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Travel Doha | A short day tour at Doha

Travel Doha | A short day tour at Doha

Travel Destinations
Doha, the capital of Qatar, is a city of contrasts. On one hand, the city is an oasis of modernity and opulence, with its glittering skyscrapers, luxurious shopping malls, and world-class restaurants.   On the other hand, the city also retains its traditional charm, with its bustling souks and old-world architecture. I arrived in Doha late in the evening, and immediately noticed the city’s unique blend of modern and traditional. The skyline was illuminated with the colorful lights of skyscrapers, while the streets were filled with the hustle and bustle of people making their way through Doha’s narrow alleys and souks. The next day, I set off to explore some of Doha’s many attractions. I started off by visiting the iconic Souq Waqif, a traditional market that has been i...

Travel to St Martin Island of Bangladesh

Travel Destinations
Write a travel blog on St Martin Bangladesh St Martin is an isolated island in the middle of the Bay of Bengal, located off the coast of Bangladesh. It is known for its pristine beaches, lush vegetation, and unique wildlife. My journey to St Martin began early in the morning as I took a two-hour boat ride from mainland Bangladesh. I was immediately mesmerized by the sight of the island's turquoise waters and white sand beaches. I could see why it is such a popular destination for locals and tourists alike. The first thing I noticed upon arriving on the island was the colorful fishing boats that lined the shore. I was told that these boats are used for both commercial and leisure fishing, and it was fascinating to watch them in action. We then took a short hike to the highest p...
10 questions and answers about Taylor Swift

10 questions and answers about Taylor Swift

Here are 10 questions and answers about Taylor Swift Q1. What is Taylor Swift's full name? A1. Taylor Alison Swift. Q2. When was Taylor Swift born? A2. Taylor Swift was born on December 13, 1989.   Q3. What is Taylor Swift's zodiac sign? A3. Taylor Swift is a Sagittarius.   Q4. In which country was Taylor Swift born? A4. Taylor Swift was born in Reading, Pennsylvania, USA.   Q5. What is Taylor Swift's favorite color? A5. Taylor Swift's favorite color is reportedly turquoise.   Q6. Does Taylor Swift have any siblings? A6. Yes, Taylor Swift has a younger brother named Austin.   Q7. What is Taylor Swift's favorite food? A7. Taylor Swift's favorite food is reportedly sushi.   Q8. What is the name of ...
Nora Fatehi announced her new film

Nora Fatehi announced her new film

International star Nora Fatehi is making waves in the entertainment industry after recently announcing her upcoming Bollywood film "Bhuj: The Pride of India". The film, directed by Abhishek Dudhaiya, is set to be released in 2020 and stars Ajay Devgn, Sanjay Dutt, and Sonakshi Sinha in the lead roles. Fatehi will be seen playing the role of a spy in the film.   The film is based on a true story set in 1971 when 300 women from a small village in Gujarat were asked to help rebuild an IAF airstrip during the Indo-Pak war.   Speaking about her role, Fatehi said, "I'm really excited to be part of this incredible project and to be able to portray the story of these brave women. It's an honour to be able to bring this story to the screen and I can't wait for everyone ...
Sreemangal travel information | Tourist spots in Sreemangal

Sreemangal travel information | Tourist spots in Sreemangal

Travel Destinations
Sreemangal, a small town in Bangladesh, is known for its lush green tea gardens, vast rubber plantations, and its diverse wildlife. It is situated in the greater Sylhet division of the country and is known for its picturesque beauty and serene atmosphere. The town is renowned for its tea plantations, with some of the best tea gardens in the country. The town is home to the largest tea estate in Bangladesh, totaling around 600 acres. The tea plantations are not only a source of livelihood for the locals but also a major tourist attraction. Tourists come here to enjoy the lush beauty of the tea gardens, with their green rolling hills and endless rows of tea bushes. Apart from the tea gardens, tourists can also explore the vast rubber plantations in the region. The rubber tree...
Taylor Swift had been keeping a low profile since…

Taylor Swift had been keeping a low profile since…

Taylor Swift had been keeping a low profile since the release of her album ‘Lover’, but the world recently got a big update on her life. The surprise came in the form of an Instagram post from the star herself, revealing that she had secretly married her longtime boyfriend, Joe Alwyn. The post featured a photo of Swift in a white dress with Alwyn in a black suit, and the caption simply read, “We are in love.” The news quickly spread around the world, with fans and friends alike expressing their congratulations and admiration for the couple. Swift’s close friend, Selena Gomez, was one of the first to comment, saying “Congrats to two of my favorite humans.” The singer’s loyal fanbase was also in full force, praising the couple for taking the leap. They were especially impressed with...
জাহারা মিতুর ছবি ‘জয় বাংলা’ | এ নিয়ে যা বললেন নায়িকা

জাহারা মিতুর ছবি ‘জয় বাংলা’ | এ নিয়ে যা বললেন নায়িকা

Entertainment, Glamour
কাজী হায়াতের ৫১তম ছবি ‘জয় বাংলা’ দিয়ে বড় পর্দায় অভিষেক হয়েছে নায়িকা জাহারা মিতুর। সারা দেশের ২০টি প্রেক্ষাগৃহে ছবিটি মুক্তি পাচ্ছে। জাহারা মিতু তার স্ট্যাটাসে লিখেছেন- আমার প্রথম চলচ্চিত্র হিসেবে পর্দায় আসতে যাচ্ছে কিংবদন্তী পরিচালক “কাজী হায়াৎ” এর “জয় বাংলা”। তবে আমাকে যিনি বড়পর্দায় প্রথম পরিচালনা করেছেন তিনি আমার অন্যতম অভিভাবক “বদিউল আলম খোকন”। আমার বড়পর্দায় অভিষেক, অথচ তার আশীর্বাদ-দোয়া আমার মাথায় থাকবে না, এমন কল্পনা করাও আমার জন্য পাপ। কথা দিচ্ছি আগুন জ্বলবে আগুনের মতই……. খোকন ভাই আপনাকে শ্রদ্ধা করি, ভালোবাসি।   “জয়-বাংলা” পুরোটাই আমাদের কিংবদন্তী নির্মাতা কাজী হায়াৎের সিনেমা। মুনতাসীর মামুন রচিত “জয় বাংলা” উপন্যাসের চিত্রনাট্য নিয়ে এই চলচ্চিত্র নির্মিত। একটি উপন্যাস যখন সিনেমায় রূপান্তরিত হয় তখন স্বভাবতই একজন পরিচালককে সেই ঐপন্যাসিকের চিন্তা-ভাবনা কে ধারণ করে সেই প...
রূপচর্চা টিপস : রূপচর্চায় দুর্বা ঘাস ও লজ্জাবতীর ব্যবহার

রূপচর্চা টিপস : রূপচর্চায় দুর্বা ঘাস ও লজ্জাবতীর ব্যবহার

Health and Lifestyle, ভেষজ
দুর্বা একটি লতানো ঘাস জাতীয় উদ্ভিদ। প্রত্যেক গিট থেকে শিকড় বের হয়। পাতা ৫ ইঞ্চি/ ১ ইঞ্চি লম্বা হয় দেখতে চিকন। অগ্রভাগ সরু । সমগ্র ঘাস ব্যবহার করা হয়। রূপচর্চায় দুর্বাঘাসের মতো লজ্জাবতীরও আছে ব্যবহার। আর আমাদের গ্রামবাংলার মেঠোপথ থেকে শহরের পথের ধারেও এ দুটি ভেষজ অনেক পরিমাণে দেখা যায়। রূপচর্চায় দুর্বার মতো লজ্জাবতীরও আছে বেশ কিছু ব্যবহার। চলুন জেনে নেওয়া যাক দুর্বা ও লজ্জাবতীর কিছু ভেষজ গুণ । রূপচর্চায় দুর্বা ঘাসের ব্যবহার যে কেনো ধরনের এলার্জি (severe allargic) তে দুর্বা পাতার চূর্ণ মধুসহ লেহন/ বেটে খেলে এলার্জি কমে যায়। এ ক্ষেত্রে পাতার রস সেবন করলেও ফল পাওয়া যায়। অকালে ও অকারণে চুল ঝরায় দুর্বার রস (চারভাগের এক ভাগ) তিল তেল জ্বাল দিয়ে মাথায় মাখলে চুল গজবে ও চুল পড়া বন্ধ হবে। পাইরিয়া রোগে শুকনো দুর্বার গুড়া ও নিম পাতার গুড়া এক সাথে মিশিয়ে প্রতিদিন সকালে এবং রা...
১০০০ ইংরেজি থেকে বাংলা ভোকাবুলারি

১০০০ ইংরেজি থেকে বাংলা ভোকাবুলারি

Education, সাধারণ ইংরেজি
নিচে ১০০০ ইংরেজি থেকে বাংলা ভোকাবুলারি দেওয়া হলো। এই ইংরেজি শব্দগুলোর বাংলা অর্থ জানা থাকলে যেকোনো পরীক্ষায় ইংরেজিতে ভালো করা যাবে পাশাপাশি ইংরেজিতে রিপোর্ট লেখার ক্ষেত্রেও এই শব্দভাণ্ডার (Vocabulary) কাজে আসবে। 1: Fortuitous -আকস্মিক 2: Inherent – স্বাভাবিক 3: Legible -সহজপাঠ্য 4: Indelible -অমোচোনীয় 5: Endurable -সহনীয় /টেকসই 6: gregarious -মিশুক /সামাজিক 7: Introverted -অন্তর্মুখী ব্যক্তি (আত্মকেন্দ্রিক চিন্তা চেতনা ) 8: Alleviate -উপশম করা 9: Aggravate -অধিক গুরুতর/ শোচনীয় করে তোলা 10: Elevate -উত্তোলন করা,উন্নীত করা 11: Desultory -নিয়মশৃংখলাহীন 12: Methodical -সুশৃংখল 13: Integral -অপরিহার্য অংশ 14: Dissipate – দূর করা/অপচয় করা 15: Exempt -রেহাই /অব্যহতি দেয়া 17: Obliged -বাধিত বা ঋণী হয়েছে এমন 18: Steadfast -অবিচলিত 19: Valiant -সাহসী 20: Repute -সুখ্যা...
Film Review Fetih 1453 : তুর্কি ছবি ফাতিহ ১৪৫৩

Film Review Fetih 1453 : তুর্কি ছবি ফাতিহ ১৪৫৩

Fatih is a Turkish word. It means Winning the War. And 1453 is the name of the year, the war happened. The film has been making a lot of noise in the list of historical films. There has never been a film about the conquest of Istanbul (the Byzantine capital of Constantinople at the time) by the Turkish Sultan Mahmud II. And it is well known that a big-budget film with a heroic narrative will respond to the whole world. However, for the sake of 'cinematic', the original history has not been criticized. But the situation has been confused elsewhere.   It is heard that Turkey is feeling Ottoman imperialism again after this film was made. This film also shown in Turkish schools. However, the reasoning is slightly different. This age also has much to learn from the bravery and skill ...
Recent Discovery on Black Holes

Recent Discovery on Black Holes

Tech news
Scientists have found a way to get new information about black holes. The way is clear for a better understanding of how a black hole swallows nearby massive matter and ejects matter from its burrow. Recently, the details of the joint research by NASA and the Italian Space Agency have been published in the journal Science. In December last year, NASA and the Italian agency jointly launched the X-ray telescope IXPE (Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer) into orbit. It detected X-rays from the black hole named Cygnus X-1. However, as before, not only the source of that ray, but its polarization and radiation type were also understood. Henryk Krzynski, a researcher at the University of Washington, said that information resides in this polarization. In the case of black holes, the type...
Stove story : 3 Facts about Stove

Stove story : 3 Facts about Stove

Facts for Kids, Kidz
Stove story : 3 Facts about Stove Sir Benjamin Thomson is the father of modern gas stoves, chimneys and furnaces used in factories. He designed these in 1790. He is also the creator of modern fireplace. The first modern commercial gas burner appeared at an exhibition in London in 1851. But it took another 30 years to reach the market. In 1880, the first gas stove came to the market in England. Because at that time, gas pipelines were installed across the country's cities. At the same time, where there was electricity connection, electric stoves also started to be used. This stove became popular in Europe and the United States at the beginning of the twentieth century. The microwave oven was invented and marketed in 1940.
4 Fun Facts about Bicycle

4 Fun Facts about Bicycle

Facts for Kids, Kidz
Here are 4 Fun Facts about Bicycle In 1418, the first man-powered vehicle was invented by the Italian researcher Giovanni Fontana. 20-30 crore bicycles are produced annually in the world. Now there are approximately 100 crore bicycles. Which is twice as much as a mechanical car. The fastest speed record on a bicycle is held by American Olympic cyclist John Howard. He reached 152.2 miles per hour in 1985. 10-30 bicycles can be parked in one car space.
5 fun facts about tooth

5 fun facts about tooth

Facts for Kids, Kidz
Here are 5 fun facts about tooth We spend an average of 1920 hours brushing our teeth in a lifetime. A shark's tooth falls out and rises again. A shark grows a total of 30,000 teeth in its lifetime. At the age of 6, a human child has 52 teeth. But most of it is hidden inside the skull. When one falls, the other begins to rise. Acids released by bacteria mix with tooth enamel and cause tooth decay. The ideal brushing time is two minutes.
Risk of a Fatty Heart : Heart disease in young people

Risk of a Fatty Heart : Heart disease in young people

Health, Health and Lifestyle
Smoking, alcohol consumption, menopausal status and socio-economic factors increase the problem of fatty heart. Research shows that the more fat women carry overall, the more fat they accumulate around the heart.   Symptoms of heart disease Chest pain or discomfort dizziness fainting Palpitation in the chest Mild headache Heartbeat (tachycardia) fluctuations shortness of breath Slow heart rate (bradycardia).   If you see these symptoms, consult a doctor immediately. However, fatty heart problems do not have any symptoms at first. However, other cardiovascular problems can increase the risk of fatty heart. If there is a fatty heart problem, it is detected in CT scan. But usually CT scan is not done to check for fatty heart. If there are other...

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