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Want to do better in getting a bank job?

Want to do better in getting a bank job?

To get a job at bank is no easy task. You have to well prepared and have to answer to the point. Here are some tips for those who want to get a job at a bank.   1. Master the various jargon (abbreviations and spoken words) of all the subjects you have studied, which you have done undergraduate and postgraduate. You may also want to know about the application of what you have read in the banking sector. Be prepared for that too. 2. Get as much idea as possible about the bank to which you are going to give Viva. You will find the names of the people in important positions in the mission, the vision of the bank on these websites. 3. Find out more about the position you are applying for. He will also take the idea about the responsibilities and benefits of the position. 4. ...
How to become a data scientist?

How to become a data scientist?

Career, Cover Story
In this age of information technology, data scientist and business analytics are two popular names. Because now data means something huge. Big companies want data first to take their business forward. Many big businesses can avoid losses if a data analyst comes up with the right data in a timely manner and comes up with a new idea. Let's make it easy. Suppose a new company decides to bring its own toothpaste to market. The owner wants the customer to accept it. For this you need to do market research first. Which is called market research. Research needs to be run on users. It will be seen which people use which toothpaste more, why they do it, what is the reason why they are buying which toothpaste year after year etc. All this is data. And if you know this information, the company wil...
Keep these with you at camping

Keep these with you at camping

Health and Lifestyle, Lifestyle Tips, Travel Destinations
Excluding the crowds of the usual places of travel, do you like to spend time alone on the hill or by the river? However, you can make a temporary home at the bend of a remote mountain camping. Find out what things you must keep with you if you want to go camping. A durable and waterproof tent is one of the main aspects of camping. I also want to be easily portable. Must wear good grip shoes. It will help you to cross inaccessible paths. Place with plastic or polythene bag. It will be convenient to carry wet clothes. Take the sleeping bag. It is essential for a comfortable sleep in the place of choice. Be sure to keep a water bottle. Understand the opportunity and fill it with water. Keep the power bank with. It is very important to keep a torch with you during campi...
So, Is Masha Rostova is N-13? You already guessed it!

So, Is Masha Rostova is N-13? You already guessed it!

Nor the Raymond, nor the Katerina, so it is obvious that some other is N-13. The Question is, is Masha Rostova is N-13? It doesn't seem to be either a spoiler for the observant audience. The Russian friend of Raymond Stepanov is already shown reluctance to identify the identity of N-13 and while we see him whisphering into ear of Raymond, it is easy to guess that Masha is the real N-13, which she is not aware of till now. Masha a secretive and sedative past. She a memory recall/rewrite (I don't know how to descrive) problem. So, there is a story hidden beneath the past (what is in that doll by tha way? any thumbdrive hidden?).  So, our theory suggest, Masha Rostova aka Agent Keen is N-13. with a horde of information somewhere in her mind, hidden by some clog which can be re...
Can diabetics follow the Keto diet?

Can diabetics follow the Keto diet?

Health, Health and Lifestyle
Diet is important for diabetics. However, the Quito diet can have dire consequences for them. In this regard, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University Professor of Cardiology. SM Mostafa Zaman said that diet is a very important issue for diabetics. Many of us think that if we have diabetes, we will not be able to eat much. But this is a misconception. We have to eat more and more without eating too much together. However, you should refrain from eating sweet or soft drinks. Because soft drinks raise blood sugar levels. Professor Dr. SM Mostafa Zaman said that one should eat food which is low in carbohydrates. Vegetables and raw fruits should be eaten along with protein foods. Again, many people think that rice can not be eaten. Just eat bread. This is also a misconception. You can...
7 ways to reduce hair loss

7 ways to reduce hair loss

Cover Story, Health, Health and Lifestyle, Lifestyle Tips
7 ways to reduce hair loss Almost everyone suffers from hair loss problems. Many people's heads become empty at the age of. Hair can fall out for various reasons. If there is a problem of hair loss of close relatives in the family, this problem may also occur in the next generation. Again, this can happen due to lack of proper hair care. Health experts say it is normal to lose 100 hairs a day. If you have more hair than this, you have to seek the help of a specialist. A number of international health websites regularly report on ways to reduce and stop hair loss. Here are some ways to reduce hair loss in that light: * Due to low blood circulation in the scalp, hair often falls out. There is no substitute for using oil to increase blood circulation. Apply this oil to your scalp...
The life of a child at the age of one and a half years

The life of a child at the age of one and a half years

Cover Story, Health and Lifestyle, Relationship
At the age of one and a half years, symbolic thoughts begin in the mind of the child. As a result, innovation comes in his behavior. At the same time, the various fields of child development became full of outstanding diversity. Notice the change in the baby step by step The rate of physical growth is further reduced than before. Hunger decreases with him. At this time the body fat dries up due to excessive walking. The lower spine is slightly tilted forward. All in all, his stomach can look big. Brain growth continues for the whole 2 years. Most babies learn to walk independently before their first birthday, but some may not achieve it before the age of 15 months. Just as a very agile, fearless child is more likely to be able to walk early, so a less agile, timid child is more li...
seed and nuts for pain relief : home remedy of knee pain

seed and nuts for pain relief : home remedy of knee pain

Cover Story, Health, Health and Lifestyle
Almonds Almonds contain calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc and folate to reduce bone pain. Which is a great source of minerals needed for our bone health. They are also good sources of monounsaturated oleic acid and omega-3 alpha linolenic acid (ALA) which are good for the heart. Almonds are a mixture of healthy fats, proteins and calcium. It is also a good source of vitamin-E. So that it has strong antioxidants, and for its welfare, it works great in preventing skin, hair, nails and diseases. It is better to eat soaked almonds. You can also use almonds in salads or smoothies.   Walnuts Many studies have shown that taking omega-3 fatty acids can improve bone health. The macronutrients in it help increase the amount of calcium in your bones. Which reduces the risk of arthrit...
Aloe vera as highlighter

Aloe vera as highlighter

Cover Story, Health and Lifestyle, Lifestyle Tips
Aloe vera when used as a highlighter For a long time, the first choice of women to enhance the beauty of various cosmetics. The popularity of cosmetics is still the same. It is difficult to calculate how many types of cosmetics are available now. Highlighter is one of the most popular cosmetics for makeup. However, there are many complications in using a highlighter. If it is not used properly, the opposite can happen. Highlighter basically helps to make the facial skin look soft and radiant. However, according to experts, in order to use a highlighter perfectly, one has to practice for several days first. You also need to know your skin color and type. He has to use a highlighter accordingly. For example, if the skin is oily, then a powder highlighter should be used. If the skin is dr...
ধ্রুব নীলের মজার ভূতের গল্প : থিংক লাইক ভূত

ধ্রুব নীলের মজার ভূতের গল্প : থিংক লাইক ভূত

Cover Story, Kidz, Stories, Stories for Kids
এ নিয়ে কয়েকশবার হাতে চিমটি কাটা হয়ে গেল। তবু একবারও ব্যথা লাগেনি! তারমানে এ নিশ্চয়ই স্বপ্ন। খুব খারাপ স্বপ্ন। কিন্তু স্বপ্ন মানুষ এতোক্ষণ দেখে কী করে! দু’চার মিনিট হলে না হয় কথা ছিল, তাই বলে টানা তিনদিন! তবে কি ঐ তিনচোখা দানবটার কথাই সত্যি! সে কি তাহলে..! না এ কিছুতেই সম্ভব নয়। এ হতে পারে না! সে একটা পুরনো পোড়াবাড়িতে না খেয়ে না ঘুমিয়ে তিনদিন একটা চেয়ারে টানা বসে থাকবে, এটা বিশ্বাস করা যায় না কিছুতেই। ঐ তিনচোখা দানব বললেই হলো! ব্যাটা নিজে তো একটা ভূত, বলে কিনা সেও ভূত হয়ে গেছে! অসম্ভব। - এ সম্ভব ম্যাডাম। পৃথিবীতে অসম্ভব বলে কিছু নেই। দরজা নেই। তাই নক করার দরকার হলো না। বাইরে ফকফকা চাঁদের আলো। যিনি দরজার সামনে দাঁড়িয়ে এ কথা বললেন তাকে বেশ ভয়ার্ত দেখাচ্ছে। তার হাতে একটা ব্রিফকেসের মতো ব্যাগ। দুবার কাশি দেয়ার মতো শব্দ করলেন। তবে তাতেও ঘরের ভেতরে যে বসে আছে তার কোনো সাড়া মিলল না। ...
The minimal makeup trend is hot now

The minimal makeup trend is hot now

Cover Story, Glamour
It takes a while for the mainstream makeup to change. However, its various aspects change all the time. The concept of heavy makeup or without makeup has changed a lot in the world of makeup. And this trend is called the minimal makeup trend. This trend has proved that it is possible to present oneself in an attractive way even in a dress that is not too little or too much. The days of decorating yourself with foggy eyes and dramatic eyeliner are over. The situation is now 360 degrees opposite. The current trend in the world of costumes is minimal makeup. The trend is gaining more and more support in the summer. Bollywood stars are also giving the idea of ​​such outfits even on hot days. They are choosing a simple look with a little light eyeliner and a little mascara, adding...
How to prevent Thalassemia before it could be disastrous

How to prevent Thalassemia before it could be disastrous

Cover Story, Health, Health and Lifestyle
Today  (8th May) is World Thalassemia Day and we have to learn about it more precisely to prevent thalassemia before it could be disastrous. According to the World Health Organization, more than 100 million people worldwide carry different types of thalassemia genes. About one lakh children are born every year with complex thalassemia. According to sources, 6 percent or 12 million people in Bangladesh are carrying different types of thalassemia genes. Six thousand children are born with this disease every year through the intermarriage of these carriers. The number could double in the next 30 years if we don't catch up now. World Thalassemia Day is being celebrated on May 8 this year as every year. This year's theme is Addressing Health Inequalities Across the Global Thalassemia c...
The differences between common cold and coronavirus

The differences between common cold and coronavirus

Cover Story, Health, Health and Lifestyle
The common cold is also a viral disease. It mainly affects the upper respiratory tract or the upper respiratory tract. Usually responsible for rhinovirus. In case of infection, this virus is similar to coronavirus. Spreads from person to person. However, it is a virus of a slightly weaker nature. This is because it affects the upper respiratory tract but does not affect the lower respiratory tract or the lungs. So it goes without saying that there is no amount of damage. Symptoms Runny nose Nasal congestion Mild sore throat Cough Fever on the skin Fever can fluctuate between 99 and 104 degrees Headache Sneezing Physical weakness This fever differs from typhoid Typhoid fever usually does not have a cold or cough. In the case of rhinovirus, the...

Do you have a habit of wearing a bra for 24 hours?

Health, Health and Lifestyle
Many people think that wearing a bra for 24 hours helps to keep their figure beautiful, while many people say that this habit is the cause of breast cancer! But which is actually true? Or in whose case the rule of wearing a bra applies? Learn about the benefits, disadvantages, and health risks. Why wear this bra all the time? Almost everyone who wears a bra all the time, even when going to bed at night, thinks that this work keeps the shape of their breasts beautiful. Keeps the breasts shapely for a long time and does not allow the shape to be lost. But is that really so? Not having a bra actually has very little to do with losing the shape of the breast, only the field, in particular, can be it. And the main reason for the gradual loss of breast shape in women is age, gravity, child...
Corona-র মৃদু উপসর্গ থাকলে X-Ray করান, সিটি স্ক্যানে ক্যানসারের ঝুঁকি : AIIMS

Corona-র মৃদু উপসর্গ থাকলে X-Ray করান, সিটি স্ক্যানে ক্যানসারের ঝুঁকি : AIIMS

Cover Story, Health, Health and Lifestyle
করোনায় আক্রান্ত হলেই, ফুসফুসের স্বাস্থ্য ক্রমশ অবনতি হচ্ছে। শ্বাসকষ্টে অস্থির হয়ে উঠছে সাধারণ মানুষ। তবে অনেকেরই করোনাকালে শ্বাসকষ্ট না হলেও পরবর্তীকালে দেখা গিয়েছে দুর্বল হয়ে পড়েছে শ্বাস নেওয়ার ক্ষমতা। তখনই বেশিরভাগ ক্ষেত্রে অনেকেই বুকে সিটি স্ক্যান করে জানতে চাইছেন ঠিক কী সমস্যা হচ্ছে। ফুসফুসের স্বাস্থ্য ঠিক কেমন আছে? আর এর প্রবণতা বিরাটাকারে বেড়েছে করোনাকালে। তাই এই বিষয়ে  সতর্ক করলেন AIIMS-র ডিরেক্টর রণদীপ গুলোরিয়া। তিনি জানিয়েছেন, করোনার মৃদু উপসর্গ থাকলে সিটি স্ক্যান নয়, এক্স রে করান। মনে রাখবেন একবার সিটিস্ক্যান, ৩০০ বার এক্সরে-র সমান। কারণ, সিটি স্ক্যানে যে ক্ষতিকারক রেডিয়েশন যন্ত্র ব্যবহার করে, তার থেকে ক্যানসার হতে পারে। কম বয়সিদের সিটি স্ক্যান করানো উচিত নয়। খুব দরকার না পরলে সিটি স্ক্যান করাবেন না। পাশাপাশি তিনি আরও বলেন, করোনার মৃদু উপসর্গ থাকলে ওষুধ খেলেই কাজ হবে। তার...

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