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Cover Story

The dangers of using earphones for too long

The dangers of using earphones for too long

Cover Story, Health, Health and Lifestyle, Tech news, Teen
Listening to high volume on earphones can cause a variety of problems. Dr. Anup Talukder, a postgraduate trainee in the Department of Ear, Nose and Throat, Mitford Hospital, Dhaka, gave advice in this regard.   How do we hear? Many people know the answer to this question. A sound wave enters our ear canal and hits the eardrum. This causes vibration in the eardrum. This vibration then enters to the inner ear through the three small bones of the middle ear (melias, incas, stapis). The liquid jelly-like substance in the inner ear is then moved by this vibration, the movement of this fluid stimulates the hair cells like hairs in it. It is from these cells that we hear the sound through the ear nerves. Many of us now use headphones or earphones to listen to music or movies ...
Which Foods to eat for beautiful skin ?

Which Foods to eat for beautiful skin ?

Cover Story, Glamour, Health, Health and Lifestyle
For natural bright and vibrant skin, you have to eat healthy food and get regular sleep. As well as drinking plenty of water. Find out which foods are on the diet menu and you will get bright and beautiful skin. You can eat pomegranate regularly for wrinkle-free skin. It contains vitamin C and anti-oxidants to prevent skin aging. In addition to brightening the skin, the ingredients in pomegranate also protect the skin from the harmful rays of the sun. Eat walnuts if you want to get beautiful skin. It contains omega three fatty acids, vitamin E and natural oils that enhance the beauty of the skin from the inside out. Eating a little yogurt every day will keep the skin vibrant and bright. The protein in it keeps the skin as well as the hair well. The anti-oxidants and vitamins in...
Foods that will keep your eyesight good

Foods that will keep your eyesight good

Cover Story, Health, Health and Lifestyle
Time is spent on the screen of laptop, television or mobile phone. Put on the food list some foods that will help maintain good eyesight. Carrots Almost all orange vegetables and fruits contain beta-carotene. This beta-carotene is an extremely powerful anti-oxidant, which helps prevent the problem of cataracts, dimming of the eyes due to age. Moreover, carrots contain fiber and potassium. These two elements are also good for the body. Spinach Spinach contains two carotenoids called xanthine and lutein. They help prevent the erosion of a part of our eye called the macula as we age. As a result, the eyesight remains fresh. Also any green leafy vegetable is a very good source of manganese. Green leafy vegetables help protect the retina of the eye from the sun's harmful ultraviolet r...
homemade conditioner you can make with household items

homemade conditioner you can make with household items

Cover Story, Health, Health and Lifestyle, Recipe
Loss of hair due to pollution, irregularities or carelessness. Homemade conditioner can be used to make hair shine in a natural way. Conditioners made from these materials at hand will make the hair shiny and soft. Homemade Conditioner with Eggs Eggs can be used on all types of hair. Use egg whites for oily hair. If the hair is dry, use egg yolk. For normal hair, use egg whites and yolks together. Mix a few drops of lemon juice with the egg and apply it on the hair. After 20 minutes, wash with shampoo. Use eggs once a month. Sour yogurt Apply sour curd on wet hair and wait for 20 minutes. Wash hair with lukewarm water and use herbal shampoo. You can use sour yogurt once in two weeks. This will also work as homemade conditioner. Lemon juice Homemade conditioner deserves some flavor an...
Use of apple cider vinegar in beauty treatment

Use of apple cider vinegar in beauty treatment

Cover Story, Health, Health and Lifestyle
Apple cider vinegar can brighten the skin as well as eliminate dandruff. Its acidic component also removes acne. Learn about the use of apple cider vinegar in beauty treatments. Clean the skin with facewash. Dip a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar and rub it on the skin. It removes excess oiliness from the skin as a natural toner. Gargle with one part apple cider vinegar mixed with two parts water. Wait half an hour and brush your teeth. Teeth will be whiter. Apple cider vinegar can be used to remove dandruff. Mix equal amount of water and apple cider vinegar together and massage at the base of the hair. After a while, rinse with water. Use it once or twice a week. To remove acne, mix equal amount of water and vinegar and soak cotton in the affected area. Mix two tables...
ধ্রুব নীলের অতিপ্রাকৃতিক গল্প : গোরখোদক

ধ্রুব নীলের অতিপ্রাকৃতিক গল্প : গোরখোদক

Cover Story, Stories
`শরিফুল আবার কবর খুড়বার লাগসেরে!’ চিৎকার করে পাড়ায় পাড়ায় কথাটা বলে বেড়ানোর জন্য একজনই যথেষ্ট। বরষার প্রবল বৃষ্টির ঝাপটা কাটিয়ে লোকটার চিৎকার যারা শুনতে পেল তাদের মনে তৈরি হলে দুই রকমের অনুভূতি। এমনিতে মৃত্যুর খবর সবাইকে বিষণ্ন করে দেয়। কিন্তু জীবিত কেউ একজন যেকোনো সময় মারা যাবে, এ খবর চাঞ্চল্যকর। আজ কে কখন মারা যাবে সেটা কেউ জানে না। শুধু সবাই জেনে গেছে, আজ দিনের মধ্যে কেউ একজন মরবে। কারণ শরিফুল কবর খুঁড়ছে! মৃত্যুর খবর সে আগাম টের পায়। মটুয়া গ্রামের গোরখোদক শরিফুল। তার বয়স তখন চৌদ্দ পনের। বাবা কবর খুড়ত। সে দাঁড়িয়ে দেখত। এরপর একদিন শরিফুলের শখ হলো কবর খোঁড়ার। সে যেদিন কবর খুঁড়ল সেদিনই পিছলে পড়ে যায় তার বাবা। গলা বরাবর ঢুকে যায় একটা সরু গাছের গোড়া। কারো মতে, ঘটনার শুরু নাকি এভাবেই। গোরস্তানের পাশে চালাঘরে থাকে শরিফুল। গোরখোদক হিসেবে আশপাশে নামডাক তার। তবে পারতপক্ষে কেউ তার খ...
Lipstick color : Choose to match the skin

Lipstick color : Choose to match the skin

Cover Story, Glamour, Modeling
Lipstick is a beauty product that will never get old or be lost. Big things like making the mind better, building confidence can come down to using a small lipstick. However, if the lipstick color does not match the color of the skin, it is better to avoid that color. According to beauty expert Kaniz Almas Khan, Maroon, Ruby Red are liked by almost everyone. For those whose skin color is dark, it is better to mix any color with red. If the skin color is bright, you can choose Bangi Nude Tone, Ruby Red, Plum (a little maroon purple), Mouve (light purple) color. If the skin color is sweet green, then coral orange, light pink, nude, light melon colors will adapt. Powdered pink, light purple, orange lipsticks will be predominant in combination with the pressed color. In 2010, a specia...
These Foods that will help you to gain weight

These Foods that will help you to gain weight

Cover Story, Glamour, Health, Health and Lifestyle
Want to gain weight ? but not want to get fat? Here is a list of healthy foods which will help you to gain weight in a healthy way. These will surely help you to get fit also. Eat more potatoes. Potatoes are a source of carbohydrates. It enters the body and is converted into glucose. Potassium and vitamin C are also found in potatoes. You can eat dried fruits mixed with yogurt, oatmeal or salad. Natural sugar is obtained from dried fruits. Bananas are high in calories and sugar. The fruit is also a great source of potassium. You can make protein smoothie and eat it with banana. If you want to gain weight, eat peanut butter regularly. Each ounce of cheese provides 110 calories and 8 grams of protein. Cheese also contains a lot of calcium. Regularly eating cheese will ma...
গাড়িতে মাস্ক ব্যবহার করার নিয়ম

গাড়িতে মাস্ক ব্যবহার করার নিয়ম

Cover Story, Health, Health and Lifestyle
ঘর থেকে বের হলেই মাস্কের প্রয়োজন। করোনা ভাইরাস প্রতিরোধের পাশাপাশি নিরাপদ থাকা যায় অন্যান্য জীবাণু থেকেও। তবে গাড়ির ভিতরে মাস্ক ব্যবহার করার ব্যাপারে অনেকের অনেক মত। তাই জেনে নিন গাড়িতে মাস্ক ব্যবহার করার নিয়ম । গাড়িতে একা থাকলে মাস্ক ব্যবহার করার দরকার হয় না।  গাড়ি চালানোর সময় মাস্কটা এমনভাবে পরা উচিত যাতে নাক-মুখ ভালোভাবে ঢাকা থাকে। গাড়িতে মাস্ক ব্যবহার করার নিয়ম ১. যদি আপনি গাড়ি চালান এবং অসুস্থ বোধ করেন তাহলে শুধুমাত্র কেউ গাড়িতে থাকলেই মাস্ক ব্যবহার করুন। ২. মাস্ক ব্যবহার করলে গাড়ির এসি বন্ধ রাখুন। জানালার কাঁচ নামিয়ে দিন। এতে বাতাস চলাচল ঠিক থাকবে। ৩. ভাড়াচালিতে গাড়ি, ক্যাব ব্যবহার করলে মাস্ক পরুন। ৪. যদি মাস্ক পরলে আপনার সমস্যা না হয় কিংবা মানুষ দেখলেই উদ্বিগ্নতা অনুভব করেন তাহলে গাড়িতে সবসময় মাস্ক ব্যবহার করুন। ৫. যদি বিভিন্ন জায়গায় আপনাকে থামতে হয় তাহলে মাস্ক ব্যব...
Apple tried to reduce the price of iPhone 12 by reducing parts!

Apple tried to reduce the price of iPhone 12 by reducing parts!

Cover Story, Health and Lifestyle, Tech news
Apple has recently reportedly tried to cut some parts to balance the price of iphone 12, the Five-G phone. For example, it includes a battery board. The new version of the iPhone is expected to hit the market on October 12. Apple analyst Ming Shi Kuo said, "The price of the iPhone 12 is going up by about 75% because of the Five-G. Some other parts are being reduced to balance prices with these increased costs. ' If a hard and soft hybrid board is now used for the battery board in the iPhone 12, the cost of the parts can be reduced by at least 40 to 50 percent compared to the iPhone 11.
How to make any herbal tea

How to make any herbal tea

Cover Story, Health, Health and Lifestyle, Recipe
Just as herbal teas are effective in reducing sore throats and colds, they are also effective in boosting immunity. A cup of hot herbal tea can relieve work fatigue. Learn how to make tea with various herbal ingredients including basil, mint, ginger, cinnamon. Herbal tea : Basil tea Boil a handful of basil leaves in a bowl of water. When it boils, reduce the heat. Boil on low heat for 10 minutes. Then add 1 teaspoon of honey and 2 teaspoons of lemon juice. Honey will give energy, vitamin C of lemon will be useful to increase immunity. And the effect of Tulsi will reduce the incidence of fever-cold-cough. If you have a dry cough, boil 2 teaspoons ginger powder, 4 teaspoons coriander and a handful of basil leaves in 1 liter of water. When the water is reduced to half, strain it and mix it...
কিভাবে কবুতরের নর ও মাদি চিনবেন তা জেনে নিন

কিভাবে কবুতরের নর ও মাদি চিনবেন তা জেনে নিন

Agriculture Tips, Cover Story
অনেক সময় দুইটা মাদি ঠিক নর মাদির মতই বৈশিষ্ট্য স্বভাব দেখা গেলেও অনেক পরে বুঝা যাই যে আসলে দুটাই মাদি, কিন্তু এর মাঝে অনেক মূল্যবান সময় পার হয়ে যায়। আসুন আজ আমরা জেনে নেই কিভাবে কবুতরের নর ও মাদি চিনবেন - কিভাবে নর ও মাদি কবুতর চিনবেন ? পুরুষ ও মেয়ে কবুতরের কিছু শারীরিক ও স্বভাবগত কিছু বৈশিষ্ট্য ও পার্থক্য আছে। এগুলো দেখলেই পরিষ্কার বুঝতে পারবেন কিভাবে কবুতরের নর ও মাদি চিনবেন ক) শারীরিক বৈশিষ্ট্যঃ ১) অধিকাংশ ক্ষেত্রে পুরুষ কবুতর আকারে বড় হয় বিশেষ করে তার মাথা ও চ্যাপ্টা হয়। মেয়ে কবুতরের শরীর তুলনামূলক ছোট, বিশেষ করে তার মাথা ছোট ও লম্বা হয়। ২) চোখ একটি মুরগি এর হিসাবে বৃত্তাকার হয় না কিন্তু মেয়ে কবুতরের বৃত্তাকার হয়। ৩) পুরুষ কবুতরের পা ও এর আঙ্গুল সমান ও মসৃণ হয় না, কিন্তু মেয়ে কবুতরের পা অর এর আঙ্গুল প্রায় সমান ও মসৃণ হয়। ৪) উভয় হাতে কবুতর ধরুন (মধ্য লাইন থ...
Rules to follow after coronavirus recovery

Rules to follow after coronavirus recovery

Cover Story, Health, Health and Lifestyle
Fear of coronavirus infection is now our daily routine. Many are infected for the second time after recovering from the first attack. However, this number is not very high. Again, after coronavirus recovery, various physical problems may remain. So even after recovering from a corona infection, certain health rules must be followed. Experts say that even after recovering from corona, some problems may remain. Some problems can be long-term, such as fatigue, headaches, mental problems, kidney, lung and heart disease. Boldsky says there are rules to follow if you recover from corona.   Routine Choose a routine life. When going out, mingling closely with family members, reduce the need for continuous work. Give yourself time to become physically and mentally fit. When you do some...
To increase digestion power you should know these

To increase digestion power you should know these

Cover Story, Health, Health and Lifestyle
Digestion is very important for good health. If it is interrupted or any kind of problem occurs in the digestion system, the whole body may become paralyzed. This can lead to physical problems such as weight gain, increased lipid profile, increased uric acid, and increased blood glucose levels. The process of digestion consists of three stages. These are the food that is being eaten, the food is fully digested and after digestion it is absorbed by the body. These three steps are important for the body, say nutritionists. Each person's metabolism or digestion is different. It is often seen that one person becomes fat even after eating the same food but the other does not. Such problems are seen in those who stay in hostels. According to nutritionists, in order to increase digestion...
carrot health benefits : Why you should eat carrot

carrot health benefits : Why you should eat carrot

Cover Story, Health, Health and Lifestyle
carrot health benefits : Carrot pudding is one of the most delicious desserts and is widely used in cooking and salads. Nutritionally unique carrots will help you stay healthy. Find out how.   Pectin in carrots helps lower cholesterol, claims the European Journal of Nutrition. According to the American Journal of Cancer Research, several ingredients in carrots reduce the risk of cancer. In particular, eating carrots regularly reduces the risk of lung cancer. Vitamin A in carrots keeps eyesight good. The beta carotene and vitamin C in carrots keeps the memory good. The powerful anti-oxidants in carrots reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. Carrots help to keep the skin bright. The calcium in carrots keeps bones strong.

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