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Tag: lifestyle tips

Do you know what happens to the body when you drink cold water?

Do you know what happens to the body when you drink cold water?

Health, Health and Lifestyle, Lifestyle Tips
The tendency to drink cold water in hot weather increases in everyone. Although there is no substitute for water. According to the National Academy of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, men aged 19 and over should drink 3.6 liters (15.5 cups) daily and women 19 years and older should drink 2.8 liters (11.5 cups). Urgent. However, many people are hesitant to drink cold water. Some people say that it is not good to drink cold water. Some people say that it is beneficial. Which one is true? The danger of drinking cold water In fact, drinking cold water thickens the nasal mucosa and makes it difficult to breathe. Researchers have found that chicken soup or hot water helps people to breathe more easily. So if you suffer from a cold or cough, refrain from drinking cold water.  ...
7 alternative uses of turmeric

7 alternative uses of turmeric

Health, Health and Lifestyle, ভেষজ
There is no substitute for turmeric in Indian cooking. However, in addition to cooking, learn about some alternative uses of turmeric. Sprinkle a little turmeric powder on the tea made with ginger, black pepper, and cinnamon. This will also benefit you from cold and cough. turmeric can be used in beauty treatments. Mixing turmeric powder or paste in different face packs makes the skin brighter. Sprinkle 1/4 teaspoon of turmeric powder on top of the smoothie mixed with dates, honey, and milk. It will increase nutritional value and taste. You can use turmeric paste to whiten the teeth. You can mix a little turmeric powder and sea salt together and use it as a popcorn topping. Turmeric can be taken mixed with milk. It has some medicinal benefits without any side effects. ...
7 Home Remedies for Dark Circles

7 Home Remedies for Dark Circles

Health, Health and Lifestyle, ভেষজ
There may be black spots under the eyes for various reasons. Dark circles are usually caused by insomnia or stress and fatigue. In addition to ensuring adequate sleep, some home remedies can be used to get rid of dark circles.   Cucumber pack for Dark Circles Make a pack by chopping the cucumber and mixing it with sour curd. Leave in the fridge to cool. Then apply this pack under the eyes. When dry, wash. If you use it three days a week, you will get results quickly. If you want, you can slice the cucumber and put it on your eyes for ten minutes.   Potato pack to Remove Dark Circles Peel a squash, grate it and squeeze the juice. Blend or apply under the eyes. Wait a while and wash it off.   Pack of coconut oil and turmeric Mix coconut oil and almond oil in raw...
জেনে নিন পেঁয়াজ দিয়ে কী কী কাজ হয়

জেনে নিন পেঁয়াজ দিয়ে কী কী কাজ হয়

Health and Lifestyle, Lifestyle Tips
পেঁয়াজ আর কী কী কাজে লাগে জানতে চান? পেঁয়াজের কাজগুলো জানলে হয়তো এরপর আর পেঁয়াজের দাম নিয়ে খুব একটা হতাশ হতে হবে না আপনাকে। গ্রিল র‍্যাক পরিষ্কার করা যায় পেঁয়াজের রস দিয়ে। কাঁটাচামচে এক স্লাইস পেঁয়াজ গেঁথে র‍্যাক ঘষে নিন। কুসুম গরম পানি দিয়ে ধুয়ে ফেলুন। ভাত পুড়ে গন্ধ বের হলে চুলার পাশে অর্ধেক পেঁয়াজ রেখে দিন। গন্ধ টেনে নেবে পেঁয়াজ। চুল দ্রুত বাড়াতে পেঁয়াজের রসের জুড়ি নেই। পেঁয়াজের রস চুলের গোড়ায় মাসাজ করে কিছুক্ষণ অপেক্ষা করুন। এরপর শ্যাম্পু করুন। নতুন রঙ করা ঘরে রঙের গন্ধ থাকে। একটি বাটিতে কয়েক টুকরো পেঁয়াজ ও সামান্য পানি নিয়ে রেখে দিন। রঙের গন্ধ কমবে। পেঁয়াজ থেঁতো করে পানির সঙ্গে মিশিয়ে ত্বকে লাগালে ব্রণ চলে যাবে। ধাতব পাত্র ঝকঝকে করতে পেঁয়াজের রসের সঙ্গে পানি মিশিয়ে একটি পাতলা কাপড় দিয়ে মুছে নিন কয়েকবার। জুতা পরিষ্কার করতে এক স্লাইস পেঁয়াজ ঘষে পানি দিয়ে ধুয়ে নিন।...
Relationships can be broken for 5 reasons

Relationships can be broken for 5 reasons

Health and Lifestyle, Relationship
When two people live together, there can be differences for various reasons. Everyone has different ideas. Weaving them into the same thread often leads to fighting. However, there are some things that, if continued, gradually lead to the death of a beautiful relationship.   It is very inappropriate to speak abusively or insult others during a quarrel. It is not right to quarrel in front of others. If such incidents always happen then the respect of the relationship is lost. As a result, the relationship is ruined. Everything will be as you like it, that's not gonna happen. It is important to get out of this thought. The habit of saying 'no' to your partner when you don't like something is a threat to the relationship. You have to pay the price of others' choices. Equal...
Plants For Office Desk : These Plants Will Shine Your Desk

Plants For Office Desk : These Plants Will Shine Your Desk

Health and Lifestyle, Lifestyle Tips
More than half of the day is spent in the office. So if there is a touch of green on the office desk, the mind will be cheerful. However, since most of the offices now have central air conditioning, it is safe to say that the light and air inside do not move at all. So the office desk should have a plant that can adapt to such an environment. Let's find out what plants are suitable for office desk Plants for Office Desk: Chinese Evergreen This plant is famous for its leaves’ color. The leaves of most plants are dark green in color, but the Chinese Evergreen leaves are silver or red in color. Another name for this plant is Aglonama which comes from two Greek words agals‌ (bright) and nama (yarn). This refers to the attractive stamens that emerge from the flowers of this tree. It is ...
7 Uses Of Lemon Peel Will Amaze You!

7 Uses Of Lemon Peel Will Amaze You!

Health and Lifestyle, Lifestyle Tips
You can use the lemon peel in different ways without throwing away. Lemon peel, which is unique in its nutritional value, can even be used in food. Learn some uses of lemon peel. Want to get rid of the smell after cutting onion or garlic? Rub a slice of lemon peel on your hands. If you want to remove yellow spots from the cloth, sprinkle a few drops of lemon juice and rub it with the peel. Doing this a few times will remove the stain. Rub lemon peel under the armpits to remove sweat stains and smell. Sprinkle a little salt and rub a slice of lemon peel to remove the smell of the cutting board. You can use lemon peel to clean the sink or bathtub. Heat water and lemon peel in a bowl to remove odor from inside the oven. Rub lemon peel on teeth to whiten teeth.
6 Different uses of Banana Peel

6 Different uses of Banana Peel

Health and Lifestyle, Lifestyle Tips
Banana peel can be used in many ways without throwing it away. Learn about some of the exceptional uses of banana peel. You can rub the inner part of the banana peel on the skin to remove wrinkles. In the morning, rub the soft part of the banana peel on the teeth to remove the yellow stain of teeth. Rinse after two minutes. Leather shoes stained? With the help of banana peel, you can make it shiny in an instant. Banana peels can be used to restore the shiny look of silver. For this, blend the banana peel with water and rub the paste on the jewelry. Put banana peel slices on pot, and mix well with the soil, the plant will grow faster. To soften the meat, marinate with the peels for a while before cooking.
7 use of lemon peels

7 use of lemon peels

Health and Lifestyle, Lifestyle Tips
You can use lemon peel in different ways without throwing away. Lemon peel, which is unique in its nutritional value, can even be used in food. Learn about some ways to use lemon peel. Don't want to smell after cutting onion or garlic? Rub a slice of lemon peel on your hands. If you want to remove yellow spots from the cloth, sprinkle a few drops of lemon juice and rub lemon peel on it. Doing this a few times will remove the stain. Rub lemon peel under the armpits to remove sweat stains. Peel a squash, grate it and squeeze the juice. Sprinkle a little salt and rub a slice of lemon peel to remove the smell of the cutting board. You can use lemon peel to clean the sink or bathtub. Heat water and lemon peel in a bowl to remove odor from inside the oven. Rub lemon...
ফ্রিজের তাপমাত্রা কত থাকা উচিত?

ফ্রিজের তাপমাত্রা কত থাকা উচিত?

Health and Lifestyle, Lifestyle Tips
ফ্রিজের তাপমাত্রা থাকতে হবে ৪০ ডিগ্রি ফারেনহাইট বা ৪ ডিগ্রি সেলসিয়াসের নিচে। সেক্ষেত্রে ফ্রিজার বা ডিপ ফ্রিজের তাপমাত্রা থাকা উচিত মাইনাস ১৮ ডিগ্রি সেলসিয়াস বা ০ ডিগ্রি ফারেনহাইট। ফ্রিজে খাবার জমে যাবে না, ফ্রেশ থাকবে। যদি খাবার জমে যায় তবে দ্রুত তাপমাত্রা নিয়ন্ত্রকের দিকে নজর দিন। ৩৭ থেকে ৪০ ডিগ্রি ফারেনহাইটে সেট করে দিন। চুলা থেকে নামানো ধোঁয়া ওঠা খাবার রাখবেন না ফ্রিজে। পর্যাপ্ত বাতাস চলাচল না থাকলে সঠিক তাপমাত্রা বজায় থাকে না ফ্রিজে। তাই অতিরিক্ত খাবার রাখবেন না ফ্রিজে। বাতাস বের হওয়ার ভেন্টের সামনে কোনও কিছু রেখে বাতাস আঁটকে দেবেন না। আবার ফ্রিজ একদম খালি রাখলেও পোহাতে হতে পারে ঝামেলা। এতে অতিরিক্ত ঠান্ডায় জমে যেতে পারে ফ্রিজে থাকা খাবার। ফ্রিজের দরজা বেশিক্ষণ খোলা রাখবেন না। কারণ বাইরের বাতাসের অধিক প্রবেশের জন্যেও ভেতরের তাপমাত্রা নিয়ন্ত্রণ কঠিন হতে পারে। ফ্রিজের ...
5 ways to keep food fresh for a long time

5 ways to keep food fresh for a long time

Health and Lifestyle, Lifestyle Tips
Food can be stored for a long time in some simple ways. Here are five ways to find out today. Biscuits, puffed rice have to be stored for a long time. But the problem is that these dried foods soften quickly and do not have a crunchy feeling. So put a little sugar or some piece of paper in the container or jar in which you will store these dried foods. Pieces of paper should be thick and dry. Biscuits and similar foods will be crispy. Melting salt is a very annoying problem. To avoid this problem, you can put a small sack of rice in a container of salt. The sack should be quite small. In any thin cotton cloth, take a little bit of rice, cover the mouth and, put it in a pot of salt. It will keep the salt fresh for a longtime, because the rice absorbs moisture quickly. If garlic is ...
Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar | Extraordinary uses of ACV

Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar | Extraordinary uses of ACV

Health, Health and Lifestyle
The benefits of Apple cider vinegar are enormous and it is a popular name in the health domain. This magical vinegar has solutions to various problems ranging from health awareness to beauty care. Made with completely natural ingredients and in a natural way. The main ingredient is apple. Apple cider vinegar is made by mixing yeast and bacteria with apple juice. Doctors recommend apple cider vinegar in various healthy diets. Apple cider vinegar is very useful in skin care and hair care. Today we will learn about the qualities, uses, benefits of apple cider vinegar, how to make it at home, how to preserve it.   Here are some extraordinary benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar Apple cider vinegar to lose weight Apple cider vinegar is uncomparable when the question of losing weight arr...
5 Yoga apps : Install now to learn Yoga today!

5 Yoga apps : Install now to learn Yoga today!

Health, Health and Lifestyle
You can do yoga at home during this lockdown situation. This will keep your mind fresh along with a rejuvenate body. But how to learn yoga? Here are 5 Yoga apps for you to install.   5 Yoga apps   Breathwrk Breathwork is a perfect app for practicing breathing. This app has the ability to practice yoga breathing in a clockwise direction to prolong breathing from 1 to 6 minutes. The user can choose different types of yoga according to his or her problems. The app is quite effective. Because it is recognized by Harvard Health Human Neuroscience.   Mindbody Many are now accustomed to online classes. And, you can learn yoga online. With this app, you can take online classes at home with the help of the trainer of your choice.   Moodrise This is an app ...
If fish bone stuck in throat

If fish bone stuck in throat

Cover Story, Health, Health and Lifestyle
Many people eat a lump of white rice pulp as an easy way to get rid of fish bone stuck in throat. If it is a soft small fish bone, it goes down easily. However, there are several home remedies that can be used to remove fish bone stuck in throat.   If you get a fish bone stuck in throat, drink a little olive oil. Olive oil is more slippery than other oils. So the fish bone will slip down from the throat easily. Mix a little lemon juice in lukewarm water and drink it slowly. The acidic power of lemon softens the bones and it will be diluted quickly. Mix vinegar with water. Vinegar has the ability to soften fish bone in throat. So when you mix vinegar with water, the bone goes down easily. Salt also softens fish bones. However, do not just eat salt and mix it with...
Get rid of skin problems in ten steps!

Get rid of skin problems in ten steps!

Cover Story, Glamour, Health, Health and Lifestyle
Seeing the perfect skin of Korean girls is bound to dazzle the eyes. The secret to this flawless, pelvic skin is a special 10-step skincare routine. Follow these and say no to skin problems ! Make-up removal: Every day when we go out, we come in contact with sun, dust and smoke. Its net fruit? The skin becomes dirty. So when you come from outside, first you have to wipe your face well with an oil based cleanser. There is no substitute for oil-based cleansers for make-up, and dust removal. You can use essential oils or oil based cleansers like grape seed or jojoba. Water-based cleansers for skin problems : They are good at removing sweat and dirt from the face. You can use green tea based cleanser or rice water. Exfoliation: If the dead cells of the mouth are frozen, the age of the...

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