Tuesday, September 10

Tag: medicine

Understanding Fistula: Causes and Solutions

Understanding Fistula: Causes and Solutions

Health, Health and Lifestyle
By Dr. Muhammad Mahtab Hossain Majed IntroductionFistula, is a complex rectal disease characterized by the discharge of pus from boils near the anus due to infection. This article delves into the causes, types, symptoms, diagnostic procedures, and effective solutions for managing fistula. Types of FistulaFistulas vary in complexity, ranging from simple to complicated, depending on the depth of penetration into rectal tissue. Understanding these distinctions is crucial for appropriate treatment planning. Simple Fistula: Characterized by limited penetration into rectal muscle, treatment is relatively straightforward. Complicated Fistula: These involve deeper penetration into rectal tissue, often resulting in challenging treatment procedures. Multiple channels can increase complex...
Health benefits of jackfruit

Health benefits of jackfruit

Cover Story, Health, Health and Lifestyle, New Jokes and Articles
Juicy fruit jackfruit is available now. There are plenty health benefits of jackfruit. You can eat unique jackfruit in terms of nutrition to stay healthy. It contains fiber, protein, anti-oxidants, potassium, magnesium, manganese, copper, vitamin A, vitamin C, carbs and many more nutrients. Learn about the benefits of jackfruit. Health Benefits of Jackfruit The protein and anti-oxidants in jackfruit help control blood sugar. Eat jackfruit regularly to keep the skin beautiful. Vitamin C in it prevents premature aging of the skin. The potassium, fiber and anti-oxidants in jackfruit reduce the risk of heart disease. One of the vital health benefits of jackfruit is it contains Vitamin A and Vitamin A are found in jackfruit. These two vitamins keep the body healthy by increasing immu...
Prevent hair loss with this 7 magical ingredients

Prevent hair loss with this 7 magical ingredients

Cover Story, Glamour, Health, Health and Lifestyle, New Jokes and Articles
Here are the top ingredients to prevent hair loss. These are easy to find and easy to apply. If you want to stop hair loss and increase hair growth, you can take the help of home pack. With regular use, these will strengthen the hair follicles as well as increase the beauty of the hair. To Prevent hair loss ... use The white part of the egg Mix 1 teaspoon of olive oil and 1 teaspoon of honey with the white part of an egg. Apply the mixture from the ends of the hair to the roots. After 20 minutes, wash off with herbal shampoo. Onion juice Soak cotton in onion juice and apply it on the hair roots. Wait half an hour and wash off using a mild shampoo. You can mix a few drops of essential oil to remove the pungent smell of onion. Green tea Cool the green tea liqueur and wash your ...
Dexamethasone : Life-saving drugs found in corona treatment

Dexamethasone : Life-saving drugs found in corona treatment

Cover Story, Health, Health and Lifestyle
Dexamethasone . Scientists say the drug is capable of saving the lives of critically ill patients with coronary heart disease. Dexamethasone has been shown to be extremely effective in saving the lives of patients with coronary heart disease who need ventilation and oxygen. It is a type of steroid. However, there is no need to use this drug for patients with mild symptoms. The study was conducted by a team of researchers from Oxford University, according to the BBC. Dexamethasone was applied experimentally to about 2,000 corona patients admitted to the hospital. Analyzing the results, it was found that the risk of death in patients with ventilation was reduced from 40 percent to 28 percent. And for patients who need oxygen, the risk of death is reduced from 25 percent to 20 percent. ...
Exercises for lung : Follow These to fight against corona

Exercises for lung : Follow These to fight against corona

Cover Story, Health, Health and Lifestyle
There is no cure for coronavirus yet, so everyone needs to know about Covid-19 disease and its prevention. In addition to following hygiene rules, a balanced diet, Exercises for lung , and aerobic exercise can reduce the risk of developing the disease by increasing the body's resistance to disease. In developed countries, respiratory physiotherapists are helping patients with Covid-19 to reduce shortness of breath and heal by removing phlegm that has accumulated in the chest, and there are benefits to this. Elderly patients (50-60 years) increase the risk of blood clotting by increasing the amount of bad hormone-cortisol, PAI in the blood as a result of not doing physical activity. This can lead to heart disease and brain disease. Also those who are busy with business and job can keep pul...
Learn how to make a mask like N95 masks

Learn how to make a mask like N95 masks

Cover Story, Health, Health and Lifestyle, New Jokes and Articles
In a recent interview with Reuters, WHO epidemiologist Maria Van Kerkhov said that coronary infections in ordinary cloth masks could not be prevented in cases where it was not possible to maintain social distance in accordance with the rules. In this case, the risk of corona infection can be avoided by wearing only a three-layer mask. But in this situation the demand for N95 masks has skyrocketed. This is because it is able to protect 95% of the dust and germs from getting into the nose and mouth. As the demand for N95 masks has increased, so has the price. In the last four months, the price of N95 mask has increased by about 250 percent. At present in the open market the price of one N95 mask is 250 to 300 rupees. The price of this mask is gradually going beyond the reach of ordinary p...
Must follow these steps to avoid coronavirus

Must follow these steps to avoid coronavirus

Cover Story, Health, Health and Lifestyle, New Jokes and Articles
The Corona situation is becoming increasingly worrying. Although there is lockdown to avoid coronavirus infection, the situation is still not under control. Although the situation in European countries has improved somewhat, the overall corona situation in the world is gradually deteriorating. In Bangladesh and India, the number of corona cases is increasing by leaps and bounds every day. Even in this situation, some people have to go out of the house every day in case of emergency or work. Even in this situation, those who have to go out almost every day must keep these things in mind to stay healthy and safe in Corona. To avoid coronavirus 1) To avoid coronavirus social distance from colleagues in the office should be maintained. You have to use the mask all the time. 2) Keep hand s...
The importance of respiratory physiotherapy in treating coronavirus

The importance of respiratory physiotherapy in treating coronavirus

Cover Story, Health, Health and Lifestyle, New Jokes and Articles
The number of patients infected with Covid-19 is increasing every day. Adherence to hygiene as well as a balanced diet and aerobic exercise can reduce the chances of contracting the disease by boosting the body's immune system. Respiratory physiotherapy combined with oxygen therapy will reduce the patient's respiratory complications and mortality. In developed countries, and even in neighboring India, respiratory physiotherapists are helping patients with Covid-19 to reduce their shortness of breath and heal them by expelling phlegm from the chest. It also has benefits. In the developed world, respiratory physiotherapists are employed to perform respiratory rehabilitation in chest medicine wards, ICUs, before and after lung surgery, and in multidisciplinary teams as needed by the pat...
Tremendous Health Benefits of Bitter Gourd

Tremendous Health Benefits of Bitter Gourd

Health, Health and Lifestyle
Although bitter in taste, health benefits of bitter gourd is wonderful. It is a nutritious vegetable. It contains Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Folate, Potassium, Zinc, Iron, Magnesium and many more. It is very important to eat bitter gourd regularly to increase immunity during this time of virus panic. Health benefits of bitter gourd A very crucial benefits of bitter gourd is it helps to reduce excess blood sugar levels. Reduces the risk of high blood pressure. Regular consumption of bitter gourd (karala) lowers the level of LDL or bad cholesterol in the blood. Regularly eating bitter gourd reduces the risk of cancer. The anti-oxidant properties and vitamin C in bitter gourd boost the body's immunity. It also helps reduce the incidence of allergies and infections. The anti-oxida...
benefits of Okra : a super food you must know about

benefits of Okra : a super food you must know about

Cover Story, Health, Health and Lifestyle
One of our most familiar vegetables is Okra also known as Lady’s finger. It is quite advanced in terms of nutrition. benefits of okra is tremendous and just One hundred grams of Okra provides 33 calories, 6 grams of carbohydrates, 2 grams of protein and 3 grams of fiber. In addition, manganese, vitamins A, C, K, B6 contains the same amount. Find out why you should eat Okra regularly.   Okras contain beneficial antioxidants Okras contain a lot of antioxidants, which can fight against free radicals in the body. It contains beneficial antioxidants like polyphenols, flavonoids, isoquercetin. Studies have shown that foods rich in polyphenols are quite beneficial in curing heart disease. Polyphenols also play a role in increasing the efficiency of the brain.   Reduces the risk...
কোভিড-১৯ নিয়ে অনলাইন সিম্পোজিয়াম করছে বিএসএম ও ডুমা

কোভিড-১৯ নিয়ে অনলাইন সিম্পোজিয়াম করছে বিএসএম ও ডুমা

Cover Story, Health, Health and Lifestyle
বাংলাদেশ সোসাইটি অফ মাইক্রোবায়োলজিস্ট (বিএসএম) ও ঢাকা ইউনিভার্সিটি মাইক্রোবায়োলজি এলামনাই এসোসিয়েশন( ডুমা) এর যৌথ আয়োজনে ‘কোভিড-১৯ এর প্রতিরোধ, চিকিৎসা ও ব্যবস্থাপনা’ শীর্ষক একটি আন্তর্জাতিক অনলাইন সিম্পোজিয়ামের আয়োজন করা হয়েছে । এ আয়োজনে বাংলাদেশ ও যুক্তরাষ্ট্রের শীর্ষ পর্যায়ের বিশেষজ্ঞগণ তাদের মতামত তুলে ধরবেন। আগামী ৩০মে শনিবার বাংলাদেশ সময় রাত নটায় এ সেমিনারটি অনুষ্ঠিত হবে। মিটিংএ অংশগ্রহণের জন্য (https://ufl.zoom.us/j/97512424062) জুম লিংকটি ব্যবহার করা হবে। ইনফেকশাস ডিজিস বিষয়ক বিশেষজ্ঞ , অনুজীববিজ্ঞানী, চিকিৎসকগণ এ আলোচনায় অংশগ্রহণ করবেন। এমার্জিং প্যাথোজেন ইনস্টিটিউট (ইপিআই ) এর পরিচালক ড. গ্লেন মরিস জুনিয়র, প্রফেসর অফ মেডিসিন, ইউনিভার্সিটি অফ ফ্লোরিডা ; ড. ফেরদৌস কাদরি, ইমিরেটাস সায়েন্টিস্ট, আইসিডিডিআরবি; ড. মাইকেল লজার্ডো , চিফ এন্ড এসিস্ট্যান্ট প্রফেসর, ডিভিশন অফ ইনফেকশাস ডিজ...
Increasing back pain, neck and waist pain?

Increasing back pain, neck and waist pain?

Cover Story, Health, Health and Lifestyle
Working at home is quite comfortable but there are some complications. Now there is no walking like before, the use of stairs is less. It affects every muscle in the body. Illnesses like neck and back pain are increasing day by day from home. Indian orthopedic specialist Kunal Sengupta said it was important to keep the computer at a certain distance and keep the neck straight in the right chair. But from home we are mostly working in such a way that every muscle in the body is going wrong for quite some time. The sun is not shining on him day after day. As a result, vitamin D is reduced. That's why the pain may increase. ' Things to do Do the same as you used to do while sitting at a chair table in the office. Occasionally while working on the bed or sofa, make sure that the neck ...
Respiratory physiotherapy in strengthening the respiratory system

Respiratory physiotherapy in strengthening the respiratory system

Cover Story, Health, Health and Lifestyle
Respiratory physiotherapy is a specialized part of physiotherapy treatment that can reduce the complications of various lung diseases and reduce breathing difficulties. It includes various positioning techniques, chest pain management techniques, airway clearance techniques, breathing exercises, controlled breathing exercises etc. Respiratory physiotherapists in different countries are providing treatment, counseling on various obstructive and restrictive (COPD, bronchiectasis, asthma) diseases and informing patients about the disease status. Respiratory physiotherapy Benefits Since the coronavirus enters the human body and infects the respiratory tract, the disease is accompanied by respiratory complications such as pneumonia, severe shortness of breath and other symptoms. To reduce ...

Symptoms of sudden heart attack and tips to avoid

Cover Story, Health, Health and Lifestyle
Here are Some symptoms of sudden heart attack and tips to avoid. These are just symptoms and not necessarily means the alarming sign. Many are not paying attention to minor illnesses at this time of lockdown. Going to the hospital is considered an additional hassle. But in the case of heart problems, momentary negligence can bring great danger. Indian heart surgeon Kunal Sarkar has given some symptoms of sudden heart attack and tips to avoid this. Some symptoms of sudden heart attack If the heart rate increases with walking or a little effort. If you feel extra tired. When the body begins to gain weight by accumulating water. Swelling of the feet, ankles and feet can also be caused by heart failure. If this is the case, you need to see a doctor immediately. Be aware of...
There are Two good news from Canada

There are Two good news from Canada

Cover Story, Health
Two good news from Canada : the mobile phone is ringing with strange sounds. No, the phone is not a problem. I took the phone in my hand and saw two urgent text messages. In French and English. This is an urgent message to warn Canadians returning from abroad to comply with quarantine. For so many days, the issue was just a request. The state of Ontario announced the emergency message on March 26, and from now on it will be the law. From now on, it will be considered a crime not to go back from the country for the mandatory 14-day quarantine. During these two weeks, even going to the store or meeting relatives or friends is forbidden. The facts are fairly clear. Canada is tougher this time around to deal with the difficult situation. Sophie Trudeau of Canada recovered This is a time o...

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