Sunday, September 8

How to prevent osteoporosis | Treatments of osteoporosis

In addition to aging and menopause, there are other causes and risks of osteoporosis. Such as not doing an adequate amount of physical exertion, Not getting enough calcium and vitamin D, Malnutrition and being underweight, Excessive smoking, or alcohol consumption.


The rate of bone loss increases with age. Women are more prone to this degenerative problem than men.

Increased bone density is a lifelong process. After the age of 16 to 18 years, the growth of bone length stops.

But by the age of 20, bone formation and decay continue at the same rate.

After 40 years, the level of erosion increases little by little compared to the formation. Especially in women, after menopause, the hormone called estrogen decreases in the body. As a result, the level of bone loss suddenly increases.

How to prevent osteoporosis and treatments of osteoporosis
How to prevent osteoporosis

More reasons for osteoporosis

In addition to aging and menopause, there are other causes and risks of osteoporosis. Such as not doing adequate amount of physical exertion, not getting enough calcium and vitamin D, malnutrition and underweight and excessive smoking or alcohol consumption.

In addition, some diseases increase the risk of osteoporosis. Such as rheumatism, hypogonadism, thyroid or parathyroid hormone problems.

Diseases that interfere with food absorption, such as celiac disease and Crohn’s disease. If someone is bedridden in the long run.

Some drugs also increase bone loss. Such as steroids, anticonvulsants, and drugs used to treat cancer.


Symptoms of osteoporosis

Since osteoporosis is a natural process with age, there are no symptoms in the early stages. But when the material or density inside the bone decreases a lot, various symptoms are seen. Such as pain all over the body, bone fractures due to minor injuries, and pain in the abdomen or waist due to spinal fractures.


Risk assessment

The risk can be determined by observing the patient’s symptoms, age, previous history of other diseases and medications. Bone density can be determined by testing the bone mineral density of a patient at risk.


How to prevent osteoporosis

  • Following a balanced diet.
  • Eating foods rich in calcium and vitamin D, especially from childhood. Such as Nanitola milk, low fat yogurt, Codliver oil etc.
  • Regular exercise should be done.
  • Quit smoking and drinking.
  • Prevent falling.
  • Every woman over 50 should consult a doctor to determine bone density.


Treatment of osteoporosis

Different types of drugs are used in the treatment of osteoporosis. Among these are bisphonate therapy, hormone replacement therapy in case of hormonal problems, calcium and vitamin D supplementation, etc.

If osteoporosis is left untreated, minor injuries can lead to fractures or fractures. Because the density decreases, the bones become weak and brittle.


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