Tuesday, February 18

40 Extraordinary Health Tips That You Must Know

Here are some very useful medical and health tips for your well-being. These are some preventive measures advised by some doctors and nutritionists. But in case of any serious medical condition, you must visit a doctor or specialist. Don’t use medicine on your own.

  1. Elephant Apple (Dillenia indica) is helpful in digestion. Very beneficial for those who have ulcers in the stomach. The fruit works well for diarrhea and indigestion. There is a lot of vitamin C. It will also save from scurvy disease.
  2. Don’t lie down to avoid snoring, which leads to more snoring with the tongue sticking to the back. Sleep on one side. If water reaches the body properly throughout the day, the nose is also hydrated. As a result, people snort less. Elevate your head with an extra pillow. This will also save you.
  3. Stay under the follow-up of an experienced gynecologist during pregnancy. Follow the rules. Show your doctor an anomaly scan at 20 to 24 weeks of pregnancy. If you have smoking or drinking habits, abandon them.
  4. Diabetic patients should do at least 30 minutes of brisk walking every day. Cycling, swimming, or stair climbing are good exercises. It should be remembered that blood glucose should be burned through physical exertion or work.
  5. In many cases depression increases diabetes, so try to keep the mind cheerful or stress-free. Vegetables, fruits, and fibrous foods should be eaten more. All types of tobacco including smoking should be avoided.
  6. Excess cholesterol in the blood always damages blood vessels and increases the risk of heart disease. Some cholesterol comes from food. So saturated fat intake should be reduced. Generally, at the age of 40, cholesterol should be measured at least once a year.
  7. High salt intake raises blood pressure and increases the risk of heart disease and stroke. A person can consume a maximum of six grams (one teaspoon) of salt per day. For this reason, it is better not to eat raw salt in food.
  8. High blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease are long-term diseases that require regular medication as prescribed by the doctor. Many people suddenly stop taking high blood pressure medication without consulting a doctor. It can cause stroke, heart attack, or kidney disease.
  9. Soft drinks contain sodium benzoate. Sodium benzoate is used as a preservative in foods. It increases sodium levels in food, inhibiting potassium absorption. Sodium benzoate increases the incidence of allergies, rashes, eczema, and asthma in the body.
  10. Whole grains contain high levels of the amino acid tryptophan, which helps produce a hormone called serotonin. It refreshes the mind and keeps the sleep cycle in order.
  11. Beans and pulses have a magical role in keeping the brain cheerful. Its dietary fiber and antioxidants stabilize blood glucose levels, providing energy to the body. Both are rich in thiamine, which helps improve memory and prevent stress.
  12. Get the baby to drink lukewarm water this winter. Use hot water in the bath as well. It will get rid of problems like cold fever, sore throat, and swollen tonsils.
  13. The severity of arthritis or rheumatism pain is reduced by taking suitable food during winter. For this, fresh vegetables and fruits should be eaten. Vegetables such as carrots, cucumber, radishes, etc. easily remove pain-causing substances from the body.
  14. Triglyceride or TG is a part of cholesterol that is measured in lipid profile tests. It is actually a type of fat that floats in the blood. But TG does not necessarily mean bad; Rather, it is better to have it in the right amount of blood. The body can use it as an extra energy source in times of stress.
  15. Moisturizer is very important for the skin. It does not allow the water inside the skin to come out. And does not allow any germs – viruses or bacteria to enter from outside.
  16. Fall asleep by 10 pm. Melatonin is released in the body between 10 pm and 2 am. This melatonin release is essential for normal sleep.
  17. Remember, sleep should be quality sleep. That is, in the room where you sleep, there should be no light, no sound, and of course no electronic device at all.
  18. Urinary infections are more common in winter. Because drinking less water puts pressure on the urinal system and waste materials cannot be removed from the body properly. If the throat is dry, especially during a cold and cough, the mucus in the throat increases and there is a feeling of dryness. So drink more water in winter.
  19. For those with partial disc herniation or mild to moderate PLID pain, initial use of a waist belt, regular physiotherapy, and some medications will reduce pain. But if it is worse or if the pain is more severe, you should consult a doctor without delay.
  20. To avoid back pain, sit with a straight spine, keep weight under control, do not carry heavy things with one hand, practice sleeping on a firm bed, and do not stand for a long time. When getting out of bed, get out of bed by tilting to one side. High hills should be avoided.
  21. Walnuts contain vitamin E and flavonoids. Which reduces blood free radicals. It has a good memory. It removes wrinkles. There are several types of B vitamins and antioxidants. Walnuts increase sperm quality. It contains a lot of melatonin. Which is good for sleep. Reduces cholesterol, keeps diabetes under control, and reduces mental stress.
  22. Some of the symptoms of liver disease are yellowing of skin and eyes, abdominal swelling and pain, swelling of feet and ankles, itching, yellowish urine, excessive weakness, and loss of appetite. Eat fruits and vegetables daily to keep your liver healthy. Eat less sweet and fatty foods and drink enough water.
  23. Glucose and fructose in honey are separate. Fructose is not quickly stored as calories in the body. So honey does not store calories easily like sugar. It keeps the mind cheerful and aids sleep. Honey is a natural antibiotic. Aids in digestion. Besides, honey reduces fat, and heals wounds quickly. Also works as a medicine for cold fever, and sore throats. Honey keeps the skin healthy and prevents wrinkles.
  24. Many people get sore throat, fever, or cough in a little cold. This is a symptom of pharyngitis. Many people cannot wake up and talk during winter. There is also a sore throat. This problem is caused by viruses. The first step to avoid this is to avoid cold. Also, hot steam can be taken with menthol. The use of nasal drops, and antihistamines will also benefit.
  25. Cold often blocks the sinuses. Stay away from colds and allergies to avoid this. Apart from this, doctors give nasal drops and antihistamines. If sinusitis is frequent, then endoscopic treatment can be done, called sinus surgery.
  26. One of the causes of diabetes, heart disease, and stroke is excess fat or cholesterol in the blood. Avoid – egg yolks, beef, liver, brains, skimmed milk, butter, margarine, cheese, mayonnaise, soft drinks, and fast food. Eliminate visible fat from meals. Oily broths are also avoided. Exercise regularly for 30-40 minutes for 3-4 days.
  27. If the patients with anorexia are not treated on time, heart disease, dehydration, anemia, tooth and gum infections, breathing problems, and convulsions occur. In many cases, the patient is fatally malnourished. Bone density decreases in patients of this age. As a result, bones break easily. So eat healthy and balanced food every day. Must exercise. Drink plenty of water and liquid food.
  28. Drinking a glass of milk before going to bed at night improves sleep. Milk contains a chemical called tryptocone, which promotes sleep. Remember, if sleeping medicine is consumed for a long time, it will not be effective, but insomnia will increase.
  29. Most kidney stones are calcium stones. High levels of calcium and vitamin D in the diet and metabolic problems can lead to calcium deposits in the tubules or small tubules of the kidneys. These stones are more common in the elderly. After the stone is removed, the patient must control his diet. The doctor’s advice should be taken every four-six months.
  30. A handful of pumpkin seeds can provide the daily zinc required for brain health. Zinc increases thinking power. In addition to this, foods beneficial for the brain are fish oil, broccoli, almonds, avocados, tomatoes, and dark chocolate.
  31. Bay leaf is a beneficial spice for diabetic patients. It increases the amount of good cholesterol. Also effective in healing fungal infections and ulcers. Lowers blood sugar. Bay leaves contain rutin and caffeic acid. They keep the heart healthy
  32. Drinking ginger tea or raw ginger regularly reduces the urge to smoke. Ginger removes nicotine toxins from the body. Apart from this, drinking a glass of radish juice mixed with honey twice a day reduces the desire to smoke. Radish is used by Ayurvedic experts to cure any type of intoxication.
  33. Vinegar works well in treating burns. Vinegar reduces swelling and pain in the burn area and acts as an antiseptic. Mix vinegar with an equal amount of water, soak a dry cloth in it and apply it repeatedly like jalpatti. If you get a burn on your chest or back, wearing a cotton t-shirt soaked in vinegar water will reduce the burning sensation.
  34. Eating fish regularly reduces the risk of coronary heart disease or heart block disease. In this case, sea fish is more beneficial. At least two days a week should be completely dependent on fish curry.
  35. Don’t be afraid of a heart attack. May faint within 10 seconds of the attack. So cough hard and frequently within 10 seconds, try to expel the phlegm with the cough. Take a deep breath before each cough. Continue for two minutes. In this, the heart will circulate blood to some extent.
  36. If someone realizes that he is going to have a heart attack, take aspirin 300 mg without delay. Buy the tablet and consume it directly. It can reduce the risk of death by 30 percent. Apart from this, nitrate spray or tablets can be given under the tongue. Then take gastric tablets and do an ECG to check blood troponin.
  37. Drinking warm milk during cough is good; But at the same time that milk increases the rate of mucus production in the lungs and throat. So it is better to avoid milk in case of a cough. However, it is not right to keep the throat dry when coughing. So lemon tea, and hot soup can be eaten.
  38. If the child coughs, clean the nose with a soft cloth soaked in salt water. Norsol saline or saline drops can also be used to clear the nose. Saline drops relieve breathing obstruction by thinning mucous membranes. It is good if you can keep your nose clean by shaking it repeatedly.
  39. Don’t let the victim sag when someone has a heart attack; Keep talking to him. Keep the patient’s head elevated 30-45 degrees. Then lay the patient down with both hands clasped and pump in the middle of the chest with full body weight in the CPR method. Breathe and take it by mouth. In this way pump 30 times in 16-18 seconds.
  40. The incubation period of dengue is between 3-10 days and usually 5-7 days. On the other hand, the incubation period of Covid can be up to 14 days. It takes 4-5 days after exposure for typical symptoms.

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