Tuesday, February 18

8 reasons why you feel tired all day

Adequate rest and proper sleep are essential to eliminate body fatigue. There is no substitute for 6-8 hours of deep sleep daily to stay mentally and physically healthy.

However, many people may not sleep on time, as a result of which the body feels tired throughout the day. Apart from this, there are 8 other reasons that can make you feel tired all the time. Find out what –

tired and bored

Not drinking enough water

Water is one of the most important elements in our life. According to various research data, dehydration will make you feel tired even more.

This is because the blood flow decreases when the body becomes dehydrated. As a result, the speed of reaching oxygen and necessary nutrients to the body decreases.


Iron deficiency

Iron deficiency not only makes you tired but also irritable. Iron deficiency in the body results in less oxygen reaching the muscles and cells.

Low iron intake can also lead to anemia. Eat kidney beans, eggs, green vegetables, nuts, and tofu regularly to compensate for iron deficiency.


Skipping breakfast

Due to busyness, many go out without breakfast in the morning. But breakfast gives energy to the body. Eating nutritious food in the morning also increases the metabolism rate. People who skip breakfast feel more tired. Breakfast should consist of carbohydrates, proteins, and good fats.


Not working out because you’re tired

Many people do not like to exercise, and some do not have time. But you will be surprised to know, exercise increases the release of happy hormones, which will make you more energetic and relieve the tiredness of the day.


Hard work and stress

Worrying and spending extra hours at work can also make you feel tired all the time. One can never be happy by ignoring other aspects of life.

Stress can increase fatigue levels. Remember, stress is the biggest silent killer.


Drinking before bed

Some drink before going to sleep. Which is very harmful to the body. According to experts, this habit creates a sudden surge in the adrenaline system, which interferes with sleep.

As a result, there is never deep sleep. Because of this, you may wake up repeatedly at night. Which is responsible for increasing your fatigue the next day.


Addiction to smartphones or chatting

Too much screen time throws the body’s systems off track and disrupts sleep. As a result, you feel tired throughout the day.


Excessive caffeine intake

There are many coffee lovers who drink several cups of this special drink from morning to night. Most people take a sip of coffee when they feel tired.

Coffee keeps you awake but you don’t need too much caffeine in your system. It can seriously disrupt your sleep as well as your waking hours.

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