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Attack on Wahida Khanam : Wahida is the eyesore of many in power

Attack on Wahida Khanam : Wahida is the eyesore of many in power

Cover Story
Several issues have come to the fore behind the attack on Wahida Khanam, Executive Officer (UNO) of Ghoraghat Upazila in Dinajpur. He was an eye-opener for multiple parties to the local politics of the ruling party. He stood in the way of local MPs, upazila chairmen, Juba League leaders and many others. Multiple sources said that one of these parties may have been behind the attack on Wahid. According to a Ghoraghat law enforcement source, UNO Wahida will be able to say exactly what kind of dispute was created with which party. A lot of information will come out if he recovers a little. Earlier, local rival groups were desperate to put the blame on the opposition. The police administration is conducting an investigation keeping all parties in the incident of suspicion. Earlier, a UNO...
22 Health Tips that can change your life

22 Health Tips that can change your life

Cover Story, Health, Health and Lifestyle
These health tips are from some expert doctors. You can easily verify these health tips just by googling it. Be sure to check the references by the merit of the website.   Health Tips you should Memorize Diabetics should walk rapidly for at least 30 minutes every day. Good exercises like cycling, swimming or breaking stairs. Remember, blood glucose should be burned through physical work. In many cases, depression increases the risk of diabetes, so try to keep the mind cheerful or stress free. Eat more vegetables, fruits and fiber. All types of tobacco, including smoking should be avoided. Excess cholesterol in the blood always damages the blood vessels. Increases the risk of heart disease. Some cholesterol comes from food. Therefore, saturated fat or frozen fat foods sh...
Uses of corn flower you did not know before

Uses of corn flower you did not know before

Cover Story, Health, Health and Lifestyle
Cornflower is used to make national dishes crispy or to thicken soups. In addition to cooking, it can be used in various ways. Find out Different uses of corn flower. Clean the window glass by mixing water with corn flower. Apply the mixture to the glass and rub gently with a cloth. Then wipe with a damp cloth. When the glass becomes dusty and fuzzy, mix 2 teaspoons of corn flower in lukewarm water and fill the spray bottle. Spray this mixture on the glass and wipe with newsprint. Wearing shoes and socks makes your feet sweat? Apply a little corn flower lightly on the feet. Get rid of sweat. This is an extraordinary uses of corn flower. If there are oil stains on the clothes, spread some corn flower on that place. After 15-20 minutes, wash the area with soap and water. The stain...
The danger of snoring and methods to reduce snoring

The danger of snoring and methods to reduce snoring

Cover Story, Health, Health and Lifestyle
Nasal congestion is a common problem. However, in medicine it is not considered as an hazardous problem. But snoring is a very uncomfortable thing.  Let us see what causes it and how to reduce snoring. According to research, 80 percent of men, over the age of forty, snore. The rate of snoring of women is much less than that. Children also sniff. Saliva falls through their noses. In children, the flesh on the back of the nose grows with the tonsils, called adenoids. Children snore because of adenoids and tonsils. In this case, water may fall through their ears. Surgery is the solution to this problem in children. Because... The soft palette behind the nose makes tremble violently while sleeping. From there the snoring is created. In some cases, many people stop breathing with a runny n...
What diabetics should do in corona period

What diabetics should do in corona period

Cover Story, Health, Health and Lifestyle
Diabetics are at high risk during coronary heart disease. They are called co-morbidities. High blood sugar lowers immunity. This greatly increases the risk of any infection, not just corona. In addition, the body's ability to fight disease germs is weakened by uncontrolled diabetics; The effectiveness of the drug is also reduced. However, diabetics can avoid complications if certain things are followed. Here are some things to do:   Control diabetes   - This is a very important issue during coronation. Diabetes must be controlled. - Measure your diabetes level with a glucometer at home one day a week. Measure four times before breakfast and two hours after breakfast, lunch and dinner. It is best to stay within six before breakfast and eight after two hours of eating. ...
Cooking Steak : The secrets you didn’t know before

Cooking Steak : The secrets you didn’t know before

Cover Story, Health and Lifestyle, Recipe
Before cooking steak, You first need to know what are the different cuts of steak, which is better, how much fat and marbling will be there and what is your steak? Steak of any part of the cow, depending on how many names they have: T bone, rib eye, strip, tender line, skirt, flank. There can be so much discussion about the types. However, no matter which steak you have in your hand, you need to know where the flavor of the beautiful meat of the steak actually comes from. The light burnt hard crust while Cooking Steak is the source of the nice taste of the steak. This crust is made by searing the steak. The surface of the meat is compressed in a very short time at a high level so that the inner juice does not get stuck and a flavorful full crust is formed. Another technique for co...
Extraordinary benefits of Nigella seeds

Extraordinary benefits of Nigella seeds

Cover Story, Health, Health and Lifestyle
    Benefits of nigella seeds are numerous. It can cure various diseases.  It has many medicinal properties of bioactive compounds called thymoquinone, nizeledin and alpha-heatherine. Nigella seed contain anti-inflammatory ingredients. It can relieve the discomfort of closing the nose. Black cumin oil also works in the case of inhalation allergies. Black nigella seed contains anti-asthmatic ingredients. It is also beneficial in increasing the efficiency of the lungs. The bioactive compounds in it are effective against thymoquinone bacterial, fungal, parasite and viral infections. Nigella seeds are a natural anti-oxidant. Oxidative stress is the cause of many diseases such as diabetes, heart problems or high blood pressure. One of the best benefits of nigella...
Why eat oatmeal for breakfast?

Why eat oatmeal for breakfast?

Cover Story, Health, Health and Lifestyle
Breakfast is a very important meal - it can either make or break your day. Experts say to keep healthy food at breakfast. If you want to lose weight or maintain good health, you can eat a bowl of oatmeal mixed with milk, fruit or yogurt in the morning. Why Oatmeal Half a cup of oats provides up to 14 percent of the fiber you need in a day. Iron, magnesium, zinc, vitamins, calcium and potassium are found in oatmeal. The anti-oxidants in oats keep away from type 2 diabetes. This ingredient also prevents obesity. Oats help control cholesterol and blood pressure. Fiber-rich oats keep the stomach full for a long time. As a result, energy is available, just as hunger is not easy to control the weight. Oats reduce the risk of diseases such as Alzheimer's and cancer. Accord...
The dangers of using earphones for too long

The dangers of using earphones for too long

Cover Story, Health, Health and Lifestyle, Tech news, Teen
Listening to high volume on earphones can cause a variety of problems. Dr. Anup Talukder, a postgraduate trainee in the Department of Ear, Nose and Throat, Mitford Hospital, Dhaka, gave advice in this regard.   How do we hear? Many people know the answer to this question. A sound wave enters our ear canal and hits the eardrum. This causes vibration in the eardrum. This vibration then enters to the inner ear through the three small bones of the middle ear (melias, incas, stapis). The liquid jelly-like substance in the inner ear is then moved by this vibration, the movement of this fluid stimulates the hair cells like hairs in it. It is from these cells that we hear the sound through the ear nerves. Many of us now use headphones or earphones to listen to music or movies ...
Which Foods to eat for beautiful skin ?

Which Foods to eat for beautiful skin ?

Cover Story, Glamour, Health, Health and Lifestyle
For natural bright and vibrant skin, you have to eat healthy food and get regular sleep. As well as drinking plenty of water. Find out which foods are on the diet menu and you will get bright and beautiful skin. You can eat pomegranate regularly for wrinkle-free skin. It contains vitamin C and anti-oxidants to prevent skin aging. In addition to brightening the skin, the ingredients in pomegranate also protect the skin from the harmful rays of the sun. Eat walnuts if you want to get beautiful skin. It contains omega three fatty acids, vitamin E and natural oils that enhance the beauty of the skin from the inside out. Eating a little yogurt every day will keep the skin vibrant and bright. The protein in it keeps the skin as well as the hair well. The anti-oxidants and vitamins in...
Foods that will keep your eyesight good

Foods that will keep your eyesight good

Cover Story, Health, Health and Lifestyle
Time is spent on the screen of laptop, television or mobile phone. Put on the food list some foods that will help maintain good eyesight. Carrots Almost all orange vegetables and fruits contain beta-carotene. This beta-carotene is an extremely powerful anti-oxidant, which helps prevent the problem of cataracts, dimming of the eyes due to age. Moreover, carrots contain fiber and potassium. These two elements are also good for the body. Spinach Spinach contains two carotenoids called xanthine and lutein. They help prevent the erosion of a part of our eye called the macula as we age. As a result, the eyesight remains fresh. Also any green leafy vegetable is a very good source of manganese. Green leafy vegetables help protect the retina of the eye from the sun's harmful ultraviolet r...
homemade conditioner you can make with household items

homemade conditioner you can make with household items

Cover Story, Health, Health and Lifestyle, Recipe
Loss of hair due to pollution, irregularities or carelessness. Homemade conditioner can be used to make hair shine in a natural way. Conditioners made from these materials at hand will make the hair shiny and soft. Homemade Conditioner with Eggs Eggs can be used on all types of hair. Use egg whites for oily hair. If the hair is dry, use egg yolk. For normal hair, use egg whites and yolks together. Mix a few drops of lemon juice with the egg and apply it on the hair. After 20 minutes, wash with shampoo. Use eggs once a month. Sour yogurt Apply sour curd on wet hair and wait for 20 minutes. Wash hair with lukewarm water and use herbal shampoo. You can use sour yogurt once in two weeks. This will also work as homemade conditioner. Lemon juice Homemade conditioner deserves some flavor an...
Use of coffee in beauty treatment

Use of coffee in beauty treatment

Glamour, Health, Health and Lifestyle
Coffee is a source of powerful anti-oxidants. In addition, the vitamins and acidic ingredients in it are unique in skin care. There is no pair of coffee to keep the hair shiny. Learn about use of coffee in beauty treatment. Use of coffee in beauty treatment Mix equal amount of coffee powder and coarse granulated sugar. Make a paste by mixing lemon juice in equal quantity and apply it on the skin. Rinse after a few minutes. Dead skin will be removed. Mix enough water with coffee powder to get rid of puffiness under the eyes. Mix equal amount of oatmeal and coffee. Make a paste by mixing honey with these two ingredients. Massage the mixture on the skin for 2 minutes. Leave it for a while and wash it off with cold water. Dirt will be removed from the skin. Mix lemon with coffee...
Use of apple cider vinegar in beauty treatment

Use of apple cider vinegar in beauty treatment

Cover Story, Health, Health and Lifestyle
Apple cider vinegar can brighten the skin as well as eliminate dandruff. Its acidic component also removes acne. Learn about the use of apple cider vinegar in beauty treatments. Clean the skin with facewash. Dip a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar and rub it on the skin. It removes excess oiliness from the skin as a natural toner. Gargle with one part apple cider vinegar mixed with two parts water. Wait half an hour and brush your teeth. Teeth will be whiter. Apple cider vinegar can be used to remove dandruff. Mix equal amount of water and apple cider vinegar together and massage at the base of the hair. After a while, rinse with water. Use it once or twice a week. To remove acne, mix equal amount of water and vinegar and soak cotton in the affected area. Mix two tables...
ধ্রুব নীলের অতিপ্রাকৃতিক গল্প : গোরখোদক

ধ্রুব নীলের অতিপ্রাকৃতিক গল্প : গোরখোদক

Cover Story, Stories
`শরিফুল আবার কবর খুড়বার লাগসেরে!’ চিৎকার করে পাড়ায় পাড়ায় কথাটা বলে বেড়ানোর জন্য একজনই যথেষ্ট। বরষার প্রবল বৃষ্টির ঝাপটা কাটিয়ে লোকটার চিৎকার যারা শুনতে পেল তাদের মনে তৈরি হলে দুই রকমের অনুভূতি। এমনিতে মৃত্যুর খবর সবাইকে বিষণ্ন করে দেয়। কিন্তু জীবিত কেউ একজন যেকোনো সময় মারা যাবে, এ খবর চাঞ্চল্যকর। আজ কে কখন মারা যাবে সেটা কেউ জানে না। শুধু সবাই জেনে গেছে, আজ দিনের মধ্যে কেউ একজন মরবে। কারণ শরিফুল কবর খুঁড়ছে! মৃত্যুর খবর সে আগাম টের পায়। মটুয়া গ্রামের গোরখোদক শরিফুল। তার বয়স তখন চৌদ্দ পনের। বাবা কবর খুড়ত। সে দাঁড়িয়ে দেখত। এরপর একদিন শরিফুলের শখ হলো কবর খোঁড়ার। সে যেদিন কবর খুঁড়ল সেদিনই পিছলে পড়ে যায় তার বাবা। গলা বরাবর ঢুকে যায় একটা সরু গাছের গোড়া। কারো মতে, ঘটনার শুরু নাকি এভাবেই। গোরস্তানের পাশে চালাঘরে থাকে শরিফুল। গোরখোদক হিসেবে আশপাশে নামডাক তার। তবে পারতপক্ষে কেউ তার খ...

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