Tuesday, February 11

How to Build a Home Gym: Everything You Need to Know

Health experts recommend regular exercise to stay healthy. People’s interest in physical exercise has increased after Corona. Many have built a gymnasium at home. Here are some tips on how to make a home gym.


What will be needed

Those who do not have the opportunity to walk or exercise regularly by going to the gymnasium or the park can make a small corner at home a gymnasium if they want. It does not require much space or equipment. The decision to build a gym should be based on the space of the home, your goals, and your budget. If the goal is to build muscle, then choose the equipment accordingly.

For whole body-mind fitness different types of equipment are needed. Outdoor gymnasiums are usually run for commercial purposes, so they have to keep a variety of modern exercise equipment.

A home gym doesn’t need that much. Start with a squat rack with a pullup bar, Olympic barbell, weight plates, flat bench, dumbbells, cardio, jump rope, floor mat, and foam. After understanding the space and need, you can gradually increase sandbags, resistance bands, and other equipment.

Now customized or multifunctional devices are available, which provide the benefits of multiple devices in one. You can also buy such a device and use it.


Benefits of Home Gym

It’s a private gym, just yours. Having a small gym corner at home has many benefits. It is open 24 hours. As a result, you can do the gym here at any convenient time. Having a gym at home does not waste time going to an outdoor gym. No need to bear the expense of going to an outdoor gym. You don’t have to face any unnecessary trouble as you can have a gym here at your own place. In commercial gymnasiums, many people use the same equipment, so there is a risk of contamination. Home gyms don’t have that.


Where can you get it and what is the price in Bangladesh?

You will find exercise equipment shops in almost all the big and small markets of Dhaka. Body and Sport at Kamal Ataturk Avenue in Banani, VIP Sports, and Fitness at Bir Uttam Mir Shaukat Road, Trade Mill Shop at Jamuna Future Park, Sports World at Pragati Sarani Road, Telebrands at Polwell Shopping Mall, Uttara, Fitness Source at Road No. 6, Mirpur 13, Sat Masjid Road at Dhanmondi Gym equipment is available at Sports Paragon, Sports Ghar in Bashundhara City Shopping Mall, Sports World Showrooms in Khilgaon. The shops below Gulistan Shopping Complex and Maulana Bhasani Stadium offer sports and fitness equipment at slightly lower prices. Different types of exercise equipment have different prices. Each device can be bought from 350 taka to 25 thousand taka.

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