Tuesday, February 18

In case of a stroke, we have four and half hours

A stroke occurs when a blood vessel in the brain is blocked or torn. 85% of blood vessels are blocked in stroke, 15% of blood vessel ruptures.

stroke emergency

A stroke causes a blood vessel to clot and close. Its risk factors are similar to heart attacks. Controlling these risks can prevent 90% of strokes.

Generally, stroke can be prevented by following some rules. If you follow them, there will be a 90% chance of not having a stroke.

Controlling high blood pressure and diabetes, controlling excess fat in the blood, avoiding smoking, and eliminating alcohol addiction are ways to prevent stroke. A major cause of stroke is lack of physical activity, for this reason, regular exercise and walking should be done.

Knowing the causes and following the steps to prevent stroke, one has a 90% chance of not having a stroke, doctors said.

Stroke symptoms are abbreviated as FAST. Here F = Face = Contorted face, A = Arm = Weak or paralyzed arm, S = Speech = Slurred or stopped speaking and T = Time = Get to hospital as soon as possible.

Getting to the hospital within three to four hours after a stroke and getting proper treatment can open the blocked blood vessel. That means you have a maximum of four and a half hours. Therefore, if you understand that a stroke has occurred, no time can be wasted.

There are some risk factors for stroke that are non-modifiable. These include age, gender (men have a higher risk of stroke), and family history. The risk also remains if there is a history of heart disease.



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