of vitamin B3. It is also called nicotinamide. It can enrich the body with ...
Does dying hair causes damage?

Does dying hair causes damage?

Cover Story, Health, Health and Lifestyle
Many people love to dye their hair by the color of their choice. Colorful hair looks as glittering as it looks gorgeous. However, if you dye your hair, you must be prepared for some side effects. You need to bleach the hair to dye. Bleaching makes the hair rough. Bleached hair breaks very easily. It also starts to fall. Bleaching means hitting the hair with strong chemicals. The hair loses its normal moisture and protein balance in doing so. Colored hair requires quite a bit of extra care. If you can't do that, the natural beauty of the hair is ruined very quickly. Bleaching ingredients can often cause burns if applied to the scalp. This burn can last for several days. The hair loses its natural oiliness and becomes dry and lifeless. The normal color of hair can be ruin...
Beauty trend 2021 : will remain same as 2020

Beauty trend 2021 : will remain same as 2020

Cover Story, Glamour
A year has passed. We are now in 2021. The previous year was a little different. All the people of the world have had to go through a challenge due to the epidemic situation. Because of this, life has changed. So, the beauty trend of 2021 will remain the same. Beauty trend 2021 : Bold eye makeup The last few years have been the lipstick violence in the makeup trend. But this year's picture is very different. Now you have to wear a mask to avoid coronavirus. The lips are covered for this. Everyone's eyes are on the eyes. Everyone who is aware of beauty is now decorating their eyes in different colors and styles. For this, the cut of bright colored eyeshadow, mascara and eyeliner has increased. Many people are mixing or matching the eyes with the mask. That being said, as long as there...
Why you should mix salt with shampoo

Why you should mix salt with shampoo

Health and Lifestyle, Lifestyle Tips
You can mix a little salt with shampoo to solve various hair problems. Dandruff will be removed, the roughness of the hair will also be reduced. Mix salt with shampoo. Massage with light hands. Then wash your hair with cold water. Hair loss problems will be reduced. Soak your hair in a little salt in water. Massage lightly and wash off with shampoo. Dandruff will go away. Washing your hair with a shampoo mixed with salt will get rid of excess sweat on the scalp. Gently massage the roots of the hair with a small amount of salt. Shampoo. The hair will be shiny.
7 hair grow tips to increase hair growth

7 hair grow tips to increase hair growth

Glamour, Health, Health and Lifestyle
Here are the most anticipated 7 hair grow tips to increase hair growth Massage the roots of the hair regularly. It will enhance hair growth. You can massage the roots of dry hair for ten minutes before going to bed at night. Then scratch from the opposite side. Massage the hair follicles for a while before taking a bath with hair pack or hot oil. Coconut oil is very important if you want to accelerate hair growth. The fatty acids in it provide nutrition to the hair follicles. Massage coconut oil into hair at least two days a week. If you want to maintain good hair health as well as increase hair growth, put omega-three fatty acid-rich foods in the diet chart. Omega will be found in oily fish and nuts. However, if you want to take a supplement, you must take the advice of a docto...
Jennifer Aniston beauty tips : advice on skincare

Jennifer Aniston beauty tips : advice on skincare

Cover Story, Glamour, Modeling, Teen
Jennifer Aniston has the most expensive and high-tech skincare treatment. But don't forget the basics of skincare: maintaining skin moisture and drinking plenty of water. There is, of course, one more thing that keeps his skin fresh. That is collagen. According to Aniston, collagen peptide is her favorite. She did not hesitate to say that she would benefit from using it. Rather, she says, ‘My nails are healthier than before. Because it works from the inside. ’That’s why she drinks this collagen peptide mixed in his smoothie. That's why she tied the knot with a brand called Vital Proteins. The Hollywood star said to provide nutrition from inside her body. And she is also working for vital proteins. She has come down to the campaign to make her fans as well as others aware. Sharing you...
শীতে ত্বকের যত্ন

শীতে ত্বকের যত্ন

ক্যালেন্ডারের পাতায় গরম যাই যাই করছে! সূয্যি মামা শেষ মুহূর্তেও দেখিয়ে যাচ্ছে তার প্রতাপ। যা আপনার ত্বকের বারোটা বাজাতে অত্যন্ত কঠিন পণ নিয়ে নেমেছে। এ সময় চাই বাড়তি যত্ন। ত্বককে সুন্দর তরতাজা আর উজ্জ্বল রাখতে হলে অতিরিক্ত সূর্যরশ্মি অর্থাত্ অতিবেগুনি রশ্মি এড়িয়ে চলতে হবে। তা না হলে ত্বক বুড়িয়ে যাবে। সেক্ষেত্রে একটি ছাতা বা টোকা জাতীয় টুপি ব্যবহার করা যেতে পারে। যারা এগুলোকে রুচিসম্মত মনে না করেন তারা যেকোনো একটি উৎকৃষ্ট সানস্ক্রিন লোশন বা ক্রিম ব্যবহার করতে পারেন। এখন প্রশ্ন আসতে পারে, কোন সানস্ক্রিন আপনি ব্যবহার করবেন? এ ক্ষেত্রে প্রথমেই আপনার ত্বকের রং বিবেচনায় আনতে হবে। যে ত্বকের রং যত সাদা সে ত্বক সূর্যালোকে তত বেশি নাজুক। সেই সঙ্গে শুরু হয়েছে ত্বকের নানাবিধ সমস্যা। তাই এখন থেকেই শুরু হোক ত্বকের বাড়তি যত্ন। এতে শীতের শুষ্কতা কমিয়ে ত্বককে করবে মসৃণ এবং স্বাস্থ্যোজ্জ্বল। ত্বককে ময়শ্চা...
Some magical way to get rid of dark circles

Some magical way to get rid of dark circles

Cover Story, Glamour
Dark circles under the eyes are a very important problem these days. Not getting enough sleep at night, stress, depression, etc. can cause dark circles under the eyes. However, blackness is also seen under the eyes due to hereditary reasons. There are some foods that will help you to get rid of dark circles. Eat these regularly to get rid of dark circles Tomatoes Tomatoes are very effective in eliminating dark circles. Tomatoes also remove blemishes from the skin. Mix one teaspoon of tomato juice with one teaspoon of lemon juice and apply it under the eyes. Rinse after 10 minutes. You can do this twice a day. Get regular benefits with regular use. You can also eat tomato juice, lemon juice, and mint leaf juice. Cucumber Cucumbers contain a lot of water that hydrates the skin...
homemade conditioner you can make with household items

homemade conditioner you can make with household items

Cover Story, Health, Health and Lifestyle, Recipe
Loss of hair due to pollution, irregularities or carelessness. Homemade conditioner can be used to make hair shine in a natural way. Conditioners made from these materials at hand will make the hair shiny and soft. Homemade Conditioner with Eggs Eggs can be used on all types of hair. Use egg whites for oily hair. If the hair is dry, use egg yolk. For normal hair, use egg whites and yolks together. Mix a few drops of lemon juice with the egg and apply it on the hair. After 20 minutes, wash with shampoo. Use eggs once a month. Sour yogurt Apply sour curd on wet hair and wait for 20 minutes. Wash hair with lukewarm water and use herbal shampoo. You can use sour yogurt once in two weeks. This will also work as homemade conditioner. Lemon juice Homemade conditioner deserves some flavor an...
Use of coffee in beauty treatment

Use of coffee in beauty treatment

Glamour, Health, Health and Lifestyle
Coffee is a source of powerful anti-oxidants. In addition, the vitamins and acidic ingredients in it are unique in skin care. There is no pair of coffee to keep the hair shiny. Learn about use of coffee in beauty treatment. Use of coffee in beauty treatment Mix equal amount of coffee powder and coarse granulated sugar. Make a paste by mixing lemon juice in equal quantity and apply it on the skin. Rinse after a few minutes. Dead skin will be removed. Mix enough water with coffee powder to get rid of puffiness under the eyes. Mix equal amount of oatmeal and coffee. Make a paste by mixing honey with these two ingredients. Massage the mixture on the skin for 2 minutes. Leave it for a while and wash it off with cold water. Dirt will be removed from the skin. Mix lemon with coffee...
Shampoo every day ? Don’t ruin your hair

Shampoo every day ? Don’t ruin your hair

Glamour, Health, Health and Lifestyle
Every day you have to go out on the streets, and going out on the streets means pollution, sweat on your head, almost all the hair is waking up! . And to save your hair from this misery, surely you want to shampoo every day ? But no matter how much you shampoo, and no matter how expensive shampoo you use, shampooing every day means playing twelve of your favorite haircuts. You have to go out on the streets every day, and going out on the streets means pollution, sweat on your head, all the hair is almost waking up! Is that so? And surely you want to shampoo your hair daily to save your hair from this misfortune? But no matter how much you shampoo, and no matter how expensive the shampoo you use, shampooing every day means playing twelve of your favorite haircuts. You must be wondering, ...
Get rid of skin problems in ten steps!

Get rid of skin problems in ten steps!

Cover Story, Glamour, Health, Health and Lifestyle
Seeing the perfect skin of Korean girls is bound to dazzle the eyes. The secret to this flawless, pelvic skin is a special 10-step skincare routine. Follow these and say no to skin problems ! Make-up removal: Every day when we go out, we come in contact with sun, dust and smoke. Its net fruit? The skin becomes dirty. So when you come from outside, first you have to wipe your face well with an oil based cleanser. There is no substitute for oil-based cleansers for make-up, and dust removal. You can use essential oils or oil based cleansers like grape seed or jojoba. Water-based cleansers for skin problems : They are good at removing sweat and dirt from the face. You can use green tea based cleanser or rice water. Exfoliation: If the dead cells of the mouth are frozen, the age of the...
Lip tips to make your lips look more attractive

Lip tips to make your lips look more attractive

Glamour, Health and Lifestyle
Here are some lip tips to make your lips look more attractive. Lip tips lip tips 1 : If the lips are a little thick, apply a light shade of lipstick. First, outline and shape the area around the lip with a lip liner. Then fill the rest with lipstick. tips 2 : Bright or dark shaded lipstick will work well on the lips if the lips are thin. You can also use lip-gloss. The lip-liner shade needs to be one shade lighter than the lipstick shade. tips 3 : To keep the lipstick on the lips for a long time and the lips are moisturized, apply a little powder on the lips before applying the lipstick. After applying lipstick, apply a little Vaseline on the lips. The lips will look light glossy. To get rid of chapped lips, mix lemon juice with a little milk cream and apply it for a while. ...
Easy hair care tips at home in lockdown

Easy hair care tips at home in lockdown

Cover Story, Glamour, Health, Health and Lifestyle
You have not been able to leave the house for a long time. But does this mean that taking care of oneself will also be left out? 'I'm at home, who else will see', thinking that if you take care of hair, skin, etc., but then the problem may increase. So the dermatologist and hair wellness expert Dr. gave easy hair care tips to take care of hair while sitting at home in lockdown. easy hair care tips 1. Adhere to a normal hair care routine: Do not skip the daily or weekly routine of hair care routine. This includes regular oiling and shampooing, as well as eating, sleeping and exercising at the right time. easy hair care tips 2. Dry your hair naturally: You are at home, there are no stars to go out, so there is no need to dry your hair in the dryer with shampoo. The heat of the dryer re...