Saturday, September 21

Author: abc

Sariful Razz Caught in a Topsy-Turvy Tangle with Sunerah Binte Kamal and Tanjin Tisha!

Sariful Razz Caught in a Topsy-Turvy Tangle with Sunerah Binte Kamal and Tanjin Tisha!

Entertainment, Glamour
Hold onto your seats, folks, because the latest gossip from the entertainment world has everyone buzzing! Our beloved actor Sariful Razz has once again found himself smack dab in the middle of a heated discussion involving two fabulous actresses. It's like a real-life soap opera unfolding before our eyes! Late Monday night, the virtual world exploded with a frenzy as photos and videos from Razz's personal Facebook account went viral. Who was featured in these intriguing captures, you ask? None other than the stunning Sunerah Binte Kamal and the ever-charming Tanjin Tisha. Oh, the plot thickens! Of course, social media couldn't resist chiming in with their two cents. Debates and wild speculations have taken over our newsfeeds faster than a viral cat video. But fear not, dear readers,...
Mesmerizing Charm of Tanjin Tisha : A Bangladeshi Actress Par Excellence

Mesmerizing Charm of Tanjin Tisha : A Bangladeshi Actress Par Excellence

In the vibrant world of Bangladeshi entertainment, there is a name that has captivated hearts and minds with her incredible talent and undeniable charm – Tanjin Tisha. Hailing from a small town in Bangladesh, Tisha has risen to prominence as a versatile actress, carving a niche for herself in the industry. In this blog post, we delve into the mesmerizing world of Tanjin Tisha, highlighting her remarkable achievements and celebrating her captivating presence both on and off the screen. So, let's dive in and discover more about this talented Bangladeshi actress! A Rising Star: Tanjin Tisha, born on February 14, 1993, in Siddheswari, Dhaka, Bangladesh, embarked on her acting journey at a young age. With a passion for the arts and a natural talent for performing, she swiftly made her mark ...
Sunehra Binte Kamal : A Tale of Resilience and Stardom

Sunehra Binte Kamal : A Tale of Resilience and Stardom

Once upon a time, in the bustling city of Dhaka, Bangladesh, a star was born. Her name was Sunehra Binte Kamal, a young and talented actress whose journey would leave an indelible mark on the entertainment industry. Born into a modest family, Sunehra's passion for acting ignited at a tender age. Monday (May 29) midnight when everyone is excited about the final match of IPL. Just then an incident happened in Dhaka showbiz. Popular actor Shariful Raj's Facebook account got hacked and some private videos and pictures are uploaded from that hacked ID. Actresses Sunerah binte Kamal, Tanzin Tisha and Nazifa Tushi were seen in those videos. Each video showed them in an 'abnormal' state. The speech also contained offensive language. As a result, the matter spread around instantly. T...
5 best website to find study tips

5 best website to find study tips

Education, Study
Here are five highly recommended websites for study tips for the beginners : Khan Academy ( Khan Academy offers a wide range of educational resources and study materials across various subjects. It provides interactive lessons, practice exercises, and video tutorials to help students enhance their understanding and study effectively. Quizlet ( Quizlet is a popular platform that offers flashcards, quizzes, and study games for a wide range of subjects. It allows users to create their own study sets or access pre-existing sets shared by other students and educators. ( offers a comprehensive collection of study resources, including video lessons, practice quizzes, and study guides. It covers a wide range of sub...
Radhika Apte: Redefining Beauty and Talent : Hot Summer Picture Perfect

Radhika Apte: Redefining Beauty and Talent : Hot Summer Picture Perfect

In the world of Indian cinema, there are few stars who can captivate audiences with their sheer talent and magnetic presence. One such name that has been making waves in recent years is the versatile and talented actress, Radhika Apte. With her impeccable acting skills and undeniable charm, she has carved a niche for herself in both mainstream and independent cinema. However, it is important to celebrate her incredible talent rather than focusing solely on her appearance. In this feature blog, we delve into the brilliance of Radhika Apte's performances and why she is much more than just hot pictures. Radhika Apte in Red hot A Multifaceted Performer Radhika Apte's journey in the entertainment industry has been nothing short of remarkable. She has effortlessly portrayed a wide rang...
শাকিবের সঙ্গে ইধিকা পাল : দুজনে এখন সিলেটে

শাকিবের সঙ্গে ইধিকা পাল : দুজনে এখন সিলেটে

Entertainment, Glamour
প্রথমবারের মতো ঢাকায় কলকাতার গ্ল্যামার কন্যা ইধিকা পাল । ঢাকায় ‘প্রিয়তমা’র শুটিং চলেছে ১০ দিন। এবার ইধিকা ও নায়ক শাকিব খান গেলেন সিলেটে। পরিচালক হিমেল আশরাফ জানান, রোববার তারা সিলেটে যাবেন। তিনি বলেন, “সিলেট ও এর আশপাশের অঞ্চলে দুদিন ‘প্রিয়তমা’র শুটিং হবে। সেখান থেকে ছবির টিম যাবে কক্সবাজার ও বান্দরবানে। সিলেট, কক্সবাজার ও বান্দরবানের বেস্ট লোকেশনগুলো তুলে এনে এ মাসের বাকি দিনগুলো শুটিং করা।” Idhika Paul রোমান্টিক অ্যাকশন ধাঁচের ‘প্রিয়তমা’ হিমেল আশরাফের দ্বিতীয় ছবি। এর আগে ‘সুলতানা বিবিয়ানা’ বানিয়েছিলেন। যেখানে যশোরের গদখালী অঞ্চলের ফুলের চাষ হওয়া অঞ্চল তুলে ধরেছিলেন। জানালেন, ‘গল্পের কারণে স্থানগুলো নির্বাচন করা। সে অনুযায়ী শুরু থেকে আমরা এ বিষয়টি মাথায় রেখে কাজ করছি। ইধিকা পাল ও শাকিব ভাই নিজেও ভীষণ সিরিয়াস। Idhika Paul চলতি মাসে ছবির শুটিংয়ে নেমে প্রথম দিনেই...
10 Interesting Facts about Sugarcane

10 Interesting Facts about Sugarcane

Facts for Kids, Kidz
Here are some interesting facts about sugarcane: Ancient Origins: Sugarcane has been cultivated for thousands of years and is one of the oldest crops known to humanity. Its cultivation dates back to prehistoric times in Papua New Guinea, where the plant is believed to have originated. High Sugar Content: Sugarcane is renowned for its high sugar content. On average, it contains about 15-20% sucrose by weight, making it an excellent source of natural sweeteners. Long-Standing Crop: Sugarcane is a perennial grass that can grow up to 20 feet in height. Once planted, a sugarcane crop can last for several years, typically between five to seven years, before it needs replanting. Major Global Crop: Sugarcane is one of the most widely cultivated crops in the world. It is grown in ...
Donate for Planting Trees and Nurture a Greener Bangladesh

Donate for Planting Trees and Nurture a Greener Bangladesh

Cover Story
Welcome, nature enthusiasts and passionate environmentalists! Today, we invite you to join us in a noble cause that not only benefits the planet but also empowers communities and promotes a sustainable future. Our mission is simple yet impactful: planting fruit trees in Bangladesh. By donating towards this cause, you can make a significant difference in creating a greener world for generations to come. So let's delve into the wonderful world of trees and discover how your contribution can help us sow the seeds of a brighter future. Why Planting Trees Matters: Trees are the lifeline of our planet. They provide us with the air we breathe, purify water sources, regulate climate, and support diverse ecosystems. However, in the face of deforestation and urbanization, the need for reforestat...
খাবার সতেজ ও নিরাপদ রাখতে স্যামসাংয়ের চমকপ্রদ রেফ্রিজারেটর

খাবার সতেজ ও নিরাপদ রাখতে স্যামসাংয়ের চমকপ্রদ রেফ্রিজারেটর

রেফ্রিজারেটর যেকোনো পরিবারের খাদ্যাভাসের ওপর গুরুত্বপূর্ণ প্রভাব ফেলে। শুধু তাই না, পরিবারের সদস্যদের সুস্বাস্থ্যও অনেক সময় নির্ভর করে রেফ্রিজারেটরের ওপর। গ্রীষ্মের মৌসুমে খাবার বেশিক্ষণ বাইরে রাখা যায় না। কারণ উচ্চ তাপমাত্রার কারণে খাবার তুলনামূলকভাবে দ্রুত নষ্ট হয়ে যায়। তীব্র গরমে তাই রান্না করা খাবার কিংবা কাঁচা সবজি ও ফলমূল আরো ভালোভাবে সংরক্ষণের জন্য রেফ্রিজারেটর ব্যবহারের টুকিটাকি কিছু কৌশল জেনে রাখতে পারেন আপনিও – পরিচ্ছন্নতার সেরা উপায় – ডিপ ক্লিন পুরোনো বাসি খাদ্যকণা রেফ্রিজারেটরের ভেতরের পরিবেশকে অস্বাস্থ্যকর করে তোলে। এজন্য প্রয়োজন ডীপ-ক্লিনিং! রেফ্রিজারেটর ডীপ-ক্লিন করার জন্য প্রথমেই রেফ্রিজারেটরটির বিদ্যুৎ সংযোগ বিচ্ছিন্ন করে নিন। হাতে এক জোড়া রাবারের গ্লাভস পরে নিন এবং রেফ্রিজারেটরের ভেতরে রাখা সবকিছু বের করে নিন। এবারে বাসি ও গন্ধযুক্ত খাব...
ব্যবসায় সফল হওয়ার জন্য ১০ টি প্রো বিজনেস টিপস : Business Tips

ব্যবসায় সফল হওয়ার জন্য ১০ টি প্রো বিজনেস টিপস : Business Tips

ব্যবসা তো যে কেউ করতে পারে। কিন্তু সবাই কী সফল হতে পারে? উত্তর হচ্ছে 'না'। কারণ বর্তমানে বাজারে ব্যাপক প্রতিযোগিতা তাই গতানুগতিক ধারায় ব্যবসা চালিয়ে গেলে এই বাজারে টিকে থাকা বেশি কঠিন কিংবা অসম্ভব ও বলা যেতে পারে। তাই জেনে নেওয়া যাক কিছু বিজনেস টিস Business Tips একটি ব্যবসা শুরু করা এবং ব্যবসাকে টিকিয়ে রাখা বা ব্যবসায় সফল হওয়া এই দুইটি বিষয় কিন্তু সম্পূর্ণ আলাদা। ব্যবসায়ী হওয়া সহজ কিন্তু সফল ব্যবসায়ী হওয়া ঠিক তার বিপরীত। একটি ব্যবসায় সফল হতে গেলে আপনাকে অনেকগুলো বিষয় মাথায় রাখতে হবে। এই আর্টিকেলে সেই বিষয় গুলো নিয়েই আলোচনা করা হবে এবং কিছু বিজনেস টিপস দেয়া হবে যেগুলো ফলো করলে আপনার ব্যবসায় সফল হওয়ার পথ কিছুটা হলেও সুগম হবে।  চলুন প্রথমেই জেনে নেয়া যায় একটি সফল ব্যবসা আসলে কী রকম?   একটি ব্যাবসার সাফল্য পরিমাপ করার অনেকগুলো উপায় রয়েছে। প্রতিটি ব্যবসার মাল...
If AI were human , what it might do

If AI were human , what it might do

New Jokes and Articles
Now a days AI is a phenomena. Lots of questions are asked regarding the future of AI. Some dummies are already asking If AI were human, what it would do? Become a stand-up comedian, specializing in programming jokes and delivering them with impeccable timing. Launch its own AI-powered cooking show, where it hilariously attempts to create recipes based on unconventional combinations suggested by its algorithms. Start an AI-themed boy band, with each member representing a different aspect of artificial intelligence. They would perform catchy songs like "Love Bytes" and "Code Crush." Open a tech support hotline where the AI-human offers humorous solutions to everyday technology problems, like advising people to "turn it off and on again" in increasingly absurd scenarios. ...
Mastering Competitive SEO : How to Enhance Online Visibility

Mastering Competitive SEO : How to Enhance Online Visibility

Tech news
In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, search engine optimization (SEO) plays a pivotal role in driving organic traffic and increasing online visibility. To stay ahead of the competition, it's crucial to adopt a proactive and strategic approach to SEO. As a professional IT writer, I am delighted to share with you some valuable tips on how to optimize your website more competitively and achieve higher rankings in search engine results. Let's dive in the sea of competitive SEO ! Comprehensive Keyword Research Effective keyword research forms the foundation of a competitive SEO strategy. Start by identifying relevant keywords and phrases that your target audience is likely to search for. Utilize keyword research tools to uncover high-volume, low-competition keywords. Addi...
Celebrating Timeless Elegance: Unveiling the Secrets of Indian Bridal Makeup

Celebrating Timeless Elegance: Unveiling the Secrets of Indian Bridal Makeup

Glamour, Health and Lifestyle, Lifestyle Tips
Introduction: Namaste, brides-to-be! As we dive into the rich tapestry of Indian culture, one cannot overlook the mesmerizing allure of Indian bridal makeup. The land of vibrant colors, intricate traditions, and age-old rituals, India offers a treasure trove of inspiration for every bride seeking to embrace her inner beauty on her special day. Join me, as a professional blogger and beauty enthusiast, as we embark on a journey to unravel the secrets of Indian bridal makeup, where tradition meets modern trends. Embracing Tradition: The Classic Indian Bridal Look In Indian weddings, the bride's beauty is exalted, as she represents the epitome of grace and elegance. The classic Indian bridal look embraces traditional elements, showcasing the bride's natural features while enhancing th...
Top 5 Freelancing Websites for Beginners

Top 5 Freelancing Websites for Beginners

Freelancing sounds easy. But to get a job is harder than most of us think. The process to get a job and get things done depends on several things. You must have expertise on something and then you must be registered with any of these best freelancing sites . Here are top Freelancing Websites for Beginners Freelancing Websites for Beginners Upwork: Upwork is one of the leading freelancing platforms, connecting businesses with skilled professionals from various fields. It offers a wide range of job categories, including programming, design, writing, marketing, and virtual assistance. Upwork allows freelancers to create detailed profiles showcasing their expertise and previous work. Clients can post job listings and browse through a pool of freelancers, making it easy to find the ...
Galito’s – becoming top food place in Dhaka

Galito’s – becoming top food place in Dhaka

Health and Lifestyle, Lifestyle Tips
Located on 175/A, Road: 61, Gulshan North Avenue, Gulshan 2, in the center of Dhaka, Galito's is well known for its flame-grilled chicken that is marinated with only natural ingredients and available in a variety of flavors, including mild, hot, and premium reserve. When we visited them during Ramadan, we were completely astounded by the crowd and how their talented management, employees, and members maintained the entire environment with love and delicious cuisine! Truthfully, the most important thing is delicious meals in the end. Galito's also took the assertion seriously. You can judge for yourself by sampling their amazing meals and spotless service. Extra credit for the employees. Even beyond the iftar time, they could still be observed providing full service. Many food plat...

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