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Exercising wearing the mask can be dangerous

Exercising wearing the mask can be dangerous

Health, Health and Lifestyle
Everyone is now using masks to prevent coronavirus infection. However, specialist doctors have advised not to do heavy work and exercise wearing the mask. Expert doctors say that if you exercise wearing the mask, the oxygen in the body is reduced and the risk is increased! Recently, a 26-year-old Chinese man lost consciousness after running 2.5 miles wearing a mask. He was rushed to Wuhan Central Hospital where he underwent surgery. Again, three schoolchildren were killed while running on the field after wearing a mask at a school in China. Doctors have advised you to wear a mask when you go out to protect yourself from coronavirus. However, doctors think that it is better not to wear a mask while doing heavy work or exercise alone. So, exercise while maintaining social dist...
Two exercises will keep the lungs healthy

Two exercises will keep the lungs healthy

Health, Health and Lifestyle
Breathing exercises should be done to improve lung performance, especially in patients with asthma or chronic bronchitis. In addition, it relaxes or reduces stress. Breathing exercises Sit with your spine straight and close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Gradually its speed will decrease. Count one at the first exhalation, the next two, thus up to five. Then start again with a new one. Do this exercise for 10 minutes a day. It is a kind of meditation. Belo Breathing This is an exercise for closing the mouth and breathing frequently through the nose. Try to inhale and exhale three times per second. Breathing and exhaling times will be the same. This will quickly exercise the chest and thoracic muscles. Then breathe normally for a while. Not more than 15 seconds. Th...
বাড়ির ছাদে করে ফেলুন  শখের বাগান

বাড়ির ছাদে করে ফেলুন শখের বাগান

Agriculture Tips, Cover Story
শহরে যে সারি সারি উঁচু দালানবাড়ি, সবুজের দেখা মেলে না সহজে। ছোট্ট ফ্ল্যাটের ব্যালকনিতে কিংবা বাড়ির ছাদে করতে পারেন শখের বাগান । গ্রামের মতো ঘন সবুজ বাগান হয়তো হবে না, তবে টুকিটাকি অনেক গাছই লাগাতে পারবেন। তাতে করে প্রাণের ক্ষুধা যেমন মিটবে, মিটবে পেটের ক্ষুধাও। বাড়ির ছাদে কিন্তু সবজি আর ফলের চাষ করা যায় সহজেই। ব্যালকনিতে যেমন জায়গার অভাব, পর্যাপ্ত আলো-বাতাসের চলাচল না থাকা ইত্যাদি সমস্যা থাকে, ছাদে তা নয়। উপযুক্ত মাটি আর যত্ন পেলেই গাছ বেড়ে উঠবে তড়তড়িয়ে। এখন ভেজালের ভিড়ে খাঁটি জিনিস খুঁজে পাওয়াই মুশকিল। সেক্ষেত্রে নিজের হাতে লাগানো গাছের ফল বা সবজি হলে সেই চিন্তা আর থাকবে না। প্রতিদিন ভেজালমুক্ত খাবারই পাতে তুলতে পারবেন। সাধারণ মাটিতে আর বাড়ির ছাদে গাছ লাগানো কিন্তু একই কথা নয়। ছাদে গাছ লাগানোর ক্ষেত্রে নিতে হয় বাড়তি কিছু যত্ন। আপনি কী গাছ লাগাতে চাইছেন তার ওপর নির্ভর করছ...

Coronavirus: Things to keep in mind when taking home treatment

Health, Health and Lifestyle
If you have symptoms of coronavirus and corona is positive, you can take treatment at home as per the advice of the doctor. Only if the condition is severe and severe breathing problems should go to the hospital. It is possible to recover from this virus with home treatment. There are a few things to keep in mind when taking treatment while at home. Keep yourself in a separate room If corona symptoms appear, immediately isolate or isolate yourself from other family members. This will reduce the risk of infection in others. What to do if there is a fever? Symptoms of coronavirus usually include fever and runny nose. In this case, follow the doctor's advice. If there is no cough It is better not to lean on the back while sitting while coughing. Sit with your spine straig...
7 foods to increase the child’s immunity

7 foods to increase the child’s immunity

Health, Health and Lifestyle
One of the ways to increase immunity is to eat a balanced diet. Children need a better diet to stay healthy and fit than adults. There are some foods to increase the child's immunity. Let's find out which foods to increase the child's immunity Breast milk Breast milk is an essential ingredient for young children. They get the necessary nutrition from their mother's breastfeeding. You can also eat cooked vegetables and fish. Turmeric Turmeric has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and antibacterial properties, which enhances immunity. Feed turmeric mixed with baby's milk before going to bed at night. And in the morning you can eat half a teaspoon of honey and a little bit of raw turmeric. Yogurt Yogurt helps prevent gastrointestinal diseases. Yogurt is full of probiotics, w...

Going to stay on a hotel? stay safe by following these rules

Health, Health and Lifestyle, Travel Destinations
After being locked down for more than three months due to coronavirus, many are going on business and personal travel. It is not safe to stay in a hotel now, as coronaviruses are more likely to be transmitted from public places. If you are staying at a hotel while traveling at this time, there are some things you must follow.   Hotel room booking Before booking a room at the hotel, check that the rules required to stay safe from Corona are being followed. Book a room only if you have complete security. Use masks and gloves Use masks and gloves at the hotel to prevent infection. Keep many masks and gloves with you. Change if necessary. Soak the used gloves in hot water for a while and then wash them. Sanitize the room Hotel staff should be advised to completely ...
Eat food to control blood pressure

Eat food to control blood pressure

Cover Story, Health, Health and Lifestyle
Potassium is one of the most important elements of the body. Plays an important role in controlling blood pressure. So, food to control blood pressure will contain potassium. Potassium deficiency is filled by playing banana. A medium-sized banana contains about 422 mg of potassium. But many do not like to eat bananas. Now the question is - how to fill their potassium deficiency. Dietitian Reshmi Roy Chowdhury said that even if you do not eat bananas, vegetables, tomatoes, fruit juices and all kinds of pulses will meet the potassium deficiency. Food to control blood pressure Spinach In addition to vitamins A, C, K, this vegetable contains folic acid, iron, and calcium. One cup of spinach contains about 540 mg of potassium, which also helps in weight loss. Coconut water ...
Eating dinner late every day increases the risk of prostate and breast cancer: research

Eating dinner late every day increases the risk of prostate and breast cancer: research

Health, Health and Lifestyle
Playing late every night for dinner can increase the risk of prostate and breast cancer. Not eating food on time is not good for health at all. Obesity or leanness, blood pressure, sudden rise in blood sugar are all due to food. A new study published in the International Journal of Cancer claims that not eating dinner on time increases the risk of breast cancer and prostate cancer. The study also tested 621 prostate and 1205 breast cancer patients. Of which 72 were males and 1321 were females. A team of Spanish researchers conducted the study. The study collected data on the sleep schedules and dinner times of those who took part. The study further looked at whether anyone in the family had cancer, the socio-economic status of the participants and whether their environment h...
Foods that should not be fed to babies in the first year

Foods that should not be fed to babies in the first year

Health, Health and Lifestyle
Newborns need to be cared for by parents and other family members. Especially we have to pay attention to his food. There are some foods that cannot be fed to a baby in the first year of life. Let's not know the foods that should not be eaten in the first year of life- 1. Do not feed honey to the baby in the first year of life. Honey contains a molecule called Clostridium botulinum. If the child consumes, the immunity becomes weak. It can also cause constipation and bacterial infections. 2. Cow's milk has the opposite effect on the health of the baby. Cow's milk is low in iron. Calcium and casein in cow's milk also stop the absorption of dietary non-frozen iron. 3. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends not giving fruit juices to first-year infants. Fruit juice provides ...

What to do in case of uterine tumor and pregnancy complications

Health, Health and Lifestyle
What to do in case of uterine tumor and pregnancy complications Fibroid tumor is a well-known tumor of the uterus. Most women suffer from this problem and have various problems during their pregnancy. These tumors are usually of three types These tumors are usually of three types. Sub serous, intra mural and sub mucous. Of these, sub mucosal tumors are the most common. If the tumor is detected before pregnancy, an experienced physician should be consulted. Symptoms of fibroid tumors If you have this tumor, you must have some symptoms in your body. These are: There may be more bleeding and pain during menstruation. However, this tumor may be without any symptoms. In most cases, this problem can be detected by doing ultrasound with any other problem. Complications that may...
Becoming a mother during corona pandemic, 7 ways to stay healthy

Becoming a mother during corona pandemic, 7 ways to stay healthy

Health, Health and Lifestyle
Many babies are being born at this time of coronavirus. At this time special care should be taken for the health of mother and baby. Especially those who are sick, pregnant, or new mother should be given the most importance. After giving birth to a child, the mother's body becomes very weak. To overcome that weakness you need to eat nutritious food. Let's find out what mothers will eat to stay healthy. 1. Salmon is a nutritional powerhouse for mothers. This fish will increase the body's resistance to disease. As salmon is rich in omega 3 fatty acids, it will help in brain development, increased eyesight, and keep the body healthy. 2. Eating green vegetables is very important for the well-being of new mothers. Put vegetables on your daily diet to overcome weakness and strengt...
মোশাররফ করিম ও জুঁইয়ের জন্য রেস্তোরাঁয় ৪ বছর খাবার ফ্রি!

মোশাররফ করিম ও জুঁইয়ের জন্য রেস্তোরাঁয় ৪ বছর খাবার ফ্রি!

২০০৪ সালে মোশাররফ করিম ও রোবেনা রেজা জুঁই প্রণয় থেকে পরিণয়ে আবদ্ধ হয়েছিলেন। দেখতে দেখতে চোখের নিমেষে কেটে গেছে ১৬টি বছর। বিয়ের এই দীর্ঘ সময়ে কেটেছে চড়াই-উৎরাইয়ের অনেকটা সময়। সুখ-দুঃখ মিশ্রিত সময়ের অনেকটাই কেটেছে ব্যস্ততায়। তাই এবার যেন ব্যস্ততা দূরীভূত করে বিয়েবার্ষিকীর সময়টা একান্তে কাটানোর পুরোদস্তুর ব্যবস্থা করে ফেললেন জনপ্রিয় এই দম্পতি। বিয়ের ১৬ বছর পূর্ণ হওয়ার এই সময়টাকে আনন্দময় করে কাটানোর জন্য বেছে নিলেন পাহাড়কে। খাগড়াছড়ি থেকে দুর্গম পাহাড়ি পথে রাঙামাটির বাঘাইছড়ির পাহাড়ে নিজেদের বিবাহবার্ষিকীর সময়টা পালন করলেন। একান্তে সময় কাটাতে স্ত্রীকে নিয়ে পাহাড়ে ছুটে যান।  বাঘাইছড়ির সাজেকে গিয়ে মেঘেদের সঙ্গে যে সময়টা কাটালেন তাকে 'অদ্ভুত সুন্দর' সময় হিসেবেই অভিহিত করলেন। ৭ অক্টোবর ছিল মোশাররফ করিম-জুঁইয়ের বিবাহবার্ষিকীর দিন। এদিন সন্ধ্যায় বিবাহবার্ষিকী উপলক্ষে এই নাট্য দম্পতির সম্মানার্থে...
4 foods that will bring relief to your body and mind in winter

4 foods that will bring relief to your body and mind in winter

Cover Story, Health, Health and Lifestyle
Winter has come. With the change of seasons, our food list will also change. In winter, foods that keep both body and mind well should be on the list. Here are four foods you can choose from in the winter to keep your body healthy. Ginger: From our curry cooking to tea, ginger is a versatile ingredient that can be used in multiple ways. Realization is one of the remedies for cold and flu. Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties that can soothe sore throats and fight infections. Ginger often acts as a medicine for colds and coughs in winter. Ginger should also be added to your diet in winter. Broccoli: During the winter, the market is full of broccoli. The quality of broccoli cannot be overstated. Broccoli is said to be the powerhouse of vitamin minerals. Broccoli is rich in Vit...

Damage to the baby due to coronavirus

Health, Health and Lifestyle
Although children are less affected by the epidemic coronavirus than adults, they are silent victims of the virus. Children are being harmed in various ways due to corona. Schools are closed due to corona and most of the children are living under house arrest. This is hindering their mental, physical and spiritual development. Their physical and mental development is hampered as the school is closed due to corona. And they are not able to play sports due to staying home.   The harms of children in Corona- Lack of nutrition Corona causes many family heads to lose their jobs and children suffer from malnutrition due to food shortages in the family due to declining incomes. Many children are being deprived of balanced nutrition due to lack of food. As a result, their ...

What to do to prevent abortion

Health, Health and Lifestyle
Every woman dreams of becoming a mother. What could be happier for the expectant mother when that little newborn reveals her existence in the womb? However, many women suffer from the problem of unwanted abortion. Many silently shed tears. However, there is a solution to this problem. A recent study published in the international journal Fertility and Sterility of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine found that 25 percent of women had an abortion. This happens within the first three months of pregnancy. So you have to be most careful at this time. Problems that can occur during this time and what to do to prevent unwanted abortion- 1. The first trimester is considered to be the 12th week starting from the 1st week of pregnancy. Most miscarriages occur in the first thr...

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