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DiCaprio : I don’t want my mother to know, I smoke

dicaprioWhether in style or with friends, cigarettes became DiCaprio ‘s companion. Once it becomes a habit. The actor could be seen holding a cigar in a party or a co-artist’s chat. However, this time it was found out that the famous actor of Titanic was reluctant to tell his mother about his habit in any way.

Photographer Steve Isner. Her new book in Limelight: The Visual Ecstasy of NYC Nightlife in the Nineties is coming on October 20. In the context of that book, Hollywood showbiz online came up with the incident of hiding DiCaprio’s smoke from his mother.

Speaking of the nineties. Leo was hanging out at a club. Actor Johnny Depp was also present. Then Ishnar sees Leo buying cigarettes. Leo looked at Ishnar and said, ‘Hey brother, help me a little without taking pictures of me! And don’t publish this picture. ‘

When Leo was asked, ‘Why don’t you want to publish pictures?’ Leo replied, ‘I was buying cigarettes. I don’t want my mother to know, I smoke. ‘

I was buying cigarettes. I don’t want my mother to know, I smoke cigarettes.
Leonardo DiCaprio was a rising star then. So he kept an eye on his mother. However, this star used to do a little mischief with his mother’s eyes. Hollywood actor Johnny Depp also joked at a film festival about Leo’s smoking secret to his mother. However, Caprio himself gave Robert Pattinson a tip to quit smoking.

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