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The Reverse Magic of Lilin

The Reverse Magic of Lilin

Kidz, Stories for Kids
The Reverse Magic of Lilin By Dhrubo Neel The laughter begins as soon as the magician Lilin suddenly landed on the stage from no-where. The reason behind the nagging is clear; the fifty year old magician is only about three feet tall. Usually nobody laughs at Lilin at his own village Hatuntun. Because everyone in Hatuntun is dwarf and they are also around three feet tall. Only the city-people, who are tall enough, laughs at him. Some looks at him obliquely and some throws stones just to irritate him. These do not bother Lilin at all. Because, he knows powerful spells. If he wants, he can make the mocker into a catfish within a twinkling of an eye. That is why he always tried to keep calm. But sometimes it gets worse when his magic goes wrong. That's what happened today. First...
১০টি কবুতরের রোগ ও সেগুলোর প্রতিকার

১০টি কবুতরের রোগ ও সেগুলোর প্রতিকার

Agriculture Tips, Cover Story
কবুতর একটি সংবেদনশীল পাখি। সহজেই জীবাণু দ্বারা আক্রান্ত হতে পারে। তাই কবুতরের রোগ হলে অতি সতর্কতার সাথে সঠিকভাবে যত্ন নেওয়া উচিত। তা না হলে বিভিন্ন রোগে আক্রান্ত হওয়ার আশংকা আছে। কবুতরের রোগ সমূহ ও এর প্রতিকার নিম্নরূপ: এক নজরে ১০টি কবুতরের রোগ ১. ঠান্ডাজনিত রোগ (Colds): কবুতরের মানুষের মত ঠান্ডাজনিত রোগ হয়ে থাকে। সাধারনতঃ ভেজা বাসস্থান বা ভেজা আবহাওয়াজনিত কারণে (অতিরিক্ত ঠান্ডা বা গরম) ঠান্ডাজনিত রোগ হয়ে থাকে। এসময় কবুতরের নাক দিয়ে তরল পদার্থ নিঃসৃত হয়। চিকিৎসা: এক্সপেকটোরেন্ট (Expectorant) জাতীয় সিরাপ খাওয়ালে সহজেই ঠান্ডাজনিত রোগ ভাল হয়ে যায়। ২. ডাইরিয়া (Diarrhoea): কবুতরের ডাইরিয়াজনিত রোগ সাধারনতঃ অম্লদূর্গন্ধযুক্ত, মল্ডি (Moldy) এবং অপরিনিত শস্য-দানা খেয়ে ডাইরিয়া দেখা দেয়। চিকিৎসা: ডাইরিয়া হলে ওরস্যালাইন-এন জাতীয় খাবার স্যালাইন খেতে দিতে হবে। তবে সবধরনের শস্...
Drawing by kids : Oh Ant don’t bite me!

Drawing by kids : Oh Ant don’t bite me!

Drawing by kids
These wonderful vibrant and colorful drawings are made our little fella Nuraan Issam Kabir. He is from Dhaka, Bangladesh. He is just 3 years and 9 months old. But he drew these pictures at least 6 months ago. He also used to make rhymes of his own! Wanna here one of his poem? পিঁপড়া পিঁপড়া আমাকে কামড় দিয়ো না, পিঁপড়া পিঁপড়া আমার গায়ে উঠো না, পিঁপড়া পিঁপড়া I love you.   Translation Oh dear ant! dear ant Don't bite me please. Oh dear ant, dear ant Don't ride upon me. Oh dear ant dear ant.. I love you...  
গাছের জন্য সেরামানের রেডিমিক্স মাটি সরবরাহ করছে মাটি

গাছের জন্য সেরামানের রেডিমিক্স মাটি সরবরাহ করছে মাটি

Agriculture Tips, Cover Story
দীর্ঘ সাত বছর ধরে অনলাইনে ব্যবসা করে আসছে মাটি। অনেক দিন ঢাকায় মাছ হোম ডেলিভারি দিয়ে আসলেও এবার মাটি দিচ্ছে সত্যিকারের মাটি। শখের ছাদবাগান বা টবের জন্য উন্নতমানের রেডিমিক্স মাটি সরবরাহ করছে মাটি। ২৫ কেজি করে বস্তা  পাঠানো হচ্ছে সুন্দরবন কুরিয়ারে। তবে হোম ডেলিভারি দেওয়া হয় না। এটি সংগ্রহ করতে হয় সুন্দরবন কুরিয়ারের পারসেল সেন্টার থেকে। ৪ বস্তার কম অর্ডারের ক্ষেত্রে অগ্রিম পেমেন্ট প্রযোজ্য। আর ৪ বস্তা বা তার বেশি অর্ডারে কন্ডিশন পেমেন্ট সুবিধা রয়েছে। সেক্ষেত্রে শুধু কুরিয়ারের খরচ অগ্রিম প্রযোজ্য। এই রেডিমিক্স মাটিতে কোনো ধরনের সার মেশানোর দরকার হবে না। এটি তৈরি করা হয় উন্নতমানের কোকোডাস্ট ও ভারমি কম্পোস্ট মিশিয়ে। এর সঙ্গে পরিমাণমতো ট্রাইকোডারমা মেশানো থাকে। এটি জৈব বালাইনাশক। নার্সারিগুলোতে এ মাটি কেজি প্রতি ৪০-৫০ টাকা করে বিক্রি করা হলেও মাটি থেকে সংগ্রহ করলে পাচ্ছেন মাত্র ২০...
Foods that contain more vitamin C than oranges

Foods that contain more vitamin C than oranges

Cover Story, Health, Health and Lifestyle
Health experts say that more vitamin C should be added to the diet at this time of the coronavirus. This vitamin helps to increase immunity. Orange is said to be one of the best sources of vitamin C. But do you know from which foods you can get more of this vitamin than orange? To get more vitamin c You can get more vitamin C from a few strawberries than an orange. Folate and magnesium are also found in this fruit. 100 grams of broccoli contains about 90 grams of vitamin C, while an orange contains 60 grams of vitamin C. Eat red, yellow and green capsicum to get plenty of vitamin C. 16 grams of vitamin C is available from two kiwis. This fruit is also a source of copper and potassium. One cup of pineapple contains about 80 grams of vitamin C. One cup of papaya cont...
Dwayne Johnson is ready to shoot, wins corona battle

Dwayne Johnson is ready to shoot, wins corona battle

Cover Story, Entertainment
Hollywood actor Dwayne Johnson alias The Rock is returning to work. The actor is ready to shoot for the Netflix movie 'Red Notice'. Hiram Garcia, the film's producer and Rock's longtime friend, shared the information with Variety. Actor and wrestler Rock was resting at home after being attacked by covid-19. Earlier this month, he and his family were attacked by Corona. His wife Lauren, two daughters Jasmine and Tiana were all affected. Now everyone is healthy. So no more sitting at home. This actor is ready to shoot. Netflix has provided maximum alertness and security on the shooting set. Hiram Garcia said that Netflix started shooting with all kinds of precautions. One hundred percent security has been provided for everyone involved in the movie. Garcia said they were able to...
Lose weight in a healthy manner

Lose weight in a healthy manner

Cover Story, Health, Health and Lifestyle
If you want to lose weight, proper diet is just as important as exercise. Exercise regularly at home for at least 20 minutes. Take a look at the food list as well. To Lose weight ... Put half of the vegetables on a plate, a quarter of the carbohydrates (rice, bread, pasta, noodles, etc.) and the rest of the protein (fish, meat, eggs or pulses). Those who want to lose weight can increase the amount of protein by controlling carbohydrates. Avoid processed foods as much as you can. Include pulses, yogurt, lamb in your daily diet. Some foods can be cooked in mustard oil. You can also mix olive oil, mustard oil, rice bran oil. Make healthy snacks. Lightly fry in a non-stick pan instead of deep frying. Avoid extra sugary foods at all cost. Next time when your brain will c...
Priyanka and Nick Jonas : Priyanka is blessed to have Nick

Priyanka and Nick Jonas : Priyanka is blessed to have Nick

Priyanka and Nick Jonas hold each other's hands tightly. Priyanka Chopra shares regularly updated social media for fans. The actress brought a new haircut in front of the fans on Saturday. This time she posted a selfie with her husband. The caption reads, "My lifelong companion, I am blessed to have you." This photo posted on Sunday shows Priyanka lying with her head on Nick's shoulder. The star couple is holding each other's hands tightly. The heroine is staring at the camera in the picture, but Nick was found in a slightly anxious manner. Foods For hair : eat these for shiny and healthy hair Do you know these health benefits of capsicum?  
Health benefits of Probiotic Yogurt

Health benefits of Probiotic Yogurt

Health, Health and Lifestyle
Yogurt, the last leaf of Bengali festival. After a meal, a bowl of yogurt completes the meal. Historians said, yogurt was not born in this country at all. Not even in the Indian subcontinent. Its birthplace in Bulgaria. The age of this dairy food is four thousand years. This is because of the nutritional value of yogurt. The bacteria in yogurt speed up the digestion of food. It also increases the body's resistance to disease. Thus it is also called probiotic yogurt. The body needs its own energy to fight coronavirus. How to increase the strength of the body? Microbiologists said, ‘There are many different micro-organisms in the digestive system of the human body. These are collectively called gut microbiota. They reside in our digestive system. Helps to stay healthy by playing a rol...
Do you know these health benefits of capsicum?

Do you know these health benefits of capsicum?

Cover Story, Health, Health and Lifestyle
Red, green or yellow capsicum is also called bell paper. Eating nutritious capsicum raw is more beneficial. Its quality is lost if it is cooked for a long time at high temperature. If you want to intake full benefits of capsicum you can eat it lightly fried in olive oil. If you want, you can mix it in salad and eat it. Learn about the benefits of Capsicum. Benefits of Capsicum Capsicum is rich in vitamin C. Especially red capsicum contains a lot of vitamin C. It contains antioxidants, which are very beneficial for the body. Vitamins E and A are available from bell peppers. So bell paper is also helpful in maintaining good eye health. Bell paper keeps hair and skin well. Eat capsicum regularly to stay away from heart disease. Potassium, folate, etc. are also found in la...
Benefits of sweet potato : did you know before

Benefits of sweet potato : did you know before

Cover Story, Health, Health and Lifestyle
There are numerous health benefits of sweet potato. Eating nutritious sweet potatoes can keep you away from many diseases. As it reduces the risk of cancer, it also keeps the heart healthy.   Benefits of sweet potato The fiber in sweet potatoes helps reduce blood sugar and cholesterol. Iron-rich sweet potatoes increase the performance of blood cells that carry oxygen. Sweet potatoes are a great source of vitamin C. This vitamin is essential for good health. The beta-carotene in it reduces the risk of cancer. Sweet potatoes provide more potassium than bananas. So patients with high blood pressure can eat this potato. This will help control blood pressure. Sweet potatoes contain some powerful ingredients that help in purifying the blood. You can eat sweet ...
Lack of nutrients that cause insomnia

Lack of nutrients that cause insomnia

Cover Story, Health, Health and Lifestyle
8 hours of sleep daily is very important for recovery. Many people suffer from insomnia. Lack of essential nutrients can lead to insomnia. But you can easily get these nutrients from different foods. Find out which ingredients can cause sleep disturbances. According to a study published in 2014; Vitamin C not only helps boost immunity, it is also the cause of uninterrupted sleep. Adequate vitamin C can be obtained from oranges, lemons, broccoli, green vegetables. Lack of iron disrupts the body's oxygen supply, leading to sleep problems. Spinach, red spinach, nuts, beef liver, iron will be found in meat. Magnesium increases the supply of hormones that work in the body for sleep. As a result, magnesium deficiency is one of the reasons for insomnia. Green vegetables, sweet pumpkin,...
DiCaprio : I don’t want my mother to know, I smoke

DiCaprio : I don’t want my mother to know, I smoke

Whether in style or with friends, cigarettes became DiCaprio 's companion. Once it becomes a habit. The actor could be seen holding a cigar in a party or a co-artist's chat. However, this time it was found out that the famous actor of Titanic was reluctant to tell his mother about his habit in any way. Photographer Steve Isner. Her new book in Limelight: The Visual Ecstasy of NYC Nightlife in the Nineties is coming on October 20. In the context of that book, Hollywood showbiz online came up with the incident of hiding DiCaprio's smoke from his mother. Speaking of the nineties. Leo was hanging out at a club. Actor Johnny Depp was also present. Then Ishnar sees Leo buying cigarettes. Leo looked at Ishnar and said, ‘Hey brother, help me a little without taking pictures of me! And don't ...

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