Thursday, May 2

covid-19 business practice : which businesses should you do after lockdown

covid-19 businessCovid-19 business guide : What we will do after the lockdown lift-up, here are some tips that might be useful for fresh starters.

Covid-19 is drastically reshaping our economic structure. millions of people are going to lose their job. human are becoming more minimalist in expenditure approach. Several economic activities including the factories Are now shutdown for indefinite period. So how is everybody going to cope up with the new situation? What should you do and what should not you do?

Here we tried to give you a glimpse of upcoming market situation. don’t go for luxurious item majority of people shocked heavily due to the covid-19 lockdown.

Covid-19 business guidelines

Avoid Luxury Goods’ business

last two month actually nobody thought about buying some ornaments or luxurious fashion items. this practice will not be diminished suddenly. the upper middle earner will not go for those goods for a long while. another big portion of middle-income people will go for saving for upcoming uncertainties. that means there will be a huge decrease in the sale of valuable products such as jewelry, big screen TV, expensive mobile phones etc. so you don’t need to get involved any sort of investment or job related to these products.


No Fastfood, Streetfood or Restaurant unless you have specialization

Maintaining proper hygiene will be the supreme requirement for fastfood, restaurant or foodcart business. People will now more tend to make their own food and carry a food container with them whenever necessary.  That means, there will be a huge decline the food business as we knew it. You can’t blame consumers as you also gave it a thought. Gaining trust and confidence of street-food lovers or restaurant goers will require heavy specialization and extensive marketing effort on the hygiene-end.


But Food!

Restaurants are loosing money. But people are still eating! So, food business will be like a gold mine as always. Be a grower or grocery shop owner, your earning will be secured. But again, try to concentrate on the real necessities and important items. Do not overproduce anything. Go for the organic items as much as you can. If you have a small land or a backyard, don’t let it dry or empty. You will find plenty of tutorial videos on Youtube. If you want to grow food, try to build a calendar of crop-cycle by the help of agriculturist. Instead of a single item, try different vegetables. Don’t experiment too much with hydroponics, vertical gardening etc if you have to start quickly. A sunny spot and some moist soil with perfect Ph level will just fine.


Hospital Job

Who are currently in a situation of getting start a fresh new career after covid-19 business situation deteriorate, they might consider some training of hospital related technical job. Be a nurse and get paid well. You will also feel special which will boost your morality and barometer of happiness.


Covid-19 Business opportunities

You don’t need to stock toilet tissue or facial mask to do business. You can start manufacturing those! Making mask with proper filter and suitable materials is easy and it will sell like rocket! You can become a successful marketer also by dealing with those products. Just be careful when go for big investment or importing for Chinese manufacturers. Do the math and get help from some experts before start the business.



Home delivery is a whole new concept of the year 2020. If you don’t have sufficient fund to go for big venture, you can just buy a motorcycle or bicycle and start delivery job. But if you can invest, you can establish a whole venture of delivery. You will then recruit delivery men and managing delivery operations.

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