Tuesday, February 18

Fenugreek-soaked water can control high blood pressure!

Various natural herbs and spices in the kitchen can solve various physical problems. One such ingredient is fenugreek. Fenugreek is used to prepare various dishes starting from curries and pickles.

Fenugreek benefits in diabetes
Fenugreek benefits in diabetes

But many people may not know, that drinking fenugreek-soaked water in the morning on an empty stomach also has many benefits.

Fenugreek water is considered a magical medicine, which helps in weight loss. It even helps control cholesterol and blood sugar levels. Let’s find out how beneficial fenugreek water is-

Fenugreek seeds contain nutrients like protein and nicotinic. It is used in the treatment of dandruff, baldness, hair loss, and various scalp problems. Fenugreek seeds also help to get rid of various ailments like constipation, cold, and sore throat.


Fenugreek can Lowers cholesterol

Drinking fenugreek-soaked water and even chewing the soaked seeds will give you various physical benefits. Fenugreek seeds are found to be effective in reducing the body’s production of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) or bad cholesterol.

According to a study conducted by the University of Michigan, the steroidal saponins present in fenugreek seeds can slow down the absorption of cholesterol in the intestines.


Fenugreek in Controlling diabetes

Fenugreek seeds can also be used to combat diabetes and control blood sugar levels. It contains an unusual amino acid called 4 HO-ILE, which is only found in fenugreek seeds.

According to researchers, 4 HO-ILE has some anti-diabetic properties. It can increase insulin secretion. Iranian researchers from Qom University of Medical Sciences have suggested that fenugreek seeds can be used to treat diabetes.

Also beneficial for lactating women. Apart from this, fenugreek seeds also solve various skin problems starting from weight loss.

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