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Colon cancer Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatments

The job of the colon and rectum is to hold and excrete feces. Colon cancer is a very complex and difficult disease. However, it is curable in most cases if we know Colon cancer Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatments in time.


Colon cancer Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatments

Symptoms of Colon Cancer

The colon contains billions of bacteria. They are passed out of the body with the stool. If the old stool accumulates in the stomach, various physical problems are caused. It is very important to contact the doctor without wasting time if there is a tendency to constipation or black or bloody stools. Especially blood in the stool is not a good sign at all. Be careful in time. Check if the color of the stool is black. Bleeding in the stool is the main symptom of many complicated rectal problems. Experts identify anemia as one of the symptoms of colon cancer.


Diagnosis for Colon Cancer

Doctors recommend stool and blood tests to confirm colon cancer. A colonoscopy is done if the medication does not work initially. By inserting a camera inside the body, it is checked on the monitor whether a tumor or polyp has formed in the colon. If the presence of a tumor or polyp is detected, it can be known whether it is malignant or not by biopsy and CT scan. If everything goes well so far, the tumor is surgically removed first. Chemotherapy is started based on the biopsy report after covering the area. Studies have shown that 50 percent of patients who have a tendency to be constipated, have blood in their stools, or pass black stools are diagnosed with colon cancer. Colon cancer is more common in people over 50.

Colon cancer Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatments

Colon Cancer Treatment

Small, large, and medium polyps are found inside the colon. The doctor took a biopsy to see how far the disease had spread. If necessary, cut this part of the colon and discard it. The patient can return to normal life within seven to eight days after the surgery. That is, you can walk and eat as before. After one month, chemotherapy was started after understanding the patient’s body condition. Usually, no more than six rounds of chemotherapy are needed if treatment is started at the right time.

Colon cancer Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatments


Awareness of Colon Cancer

Take a look at your daily eating habits. Having high-quality fiber in your daily diet greatly reduces the risk of colon cancer. It is better to avoid foods with excess protein like red meat, fried foods, and rich food. People who have enough vegetables and fruits in their diet have a very low risk of colon cancer.

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