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Tag: beauty tips

Follow These Simple Steps for Glowing Skin

Follow These Simple Steps for Glowing Skin

Health and Lifestyle, Lifestyle Tips
Many people use expensive cosmetics for glowing skin. However, you can achieve glowing skin by following some simple steps, in addition to using these products. Along with skincare, it is important to eat healthy food and follow certain rules to maintain glowing skin. Try to wash your face at least twice a day if your skin is oily. You can use a homemade besan mask to clean the dirt accumulated on your face. Antioxidants increase collagen, help with pigmentation, and act as anti-aging agents. So, eat foods rich in antioxidants. Drink plenty of water during summer. Water is very beneficial for skin problems. Use moisturizer regularly. Take two vitamin E capsules, 1 spoon of coconut oil, 1 spoon of beeswax, and half a cup of olive oil. Mix the olive oil and coconut oil well,...
Various Uses of Glycerin For Skin

Various Uses of Glycerin For Skin

Health and Lifestyle, Lifestyle Tips
There is never any fear of dry skin when using glycerin. Glycerin is very beneficial for keeping skin healthy, especially during the winter season. Glycerin can be applied directly to the skin or mixed with cosmetic products. Apart from this, glycerin can be used to control skin problems like cold sores and psoriasis. Now, let's learn how to use it. As a moisturizer: Glycerin can be used on the skin as a moisturizer. It works well for dry and dull skin. Apply glycerin directly to the skin using cotton. It will make the skin smooth and soft. For skin cleansing: Glycerin mixed with rose water can be used for skin cleansing. Cleanse the skin with this mixture regularly before going to bed at night. Additionally, you can use it as a toner. In combination with moisturizer: Glyc...
Protect Your Skin from Sunburn with Effective Home Remedies

Protect Your Skin from Sunburn with Effective Home Remedies

Health, Health and Lifestyle
If you want to shield your skin from sunburn, try these home remedies: Aloe Vera: Numerous studies have demonstrated the unparalleled benefits of this natural ingredient in enhancing skin beauty and health. Aloe vera effectively reduces inflammation deep within the skin. Simply apply aloe vera gel to sunburned skin and leave it on for a while. Cucumber: Cucumber is renowned for its ability to reduce skin inflammation and enhance skin beauty, recommended by dermatologists. To prevent sunburn, apply cucumber packs. Create a paste by mixing cucumber with lemon juice and apply it to your face for 15 minutes. Watermelon: With its affordability, watermelon is another excellent option. Collect some watermelon juice and apply it to your face. Additionally, rubbing the peel on your s...
ত্বকের জন্য টমেটো ও বেসনের ফেসপ্যাক

ত্বকের জন্য টমেটো ও বেসনের ফেসপ্যাক

Health and Lifestyle, Lifestyle Tips, ভেষজ
মুখ ব্রণ ও র‌্যাশ ভরে যাচ্ছে? ছোপ দাগ নিয়ে জেরবার? এ ক্ষেত্রে ভরসা রাখা যায় টমেটো ও বেসনের ফেসপ্যাক এর ওপর। টমেটো ও বেসনের ফেসপ্যাক ত্বকের ট্যান এবং কালচে দাগ হালকা করে। আবার টমেটোর ভিটামিন সি ও অ্যান্টি-অক্সিডেন্ট উপাদান বলিরেখা দূর করে। একটা ছোট পাকা টমেটো ব্লেন্ড করে নিন। দুই টেবিল চামচ বেসন মিশিয়ে মুখে লাগান। মিনিট দশেক পর ধুয়ে ফেলুন। সপ্তাহে দুই-তিনবার এ প্যাক ব্যবহার করতে পারেন। দুই টেবিল চামচ টমেটোর রসে দুই টেবিল চামচ বেসন এবং এক চা চামচ টক দই মেশান। মুখ প্রথমে ফেসওয়াশ দিয়ে পরিষ্কার করে ফেসপ্যাকটি লাগিয়ে নিন। শুকিয়ে গেলে হালকা গরম পানিতে মুখ ধুয়ে ফেলুন। ব্রণ ও দাগ কমাতে সপ্তাহে দুবার ব্যবহারই যথেষ্ট। একটি টমেটো ধুয়ে পিষে নিন। একটি পাত্রে টমেটো পেস্টের সঙ্গে এক চা চামচ হলুদ গুঁড়ো, এক টেবিল চামচ বেসন এবং দুই চা চামচ লেবুর রস মিশিয়ে প্যাক বানান। ১০ মিনি...
মুগডাল দিয়ে রূপচর্চা | Moong dal for Beauty Care

মুগডাল দিয়ে রূপচর্চা | Moong dal for Beauty Care

Health and Lifestyle, Lifestyle Tips
মুগডাল মুখরোচক ডাল। এতে প্রোটিনও আছে বেশ। শরীরের জন্য উপকারী এ ডাল রূপচর্চাচেও বেশ কাজের। আজ তাই জেনে নিন মুগডাল দিয়ে রূপচর্চা বিষয়ক নিয়মকানুন। মুগডাল দিয়ে রূপচর্চা শুষ্ক ত্বক যাদের শুষ্ক ত্বকে মুগডালের ফেসপ্যাক জাদুকরি কাজ করে। রাতভর দুধে মুগ ডাল ভিজিয়ে রাখুন। এরপর ব্লেন্ড করে ত্বকে লাগিয়ে রাখুন। ১৫-২০ মিনিট পর শুকিয়ে গেলে ধুয়ে ফেলুন। অল্প কদিন ব্যবহারেই ত্বক কোমল হবে। রোদে পোড়া দাগ দূর করতে মুগডাল দিয়ে রূপচর্চা ত্বকের রোদে পোড়া দাগ দূর করতে পারে মুগডাল। কিছু ডাল পানিতে ভিজিয়ে রাখুন আট ঘণ্টা। এরপর ব্লেন্ড করে তাতে মেশান ঠান্ডা টক দই। অ্যালোভেরা জেলও মেশানো যাবে। রোদেপোড়া দাগে লাগিয়ে রাখুন ১৫ মিনিট। পরিষ্কার গরম পানি দিয়ে ধুয়ে ফেলুন। ব্রণ সারাতে মুগডাল ব্রণ নিয়ে যাদের ঘুম হারাম তাদের সমাধানও মিলবে মুগডালে। যথারীতি সারারাত পরিষ্কার পানিতে ভিজিয়ে রেখে পরদি...
চুলে পেঁয়াজের রস যেভাবে ব্যবহার করবেন

চুলে পেঁয়াজের রস যেভাবে ব্যবহার করবেন

Health and Lifestyle, Lifestyle Tips, ভেষজ
প্রায়ই রূপচর্চায় উঠে আসে রান্নাঘরের এক কোণে পড়ে থাকা সাধারণ মসলা পেঁয়াজ। আর এই পেঁয়াজ রান্নায় যেমন লাগবেই, তেমনি রূপচর্চাতেও আছে ব্যবহার। বিশেষ করে চুলের জন্য পেঁয়াজের রসের উপকারের কথা তো সবারই জানা। চলুন জেনে নেওয়া যাক রূপচর্চায় পেঁয়াজের ব্যবহার ও চুল পড়া ঠেকাতে যেভাবে মাথায় পেঁয়াজের রস লাগাবেন। চুল পড়া ঠেকাতে পেঁয়াজের রস ব্যবহারের নিয়ম পেঁয়াজের রস চুলের বৃদ্ধিতে টনিকের কাজ করে। ব্লেন্ড বা গ্রেট করে পেঁয়াজের রস বের করে সরাসরি স্কাল্পে লাগাতে পারেন। ৩০ মিনিট রেখে হালকা শ্যাম্পু দিয়ে ধুয়ে ফেললেই হবে। শুধু চুলের বৃদ্ধি নয়, যে স্কাল্পে পেঁয়াজের রস লাগানো হবে সেটার স্বাস্থ্যও ঠিক থাকবে। বিশেষ করে খুশকির সমস্যা বা ফাঙ্গাসের আক্রমণ হলে সেটাও দূর করতে পারবে পেঁয়াজের রস। পেঁয়াজের রসের সঙ্গে অ্যালোভেরা জেল বা নারিকেল তেল মিশিয়ে চুল ও স্কাল্পে মেখে আধা ঘণ্টা রেখে দিন। ...
10 beauty tips from Taylor Swift

10 beauty tips from Taylor Swift

Health and Lifestyle, Lifestyle Tips
Here are some beauty secrets directly from Taylor Swift. 1. Invest in a good skincare routine. Taylor swears by her facialist, Shani Darden, who she says has changed her skin for the better. 2. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. Taylor swears by drinking lots of water for healthy, glowing skin. 3. Get plenty of sleep. Taylor says that getting a good night’s sleep is key to having beautiful skin. 4. Wear sunscreen. Taylor is a big believer in sunscreen, and always makes sure to put it on every day. Taylor Swift attends the 2022 MTV Video Music Awards 5. Eat a healthy, balanced diet. Taylor emphasizes the importance of eating a healthy diet full of fruits, veggies, and proteins. 6. Get regular exercise. Taylor tries to make time for regular exercise, which helps to keep her lookin...
7 Uses of aloe vera in beauty treatments

7 Uses of aloe vera in beauty treatments

Health, Health and Lifestyle, Lifestyle Tips, ভেষজ
Aloe vera has been used in beauty treatments for centuries. It keeps the skin cool and clean from the inside out. Besides, there is no pair of this magical herb to keep the skin bright by removing sunburn spots.   As a moisturizer It is important to use regular moisturizers to keep the skin soft and beautiful. You can use fresh aloe vera gel as a moisturizer. This light gel is very effective especially as a natural cream this summer.   For shiny hair Use aloe vera gel mixed with shampoo on hair. The hair will be shiny. If you want, you can apply the gel directly, wait for one hour and wash it.   In sunburned skincare Apply aloe vera gel on sunburned red skin. Regular use will also remove dark spots on the skin.   To get rid of dandru...
10 Extraordinary Tips to Keep the Skin Evergreen!

10 Extraordinary Tips to Keep the Skin Evergreen!

Health, Health and Lifestyle, Lifestyle Tips
Today I will share some tips to keep the skin evergreen and youthful. Before the age of 30-35, there are black lines under the eyes. Our food habits, pollution, insomnia, stress are the culprit. If you want to maintain the beauty of the skin for a long time, follow some tips. Use sunscreen to protect skin from ultraviolet rays. Eat carrots, chocolate, and green tea every day. These are rich in lycopene. Which protects the skin from the sun's rays. Massage the skin for a while every day. The skin will remain supple. Exercise daily to keep skin taut. Drink enough water every day. The skin will remain tight. Use a skin scrub once a week. It will remove the dead skin and keep the skin well. Eat green vegetable juice. Do face yoga every day. Clean the makeup well a...
7 Home Remedies for Dark Circles

7 Home Remedies for Dark Circles

Health, Health and Lifestyle, ভেষজ
There may be black spots under the eyes for various reasons. Dark circles are usually caused by insomnia or stress and fatigue. In addition to ensuring adequate sleep, some home remedies can be used to get rid of dark circles.   Cucumber pack for Dark Circles Make a pack by chopping the cucumber and mixing it with sour curd. Leave in the fridge to cool. Then apply this pack under the eyes. When dry, wash. If you use it three days a week, you will get results quickly. If you want, you can slice the cucumber and put it on your eyes for ten minutes.   Potato pack to Remove Dark Circles Peel a squash, grate it and squeeze the juice. Blend or apply under the eyes. Wait a while and wash it off.   Pack of coconut oil and turmeric Mix coconut oil and almond oil in raw...
6 vegetables for skincare

6 vegetables for skincare

Health and Lifestyle, Lifestyle Tips, ভেষজ
Excessive use of cosmetics or dust has made the skin rough? You can rely on natural ingredients to restore natural radiance to the skin. Some vegetables at hand can solve various skin problems. Learn how to use any vegetable in skincare. Tomatoes Tomatoes are rich in vitamin C. It brightens the skin. In addition, the acid in tomatoes is able to remove dark spots on the skin. Tomato slices rubbed on the skin removes sunburn spots. Apply tomato paste mixed with honey on the skin. The skin will be radiant.   Lemon There is no alternative of lemon to bleach the skin naturally. Mixing lemon juice with honey and applying it on the skin removes dead skin. Cut the lemon in half and rub a few drops of honey on the skin. The skin will be radiant.   Cucumber Cucu...
7 Coffee beauty tips You are Missing!

7 Coffee beauty tips You are Missing!

Health, Health and Lifestyle
Not only you, your skin also wants Coffee! Its time to know about some Coffee beauty tips which you are missing badly.   Best Coffee Beauty Tips   Antioxidant Coffee is rich in protective antioxidants. Which subdues harmful free radicals. Soap mixed with coffee powder make the skin tender. The skin's natural immune system is also strengthened.   Protects from UV The caffeine in coffee protects the skin from the sun's harmful ultraviolet rays. UV rays of the sun are at the root of various complications including skin cancer. Coffee contains chlorogenic acid, which can destroy the DNA of skin melanoma cancer.   Bright and smooth skin The caffeic acid in coffee opens the pores of the skin. This cleans the dust accumulated on the skin. The skin is bright, smooth an...
Wonderful Tea Tree Oil : Extraordinary benefits of tea tree oil

Wonderful Tea Tree Oil : Extraordinary benefits of tea tree oil

Cover Story, Glamour, Health, Health and Lifestyle
Many people think tea-tree oil is extracted from the original tea tree. Not really. However, thanks to Mr. James Cook, the name has remained. But whatever the name, the Benefits of tea tree oil is amazing. Tea tree oil is a very popular ingredient in today's beauty treatments. Over the years, it has become very popular among the beauty-conscious people of Bangladesh. But the funny thing is, many people here don't really know the source of this oil. Most people think of it as oil collected from tea plants. Tea tree oil literally means 'tea tree oil' but it has nothing to do with tea at all. Another name for this oil is Melaluka Oil. Because it is produced from the leaves of Melaleuca alternifolia tree. The plant originates in the northeast coast of Queensland and New South Wales, Aust...
The minimal makeup trend is hot now

The minimal makeup trend is hot now

Cover Story, Glamour
It takes a while for the mainstream makeup to change. However, its various aspects change all the time. The concept of heavy makeup or without makeup has changed a lot in the world of makeup. And this trend is called the minimal makeup trend. This trend has proved that it is possible to present oneself in an attractive way even in a dress that is not too little or too much. The days of decorating yourself with foggy eyes and dramatic eyeliner are over. The situation is now 360 degrees opposite. The current trend in the world of costumes is minimal makeup. The trend is gaining more and more support in the summer. Bollywood stars are also giving the idea of ​​such outfits even on hot days. They are choosing a simple look with a little light eyeliner and a little mascara, adding...
To remove the dead cells of the skin

To remove the dead cells of the skin

Glamour, Health, Health and Lifestyle
Dryness of the skin increases in winter. The amount of dead cells in the skin also increases. If these are not removed in the right way, various problems may arise. Our skin changes normally. New cells are born in the skin, old cells die. Growing dead cells or dead skin from the skin is a normal process. The problem is when dead skin is not removed regularly. It causes cracks in the skin, causes acne, closes the pores of the skin, increases hair loss, and causes various skin diseases. Dead cells usually adhere to the skin. White dead cells can be seen from there. Many people suffer from dandruff. These are also dead cells of the scalp. Dead cells of the scalp In winter, the number of dead cells on the scalp increases, which is called dandruff. Massage the oil regularly to remove d...

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