Friday, March 14

The dangers of using earphones for too long

using earphones for a longer period can cause infection in ear
using earphones for a longer period can cause infection in ear

Listening to high volume on earphones can cause a variety of problems. Dr. Anup Talukder, a postgraduate trainee in the Department of Ear, Nose and Throat, Mitford Hospital, Dhaka, gave advice in this regard.


How do we hear?

Many people know the answer to this question. A sound wave enters our ear canal and hits the eardrum. This causes vibration in the eardrum. This vibration then enters to the inner ear through the three small bones of the middle ear (melias, incas, stapis). The liquid jelly-like substance in the inner ear is then moved by this vibration, the movement of this fluid stimulates the hair cells like hairs in it. It is from these cells that we hear the sound through the ear nerves.

Many of us now use headphones or earphones to listen to music or movies or much more. Many famous and expensive devices give us a great musical experience. But what will happen to our ears?

The earphones are located very close to our eardrums and go straight and hit the inner ear. As a result, the ear drum vibrates much faster than normal. The higher the volume, the harder it will hit. As a result, the inner ear cells will swell in. If this volume is more than 90 decibels then temporary hearing loss occurs. If that sound is 110 or more then permanent hearing loss can also occur.

Another thing is that, modern earphones are placed in the ear in such a way that air cannot circulate inside the ear. As a result, if someone listens to music continuously for a long time, the possibility of ear infection increases a lot. This can lead to various complex diseases including ear diseases.

Nowadays, many people are also using Bluetooth earphones. Many studies have shown that electromagnetic radiation from such devices can affect our brain as well. So you can not use the ear phone? Yes, but it is better to reduce it as much as possible. And there are some things to keep in mind when using headphones-

Suggestions associated with earphones

  1. Volume should be kept in the middle or less. Can’t be heard for more than 30 minutes continuously. After 30 minutes you have to listen with a little break.
  2. Many people fall asleep at night listening to music with headphones on. Think, I’m asleep, I can’t hear the sound when I’m asleep. But the headphones did not sleep even though you slept. It had to vibrate. So, you should not sleep at night with active earphones in your ears.
  3. Only one person should use a single earphones. It can be seen that your friend sometimes sits down with sharing your headphones. Earphones carry germs into one another’s ears. So it is better not to share. And if you do, use disinfectant. Prevent children from using earphones at home.
  4. According to the World Health Organization, you can listen to music with headphones for a maximum of one hour a day. There are some foods that sharpen your hearing such as oranges, lemons, capsicum, antioxidants, magnesium, vitamin E etc.
  5. If you do not have difficulty hearing at low volume, or if you experience ear pain while using earphones, you should see a nose, ear and throat specialist immediately.

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